Indian house - Kawasaki

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Indian house

住所 :

コーポ森 1F 252-1 Hisasue, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 213-0026

コーポ森 1F 252-1 Hisasue, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-0026, Japan
すぎやままこと on Google

カレーはもちろん美味しいんだけど チーズナンとナンピザが美味い!おすすめ
Of course the curry is delicious Cheese Nan and Nan Pizza are delicious! Recommended
cat oriental on Google

通りかかり、前から気になっていて、行ってみました。住宅街の中にある感じの、隠れ家ぽいカレーのお店。 外はこじんまりしていますが、中は思ったより狭苦しくなかったです。 駐車場もあるのは便利。 タンドリーチキンなどついてる2種カレーのセット、あとは1つだけカレーのセットを頼みました。 シーフードカレー、チキンカレー、バターチキン 辛さは普通にしましたが、なぜかどれもピリッと辛いです どちらかというと唐辛子的な舌がピリピリする感じ。 チキンカレーは、ちょっとスープっぽく薄い感じ。バターチキンは甘いはずですがすこしピリッとしてたので、このピリッはバターチキンにはいらないかなと思いました。 シーフードカレーもピリッと。味は美味しいけど普通に感じました。 チャイティは最初から砂糖が入っててかなり甘かったので、ノンシュガーで作ってもらいたいなと思いました。 シナモンがよく効いていました。 ナンはどちらかというとサッパリ系でした。 ネパール系でなくインド系?ピリッとが好きなのかなという印象でした。 またチャンスあったら、今度はビリヤニ食べてみたいと思います。
I passed by and had been interested in it for a long time, so I went there. A hideaway-like curry shop in a residential area. The outside was small, but the inside wasn't as cramped as I expected. It is convenient to have a parking lot. I ordered a set of 2 kinds of curry with tandoori chicken, and only one curry set. Seafood curry, chicken curry, butter chicken I made the spiciness normal, but why is it spicy? If anything, the chili-like tongue feels tingling. Chicken curry is a little soup-like and thin. The butter chicken should be sweet, but it was a little spicy, so I thought I wouldn't need this spicy chicken. Seafood curry is also spicy. The taste was delicious but it felt normal. Chaity was pretty sweet with sugar in it from the beginning, so I wanted it to be made with non-sugar. Cinnamon worked well. Nan was rather refreshing. Indian rather than Nepalese? I had the impression that I like tingling. If I have another chance, I would like to eat biryani next time.
田中太郎 on Google

