Kawasaki Megumi Kindergarten - Kawasaki

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kawasaki Megumi Kindergarten

住所 :

50 Hisasue, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 213-0026
Webサイト : http://home.f05.itscom.net/megumi/

50 Hisasue, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-0026, Japan
おきもとよしあき on Google

子供達への、気遣い心遣い SランクですZ
Caring for children S rank Z
G B on Google

I am attending a kindergarten but it is a wonderful kindergarten
こなつさん on Google

It is a big and beautiful kindergarten. We will pick you up by kindergarten bus
週末社長ゆず [未来の車を開発中](ゆず社長) on Google

The facilities and playground equipment are so complete that it may be in the red.
Marinos Tsubame on Google

A kindergarten where my two children graduated. Equipment, education was enhanced ☺️
高松個人用、オークション用 on Google

子どもたち2人が卒園した幼稚園で、来年から下の子も通う幼稚園です。 先生方優秀過ぎる印象です。評判もハッキリ言って凄くいい。 まず第一に「悪い噂」とか「先生の悪口」が一切聞こえてこないこと。例えば「あの先生は~」なんて声もまったく聞きません。つまり、悪く言うところが探しても見つからないほど、評判が良いということです。お勧めの幼稚園ですね。
In kindergarten where two children graduated, it is kindergarten which lower child goes to from next year. It is an impression that teachers are too good. The reputation is also good to say clearly. First of all, you can not hear "bad rumors" or "teacher's bad words" at all. For example, I do not hear the voice "that teacher is ..." at all. In other words, it means that the reputation is so good that you can not find what you find bad. It is a recommended kindergarten.
YSK LB on Google

幼稚園内の遊具だけでなく、夏は複数のプールがつくられます。 竹山や畑も保有しており、子供たちの芋掘りや山登りなどたのしんでおります。
In addition to playground equipment in the kindergarten, multiple pools are created in the summer. We also own bamboo mountains and fields, and we enjoy digging potatoes and climbing children.
Y K on Google

When I made an inquiry over the phone, I was told to come to the tour, and I didn't like it because I knew what was going on inside. , It was said that it was not possible to visit because the briefing session was in autumn. I had some time before the tour, so if you call me in advance, I refused the tour.

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