kawara CAFE&DINING 川崎モアーズ店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact kawara CAFE&DINING 川崎モアーズ店

住所 :

Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0007 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://www.sld-inc.com/kawara_kawasaki.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, 〒210-0007 Kanagawa,Japan
T S on Google

土曜日のランチで利用。店内はお洒落なカフェで、席と席の間も広く、とても過ごしやすい。 ランチメニューは9種類程度の定食から選ぶことができ、週替わり定食を頂きました。 小鉢もたくさん付いており、一つ一つが健康的なものばかりで良かったです。 品数は豊富ですが、量自体はあまり多くはありません。
Used for lunch on Saturday. The inside of the store is a stylish cafe, and the space between the seats is wide, making it very comfortable to spend. The lunch menu can be selected from about 9 types of set meals, and we had a weekly set meal. There are many small bowls, and I'm glad that each one is healthy. The number of items is abundant, but the quantity itself is not very large.
chibi narco on Google

Kawasaki after a long absence. I had lunch. Choose a beef base from the lunch set meal. The meat was a little firm, but it was delicious with a solid seasoning. Parking is also convenient because the parking next door can be used free of charge.
Aya A on Google

ディナーで利用しました。 21時閉店ということでゆっくりできると思い入りましたが、20:43頃に、まだデザートを食べているにも関わらず先に会計をしろと声を掛けられました。 ゆっくりしたくて、時間も確認して入ったのに、そんな風に急かされて非常に残念な思いになりました。 料理は美味しいので、接客を何とかして欲しいです。
I used it for dinner. I thought that I could relax because the store closed at 21:00, but at around 20:43, I was asked to pay the bill first even though I was still eating dessert. I wanted to relax, so I checked the time and entered, but I was very disappointed to be rushed like that. The food is delicious, so I want you to manage the customer service.
T. YAMADA on Google

川崎モアーズ7Fにあり、店内は吹き抜けになっていて雰囲気は良かった。 ソファー席も座り心地良かった。 アンガス牛ステーキと海鮮チラシ丼のスイーツコンボを選択。海鮮チラシ丼がきて、食べ終わった頃にステーキが やっとでてくる遅さに、2人で楽しく会話しながら食事したかったのが、テンションダウンです。さほど混雑していたわけではないのに遅すぎですね。 アンガス牛ステーキのお肉は硬くなかなか、飲めなかった。2度と頼みませんし、お薦めしません。お薦めメニューということでしたが、焼き方なのか、切り方なのか食べ応えというよりも、硬さに噛みづらいだけ。・・。もう少し薄く切るか、サイコロ状にしたほうが、せっかくのお薦めのお肉も美味しく頂けるかも?という感じでした。 セットメニューとは言え、デザートも小さくてビックリ!添えてあったクリームが余るほどでした。 以前に行った新橋店が良かっただけに残念です。
Located on the 7th floor of Kawasaki More's, the inside of the store was a colonnade and the atmosphere was good. The sofa seats were also comfortable to sit on. Select the sweets combo of Angus beef steak and seafood leaflet bowl. When the seafood leaflet bowl came and I finished eating, the steak Tension down was what I wanted to eat while having a fun conversation with the two of us because of the slowness that finally came out. It wasn't too crowded, but it was too late. The meat of Angus beef steak was hard and I couldn't drink it. I will never ask and I do not recommend it. It was a recommended menu, but it's hard to chew on the hardness rather than how to bake or cut it.・ ・. If you slice it a little thinner or make it into dice, you may be able to enjoy the recommended meat. It was that kind of feeling. Even though it's a set menu, the dessert is small and I'm surprised! The cream that came with it was too much. It's a shame because the Shimbashi store I went to before was good.
Rain later sunny on Google

美味しかった でも待ち時間が長いかな メニューが多すぎて作り手が大変なのかなぁ カフェというからデザート系が多いと嬉しいです 軽食とデザートがほしい
was delicious But I wonder if the waiting time is long I wonder if there are too many menus and it is difficult for the creator. It ’s a cafe, so I ’m happy if there are many desserts. I want light meals and desserts
miho on Google

