
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キンキホーム河原町センター

住所 :

Kawaramachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0816 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://kinkihome.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Miyagi

Kawaramachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0816 Miyagi,Japan
いいりた on Google

The bald attitude is too bad I stopped renting here (laugh)
番場大 on Google

We had Mr. Fukuda take charge of it and did a very good job.
チャッチャネネ on Google

以前おせわになりました!美人担当は町中の支店へいどうして 大手なので安心出来ると思います
Thank you for your time! Why did the beautiful woman go to a branch in the town? I think you can rest assured that it is a major company
s m on Google

The property I was worried about was already signed, and instead I was told to look for a house that fits the customer's requirements.
さとうたける on Google

対応最悪! 1ヶ月前から問い合わせをしていて 内見は入居者が出しだいと言われた待っていたがいつまでも連絡がなく問い合わせしたらもう決まっていると言われた 最悪な店だと思う
Correspondence worst! I have been inquiring for a month I was waiting for the resident to come out, but I was told that it was already decided if I inquired without contacting forever I think it's the worst store
こくばん on Google

It was difficult to find a property because there were many conditions, but the staff gave us a sincere and polite response. I am very grateful to you because I was able to find a place to live in.
上将司 on Google

物件自体は自分で探して仲介だけ入ってもらおうと契約しに来店。 若い女性スタッフが担当したが希望の物件を探すためにいくつか条件を言い探していただいた。ただどれもイマイチだと思っていたが僕が希望したことに対してある程度は汲んでいるが全て汲んでいないにも関わらず、【これ以上の物件はないとか言い出すし】、【家を借りるのは僕にも関わらず別の男性スタッフに良い物件紹介しているのに契約しないんですよ】とか言い出す始末。こちらが8時間以上調べていることなど伝えているにも関わらずたかが数分調べただけで自分が客に取って一番良い物件紹介していると言っているような言い草。一番良いかどうか決めるのは客であって不動産でないことを自覚してほしい。 因みに同意を求められた男性スタッフはスルーしていました。また僕は女性スタッフが案内した以上の物件を探して来店しているにも関わらず、ランク下げて他の物件紹介して【何が不満なんですか?】と聞くこと自体学力のなさを感じられました。普通【お悩みでしょうか?別の物件探しましょうか?】っと聞くのが常識。 また火災保険について加入する気はあったが見積書作ってもらうとき自分で加入する予定と言ったが一回払うと2年に一度など払わなくても良いと言われたので一番保険料金が高い料金で火災保険に 入ったものとして僕は別の男性スタッフに案内され今回の契約で発生する料金は〇〇円ですとまで言われ審査を通することにした。その次の日一番最初の若い女性スタッフから電話がかってきて審査が通ったこと、その後火災保険の証明書を出してほしいなど言われ、まず外出中のため今見積書及び物件の資料がないことを説明し、 その後僕としては入っていると見積書に入っているものとして考えていたため何を言っているのか訳のわからず。見積書と物件の資料がないので後日来店することを言ったが、【火災保険に入らなければ管理会社に言うと申告。】 脅しているつもりか知らんけど見積書と物件の資料がないことを何回も言ってるのに同じことを言う若い女性スタッフ。 契約する前から揉め事になりそうな気配がある会社なのでお勧めできません。 物件を一緒に見に行った男性スタッフがいい人でした。 客に対しての口の聞き方、案内の仕方最低だと思います。 普通見積書と物件の資料がないことをこちらが伝えているんだからある状態で連絡頂くか、資料を持って来店お願いしますなど案内するべき。 正直引越し五回から六回したことあるので物件探しもかなりやっているがここまで失礼な態度取ったスタッフ初めて見ました。 若い女性スタッフの教育をし直しした方がいいと思います。 まだ契約はしていないので他の仲介会社に切り替えようか迷っています。 本日の朝来店予定なのでそのときの態度次第で考えさせていただきます。 女性スタッフ合わせて三人スタッフに案内してもらいましたがた男性二人はまともな人なので手が空いてない時などは他の会社に仲介に入ってもらった方が良いと思います。 女性スタッフ一人だけ対応が至らないので評価 を低くさせて頂きました。
I came to the store to make a contract so that I could find the property itself and enter only the intermediary. A young female staff member was in charge of it, but I asked for some conditions in order to find the desired property. However, I thought that they were not good enough, but although I did understand to some extent what I wanted but I did not understand everything, [I will tell you if there is no more property], [I rent a house] I'm introducing a good property to another male staff despite me, but I'm not contracting]. Despite telling us that they have been studying for more than 8 hours, it is just a matter of looking for a few minutes and saying that I am introducing the best property to the customer. Be aware that it's the customers, not the real estate, who decides which is the best. By the way, the male staff who asked for consent was through. Also, even though I'm visiting the store looking for more properties than the female staff introduced, I lowered the rank and introduced other properties [What are you dissatisfied with? ], I felt the lack of academic ability. Ordinary [Are you worried? Should I look for another property? ] It is common sense to ask. Also, I was willing to join fire insurance, but when I asked for a quote, I said that I plan to join myself, but I was told that I do not have to pay once every two years, so the most insurance fee is Fire insurance for a high fee As I entered, I was guided to another male staff member and I was told that the fee incurred for this contract was JPY 00, so I decided to pass the examination. The next day, the very first young female staff member called me and passed the examination. After that, I was asked to issue a certificate of fire insurance. First of all, I have no quotation or property data now because I am out. Explaining that After that, I thought it was included in the quotation, so I had no idea what I was saying. I said that I will come to the store later because I do not have a quote and material for the property, but [If I do not get fire insurance, I will tell the management company. ] I don't know if you're threatening, but a young female staff member says the same thing over and over, saying that there are no quotes or material for the property. We do not recommend it because it is a company that seems to be in trouble before you sign a contract. The male staff who went to see the property together was a nice person. I think it's the least way of hearing and giving guidance to customers. We usually inform you that we do not have a quote and materials for the property, so please contact us in a certain state or guide us by bringing the materials. To be honest, since I have moved 5 to 6 times, I am doing a lot of searching for properties, but I saw the staff who took a rude attitude so far. I think it is better to retrain the education of young female staff. I haven't signed a contract yet, so I'm wondering if I should switch to another brokerage company. I am planning to visit this morning, so I will think depending on the attitude at that time. The three staff members, including the female staff, guided me, but since the two men are decent people, I think it is better to have another company act as an intermediary when you cannot afford it. It is evaluated because only one female staff member can not respond Was made low.
S K on Google