おすすめはタンドリーチキン。ここらで一番美味しい。ビリヤニやバターチキンなど、どれも高水準でコスパよくまとまっている。近くに複数あるインド料理店ではかなり上位の店。 ●この店といえばタンドリーチキン。 切れ目が深く多く入っていて、味がよく染みているし食べやすい。骨の一部をテーブルの上にある紙でくるみ、手が汚れないようにして食べる。 ●チキンティカもとても美味しい。 タンドリーチキンから骨を取り除いたもの。同じ価格でありながら、食べやすくて美味しい。ただし6ピースあるので、他の料理と合わせて全部一人で食べるのはきつい。家族や友人と3人以上で食べてほしい。 ●バターチキンカレーとナンのセットは、ここらではかなり美味しい方。ここらでは5本の指に入る美味しさ。ナンはしっとりモチモチだが、やや薄手。 ●チキンカツカレーも美味しい。近くで働いていると思しき男たちが注文してるところを何度か見て興味を持ち注文。なかなか美味しい。 ●ホットチャイがうまい。ミルキーで隠し味にいろんなスパイスが入っているお茶。ショウガが入ってるとこまで分かったが、ショウガとミルクが相性がいいのは驚いた。この美味しいショウガのミルクティーは秋限定らしい。ラッシーが飽きた際に飲むと虜になる。そのうちラッシーを卒業してチャイばかり頼むようになる。ただ、今まで2回ほど砂糖を入れ忘れてたことがある。 ●チキンやサラダをナンで巻いた料理ナンドックがとても美味しい。ケンタッキーのツイスターに似た食べ物。しかしツイスターより抜群に美味しい。肉厚もちもちしっとりナンでマヨネーズベースのドレッシングがかかったサラダとスパイシーチキンが美味しい。 これはお持ち帰りで注文し、アルミホイルで厳重にまかれた上にウェットティッシュを添えてビニールで包んでくれました。 美味しくボリューミーで、男のおやつ、片手で食える軽食ならぬ中重食いう感じの料理。 ●チキンビリヤニが美味しい。かなり前に食べるも、イマイチと評価したチキンビリヤニ、久々に食べたらとても美味しくなっていた。 長粒種の細長い米をつかい、パラりと仕上がっている。オレンジや黄色と色とりどり。運ばれた瞬間からイイ香り。ナッツや刻まれたゆで卵など、入っていて色んな触感で食べてて面白い。3辛は少し上級者向けだったので、2辛から挑戦したほうがいいかも。 ●インド料理店ではがさつで散らかった店が多いが、こちらは古いがキレイと言った感じ。建物や設備は古いが、店主の清掃が行き届いている。例えば手を洗う場所のゴミ箱は常に空でゴミ処理はきちんとされている。目に見えないところまで気を配っている。 厨房からもアルコール消毒をしてるのか、霧吹きのシュッシュという音が頻繁に聞こえてくる。 大将の日本語能力はかなり高い。すごくいい人です。お客さんの子供たちからも愛されて、子供たちの手作りの贈り物が店に飾られています。 2022年1月、移転。 より大通りに近い久末交差点、shellガソスタやセブンイレブンの前に店を構える。店は少し大きくなり、明るく広くなりました。 手を洗うところは大きくなり、トイレも洋式。いろいろアップデートされています。 ただしトイレの位置が低い。男性は難易度の高い狙撃を求められる。
I recommend tandoori chicken. The most delicious here. Biryani and butter chicken are all well organized at a high standard. It is a very high-ranking restaurant among several Indian restaurants nearby. ● Speaking of this shop, tandoori chicken. It has many deep cuts, and the taste is well-stained and easy to eat. Wrap a part of the bone with the paper on the table and eat it so that your hands are not dirty. ● Chicken tikka is also very delicious. Tandoori chicken with bone removed. It's the same price, but it's easy to eat and delicious. However, since there are 6 pieces, it is hard to eat them all by yourself together with other dishes. I want three or more people to eat with family and friends. ● The butter chicken curry and naan set is quite delicious here. Here, it's delicious enough to fit on five fingers. Nan is moist and chewy, but a little thin. ● Chicken cutlet curry is also delicious. I was interested in ordering after seeing several times the men who seemed to be working nearby were ordering. It's quite delicious. ● Hot chai is good. Milky tea with various spices as a secret ingredient. I knew that it contained ginger, but I was surprised that ginger and milk go well together. This delicious ginger milk tea seems to be limited to autumn. If you drink it when you get tired of Lassi, you will be captivated. Eventually, he graduated from Lassi and started asking for Chai. However, I have forgotten to add sugar twice. ● The dish of chicken and salad wrapped in naan is very delicious. Food similar to Kentucky Twister. However, it is much more delicious than Twister. The salad and spicy chicken with thick, chewy and moist naan and mayonnaise-based dressing are delicious. I ordered this as a takeaway, and it was rigorously sprinkled with aluminum foil and wrapped in vinyl with a wet wipe. Delicious and voluminous, a man's snack, a medium-heavy meal that is not a light meal that can be eaten with one hand. ● Chicken biryani is delicious. I ate it a long time ago, but the chicken biryani, which I evaluated as not good, was very delicious when I ate it after a long time. It is finished with a long grain of long and thin rice. Colorful with orange and yellow. Good scent from the moment it is carried. It's interesting to eat with various textures such as nuts and chopped boiled eggs. 3 spicy was a little for advanced players, so maybe you should try from 2 spicy. ● Many Indian restaurants are messy and cluttered, but this one is old but beautiful. The building and facilities are old, but the owner is well cleaned. For example, the trash can where you wash your hands is always empty and the trash is properly disposed of. I am paying attention to the invisible part. Perhaps I'm disinfecting alcohol from the kitchen, I often hear the swooshing sound of a mist. The general's Japanese ability is quite high. A very nice person. Loved by the children of the customers, the children's handmade gifts are displayed in the store. Moved in January 2022. Set up a store in front of the Hisasue intersection, shell gas station and 7-Eleven, which are closer to the main street. The store is a little bigger, brighter and wider. The place to wash your hands is bigger, and the toilet is Western style. Various updates have been made. However, the location of the toilet is low. Men are required to sniper with a high degree of difficulty.
San SINA (ミロク) on Google

スパイスが効いた本格カレー屋さん 風味がよくて香辛料の辛味が癖になるインドカレー。 カレー通には堪らないです。 知人をよく連れてくるけど1辛のマイルドでもピリ辛みたいなので、辛味が苦手な方、お子さんは甘いバターチキンがオススメ。 辛味が得意な人は4~5辛で本場の味が楽しめます^^ ナンの表面にバターが塗ってて生地は薄めだからカレーの味をすごく感じる。 チーズナンもいいけどちょっとヘルシーなパニールナンもコクがあって美味しいですよ⤴︎︎ 他のお店じゃ満足できなくて、かれこれ見つけて2年通ってます笑 あと店員さんいつもいい人すぎて和みます。。 あ、ビリヤニサイコーです!!
Authentic curry shop with spices Indian curry that has a good flavor and the spiciness of spices becomes a habit. I can't stand curry lovers. I often bring acquaintances, but even one spicy mild one seems to be spicy, so if you don't like spicy taste, sweet butter chicken is recommended for children. Those who are good at spicy taste can enjoy the authentic taste with 4 to 5 spicy ^ ^ The surface of the naan is coated with butter and the dough is thin, so you can really feel the taste of curry. Cheese Nan is good, but a little healthy Panil Nan is also rich and delicious ⤴︎︎ I'm not satisfied with other shops, so I've been finding this for 2 years lol Also, the clerk is always too nice to relax. .. Oh, this is Biryani!
グリーン太郎 on Google

I ordered the B set of the weekend and holiday lunch set. A set of 2 kinds of curry, naan, saffron rice, tandoori chicken, salad and drink. An additional 100 yen for a refill of the lunch set on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. It seems to be free on weekdays. Biryani is also on the menu, so let's order next time. I heard that Biryani will be made after the order is placed, so it will take some time. The staff is only Indian, but there was no problem with Japanese, there was no sense of text, and the staff had solid hospitality.
kaintura jaspal on Google

Good food
Chris Lui on Google

One of the best Indian curries in Tokyo IMHO. The spices come through well, naan is soft and tasty. Super friendly chef.
Kalam Kaintura on Google

Berry good delicious and litel clene nice

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