道の駅 花夢里にいつ

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 道の駅 花夢里にいつ

住所 :

Kawane, Akiha Ward, 〒956-0055 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.ja-satsuki.com/store/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Niigata

Kawane, Akiha Ward, 〒956-0055 Niigata,Japan
大友俊和 on Google

It was called the Niitsu City Flower Center at that time since I started planting flowers, and after learning about its existence, I went on a day trip for about 25 years, and I went on a day trip from the night before and searched for flowers that I could not get in Akita. I skipped it.
髭Nori on Google

欲しかった花苗があって良かったです。(^-^) ただ、買うかどうか迷ったら、買うべきですね。近くならすぐ来れるけど、そうでないと次来た時には無いね。まあ、自分みたいに大量に買う人も居るので、見つけたらすぐかごへ❗w
I'm glad I had the flower seedlings I wanted. (^-^) However, if you are wondering whether to buy it, you should buy it. You can come soon if it's nearby, but otherwise you won't be there the next time you come. Well, some people like me buy a lot, so as soon as I find it, go to the basket ❗w
Matochan K* on Google

ガーデン用の花、観葉植物、果樹苗木等豊富です。寄せ植えやプライスダウンの掘り出し物もあります。 珍しい品種もあり見ていて癒されます。 バラが欲しくて今回は行きましたが、クリスマスシーズンの為、かわいいシクラメンも購入しました。購入の際は袋代、箱代はかかります。 野菜、果物の直売所や休憩所もあります。
There are abundant flowers for gardens, foliage plants, fruit tree seedlings, etc. There are also group planting and price-down bargains. There are also rare varieties that you can see and heal. I went there this time because I wanted roses, but I also bought cute cyclamen for the Christmas season. When purchasing, a bag fee and a box fee will be charged. There is also a vegetable and fruit shop and a rest area.
ゆこりん on Google

秋葉区は花とみどりと石油の里 クリスマスローズの育成も盛んです。お手頃な値段のものから、高価なものまでありますが、ここ花夢里さんはたくさん揃っていて、飽きさせません。花苗から樹木まで豊富に揃ってますし、たぬき茶屋では休憩もできます。平日でも、たくさんのお客様で賑わっています。
Akiha Ward is a village of flowers, greenery and oil The cultivation of Christmas roses is also popular. There are a lot of things from affordable to expensive, but there are a lot of people here, and you won't get bored. We have a wide variety of flowers and trees, and you can take a break at Tanuki Chaya. Even on weekdays, it is crowded with many customers.
かみ on Google

カフェがあったけど、 おいしい! 値段も高くないし! 店員さんも素敵だし! でも、最後の最後に出されたアップルジュースが、ほんとに薄くて残念だった‥! まさかだけど、他の人の残したの回してないよね‥‥? カムリは、花や木がいっぱい! 種類が多いから見ててもたのしい!
There was a cafe, delicious! The price is not too high! The clerk is also nice! However, it was a pity that the apple juice served at the very end was really thin! No way, but I haven't turned it around left by other people ...? The Camry is full of flowers and trees! It's fun to see because there are many types!
マゴロクソード on Google

道の駅❓花の駅❓?????? たくさんの花があり、道の駅って言う感じではありません。けど、これもアリ……かなwww
Road Station ❓ Flower Station ❓ ?????? There are many flowers and it doesn't feel like a roadside station. But this is also an ant ... Kana www
44 1 on Google

2021年10月23日 道の駅スタンプラリー目的で伺いました。 スタンプは綺麗に押せます。 道の駅というより苗屋さん?花屋さん?かなぁ
October 23, 2021 I visited for the purpose of the roadside station stamp rally. The stamp can be pressed neatly. Naeya-san rather than a roadside station? Florist? I wonder
風船願坊 on Google

ソロツーで立ち寄る。 昼飯でたぬき蕎麦を頂く。 でっかく甘いお揚げが 美味しかったよ。 広い駐車場の割には施設は 小さい。手入れも良く 園芸物が多くて癒されました。
Stop by solo two. Have tanuki soba for lunch. Big sweet fried it was delicious. The facility is for a large parking lot small. Well maintained There were many gardening items and I was healed.

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