電話で問い合せて女性スタッフに対応していただきました。客は何も知らないとでも思ってるのか、適当な対応、言葉遣い、言葉からも分かる態度、何を言っても「管理会社に言ってください」の一点張り。管理会社に言うべきことなのは分かりますが、対応にがっかりしました。 それからアパートの検索サイトに書いてある金額、ネットの情報が本当に間違いであるならば、早急に訂正するべきであると思います。それを、「これ間違いです」と自信満々に言われてもって思います。 「お客さんとこちらの解釈が違う」と言われましたが多くの人が納得出来る表現をするべきではないのでしょうか?ハッキリ言って無駄な電話代、何の解決にもなりませんでした。 契約時のスタッフは対応がよかったので、契約さえすれば、もう放ったらかしなのかな?と思いました。家はなかなか変えられないのが残念です。
We asked the female staff to contact us by phone. Even if the customer thinks that they do not know anything, appropriate response, wording, attitude that can be understood from the words, no matter what you say, "Please tell the management company" point. I know what to say to the management company, but I was disappointed in the response. Then, if the amount of money written on the apartment search site and the information on the internet are really incorrect, I think you should urgently correct them. I am confident in saying that this is a mistake. I was told that "the interpretation is different from the customer", but shouldn't it be the expression that many people can understand? To be clear, there was no useless solution for telephone charges. The staff at the time of the contract were very responsive, so I wonder if it would be enough if they made a contract? I thought. It's a shame that the house cannot be changed easily.

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