Niigata PA down - Niigata

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Niigata PA down

住所 :

Kamiwada, Konan Ward, Niigata, 950-0326, Japan

Postal code : 950-0326
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Kamiwada, Konan Ward, Niigata, 950-0326, Japan
皆川勇一(のちん) on Google

トイレと自動販売機が1機のみのパーキングエリアです。 トイレはキレイに保たれています。
It is a parking area with only one toilet and vending machine. The toilet is kept clean.
YU A on Google

? It's okay to be free for a break.
Toshi on Google

『新潟』と言う名称の割には簡素なパーキングエリア。 自販機1台とトイレのみ。休むだけなら空いていて穴場だと思う。 需要は分からないが、お店のあるパーキングエリアにしても良いのでは?
A simple parking area for the name "Niigata". Only one vending machine and toilet. If you just want to rest, I think it's a vacant spot. I don't know the demand, but could it be a parking area with shops?
dkj- 777elk on Google

ここ(正確には、この辺りの本道も含む)から臨む新潟平野の眺めがお気に入りです。 盆地住まいで四方に山を観ることが多いため、四方が遠くまで見渡せる平地で、しかも田園風景ともなれば、とても気分良くなります。 このPAは林に囲まれているせいで、必ずしも見晴らしは良くないのですが、本道を走れば、わき見運転をするつもりがなくとも、この光景が目に飛び込んできます。 春から稲刈りの時期まで、何度でも通りたい場所です。
I like the view of the Niigata plain from here (to be exact, the main road around here). Since I often live in a basin and often see mountains on all four sides, it feels very nice on a flat land with a view of all four sides and a rural landscape. This PA isn't always good because it's surrounded by woods, but if you run on the main road, you can catch this sight even if you don't intend to drive aside. It's a place you'll want to pass from spring to harvesting.
志田正人 on Google

Only toilet and vending machine.
田中 俊光 on Google

福島方面は、ここでのんびり 休憩。
Relax here in the direction of Fukushima rest.
ウインド和 on Google

You don't have to have many people. I think it's a good resting spot as you drive along the Ban-etsu Expressway. Only vending machines.
Kibou Tokumei on Google

It is well managed and you can take a rest slowly

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