友人とベビー連れでランチ利用。 ★料理 おいしい。 日替わりランチを注文。 小鉢やサラダ、香の物も付いてます。ごはんお味噌汁はおかわりできます。 キッズメニューあり。 ★雰囲気 よい。 が、座敷は時間制限があり寛げない。 テーブル席、座敷あり。 座敷は3種類あり、広い方はベビーカーすぐ隣に置けます。赤ちゃん寝てても安心。 階段式は階段が急で狭いので赤ちゃん抱っこしながらの登り下りは注意です。ベビーカーは畳んで置くように言われました。 ★接客 普通。 お店のシステムの問題が多少ある。 以前は、座敷の予約は11時〜、13時〜、15時〜の3部で1時間45分利用でタイトに追い出されました。 少し変更になったのか、今回は予約時間から1時間45分の利用ができました。 混み合ってるなら時間制限もやむなしですが、店内ガラガラなのに時間制限は改善の余地あり。 ベビーカーも畳むように言われましたが、並んでるキッズチェアどかせばいいんじゃないかなぁとも感じました。 座敷があるので積極的に利用したいが、今ひとつ不便で利用を躊躇します。
Lunch with friends and babies. ★ Cooking Delicious. Order a daily lunch. It also comes with a small bowl, salad and pickles. Rice and miso soup can be refilled. There is a kids menu. ★ Atmosphere Good. However, the tatami room has a time limit and I can't relax. There are table seats and tatami mats. There are three types of tatami mats, and the larger one can be placed right next to the stroller. It's safe to sleep with your baby. The stairs are steep and narrow, so be careful when climbing up and down while holding your baby. I was told to fold the stroller. ★ Customer service usually. There are some problems with the store system. Previously, the reservation for the tatami room was tightly kicked out by using 1 hour and 45 minutes in the 3rd part from 11:00, 13:00, and 15:00. Perhaps it changed a little, this time I was able to use it for 1 hour and 45 minutes from the reserved time. If it is crowded, the time limit is unavoidable, but there is room for improvement even though the store is rattled. I was told to fold the stroller as well, but I also felt that I should use the kids chairs lined up. I want to use it positively because there is a tatami room, but I hesitate to use it because it is inconvenient.
北村佑樹 on Google

これローストビーフではなくゴムゴムビーフですね! ワンピースの要素が入っていて肉がゴムのようにしっかりした歯応えで、この世で作れるお肉料理で最強の歯の通らないゴムゴムの噛み切れ無いお肉は流石です。 裏でこっそりコラボしてますね! まさに世界でも類を見ない硬さ! ペラッペラのうっすいお肉なのに、 まさに箸で持ち上がるか? 綺麗な向こうが透き通るような薄さ! 正に芸術! 途中で端からちぎれて掴めなく無いかと豆腐を持つように気を使い持ち上げると、全く切れる気配のな豊かな弾力! おお! この芸術的な薄切りローストビーフでも2cm超えの分厚く切ったローズトビーフを軽wく凌ぐ硬さ! 正にゴム肉! 「最硬度のお肉」 「噛みきれない」 これほど素晴らしい顎の敗北は正にルフィーのゴムゴム! 清々しい程のゴム肉との戦いの後、気遣うのは胃液でこのゴム肉は消化されるのであろうか? 胃液よゴム肉に勝ってくれと祈るばかりです。 味付けは酢が強く別の修行のようでした。 舌の修行あざっす! 味付けは100点満点中11点の高得点! ゴム肉は100点満点中-100点の最強硬度得点! コストパフォーマンスは計測不能。 場所が「川崎駅前」ですから「場所代」的に考えると致し方無いかと。 すき家さんはこのお肉を見習わないでいただきたいでしょう。 以上!
This is not roast beef, but rubber-rubber beef! The meat has a one-piece element and has a firm texture like rubber, and the strongest non-toothed rubber-rubber meat that can be made in this world is a stone's throw. You're secretly collaborating behind the scenes! Hardness that is unparalleled in the world! Even though it's thin meat, it's fluffy Can you just lift it with chopsticks? The thinness that makes the other side transparent! Just art! If you take care to hold the tofu and lift it up to see if it can be torn off from the edge on the way, it will be completely cut off! Oh! Even with this artistic sliced ​​roast beef, the hardness is lighter than that of thickly sliced ​​rose to beef over 2 cm! Just rubber meat! "Hardest meat" "I can't bite" The defeat of such a wonderful jaw is exactly Luffy's rubber rubber! After the fight against the refreshing rubber meat, is it the gastric juice that cares and will this rubber meat be digested? I just pray for gastric juice and rubber meat. The seasoning was strong with vinegar and it seemed like another training. Tongue training! The seasoning is a high score of 11 out of 100! Rubber meat has the strongest hardness score of -100 points out of 100 points! Cost performance cannot be measured. Since the place is "Kawasaki station square", I wonder if it can be considered as a "place fee". Sukiya would like you not to emulate this meat. that's all!
Candy Leung on Google

Good to visit if you love kawasaki football team. Nice drink

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