Kawamura Dermatology - Ushiku

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kawamura Dermatology

住所 :

3314-2 Kashiwadacho, Ushiku, Ibaraki 300-1211, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Postal code : 300-1211
Webサイト : http://www.kawamurahihuka.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9–11:30AM
Tuesday 9–11:30AM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9–11:30AM
Friday 9–11:30AM

3314-2 Kashiwadacho, Ushiku, Ibaraki 300-1211, Japan
M H on Google

昨日初診で行きました。先生がとても丁寧で具体的なアドバイスもいただけました。治療方法も複数提示いただき、私の意向も聞いてくれました。 処方された薬もとても良く効いていると思います。今後もお願いすると思います。
I went to see him for the first time yesterday. The teacher was very polite and gave me specific advice. He also presented me with multiple treatment methods and asked me what I wanted to do. I think the prescribed medicine is also working very well. I would like to ask you in the future.
村木直木 on Google

ちゃんと見もしないで「対処策は無し!」と言われました。 こっちが怒ると態度を変えて色々聞いてくる始末。 もう行きません。
I didn't even look at it properly and was told, "There is no workaround!" When I get angry, I change my attitude and ask various questions. I won't go anymore.
まんぼう on Google

予約が必要なのでご注意を ホームページに載ってます
Please note that a reservation is required It is on the homepage
gonzalez jose on Google

このGoogleマップのクチコミで評判が良いのでどうせならと行きました。 特別名医かどうかはほんの5分くらいの診察だったのでよくはわかりませんが、先生は感じが良く、 治療を長引かせたりとかなんてことはありませんでした。 ただこれも書いてる方が一人おられましたが、 受付の太ったオバさんだけは感じ悪い。 他の受付の方は対応も笑顔も良かったですが、 太ったオバさんだけは、、、。残念です。 朝10:30すぎに行くと、初診でも電話受付してるそうなのですが、最近人気で混んでいるらしく、初診の旨伝えたら、午前の受付は予約でいっぱいだから今日の午前の診察は受付ないと。 まるで予約するのが当たり前のように言われた。 ならいつなら診てもらえるのかと聞くと午後なら大丈夫だと言うので今日の午後の予約入れてくださいと言うと予約は一週間後以降でないと取れないと。??? どういうことかと更に聞くと予約枠はいっぱいだが予約無しなら診てもらえるというのだが、凄く待つことを覚悟して来い、場合によっては間に合わなくなるから早めに来ないと診れないとまで脅された。 一旦帰り、仕方なく近くもないのに二度も足を運ぶことに。 二度目は早めに受付を済まそうと午後の診察の30分前に行ったらまだ誰も来てなく、一番最初だった。開いた時点でその時間に予約済みの患者は二人しかいなかったので15分待っただけで診てもらえた。 しかも午後の受付は違う方でごく普通の対応がとても良い対応に感じられた。 ただ帰りの会計がまたまた太ったオバさんで、凄く待たされ、最後も気分悪かったので星⭐️は二つ割引。 あの人さえいなければ他の人の評価通りです。
I went there anyway because the word of mouth of this Google map has a good reputation. I'm not sure if it's a special doctor because it took only about 5 minutes, but the teacher feels good. There was no such thing as prolonging treatment. However, there was one person who wrote this as well, Only the fat oba at the reception feels uncomfortable. The other receptionists were nice to respond and smile, but Only the fat Oba ... I'm sorry. It seems that if you go after 10:30 in the morning, you will receive a phone call even for the first visit, but it seems that it is popular and crowded recently, and when you tell that the first visit, the morning reception is full of reservations, so today's morning consultation will not be accepted When. I was told that it was natural to make a reservation. Then, when I asked when I could see him, he said that it would be okay in the afternoon, so if I asked him to make a reservation for this afternoon, he would have to make a reservation only one week later. ?? ?? ?? When I asked him what it was, he said that he could see me if he didn't make a reservation, although the reservation frame was full, but he was prepared to wait so long, and in some cases he was threatened that he couldn't see him unless he came early because he couldn't make it in time. I went home once and decided to visit twice even though it wasn't near. The second time I went 30 minutes before the afternoon consultation to finish the reception early, but no one had come yet and it was the very first. At the time of opening, there were only two patients reserved at that time, so I only had to wait 15 minutes to see them. Moreover, the receptionist in the afternoon was different, and I felt that the ordinary response was very good. However, the accounting on the way back was fat again, and I had to wait a long time, and I felt sick at the end, so I got a discount of two stars ⭐️. If you don't have that person, it's as evaluated by other people.
ちゃんこまり on Google

My face was swollen with over-the-counter medicine, and I got a rash so much that I got pus, and when I called with the thought of clinging to the straw, I had a medical examination on Saturday afternoon without a disgusting face despite the holidays. Thank you. The medical examination was also very polite and he taught me in detail how to use the medicine. Thanks to you, the swelling and pus disappeared in about 3 days, and now it has completely healed. It was the first time for me to have such a severe rash, and I was worried that it would really heal, but thanks to the doctor's accurate and careful examination, I was able to heal without rushing. I'm really thankful to you.
ゴーゴーゴローさん on Google

昔から肌が弱く、長年通ってる皮膚科です。 漢方に詳しい先生で、いつも色々な相談に乗っていただけます。 この数年、 先生の人柄とスタッフさん達の人柄のおかげで人気過ぎてかなり込み合っており、 予約なしで行ってしまうと、長いときは2時間は待ちます。 予約なしでも診てもらえますが、待つのは覚悟してから行ってみてくださいね。
I have been a dermatologist for many years because my skin is weak for a long time. A teacher who is familiar with Kampo, you can always consult with us. In the last few years Thanks to the personality of the teacher and the personality of the staff, it is too popular and quite crowded. If you go without a reservation, you will have to wait two hours if it is long. You can see me without a reservation, but please be prepared to wait before you go.
M F on Google

I've been to it several times, but it was good at first, but recently I haven't heard any symptoms and I feel like I'm getting rid of it with Chinese medicine. The patient does not know the cause and wants to get rid of the symptoms, and he thinks that he will go even if he is busy and waits for hours, but he is told that he does not know the cause, and although he does not understand well, there is no contradiction in Chinese medicine. mosquito? Age-related things, especially women, are done with menopause, and even with others, I think each person's symptoms are different. By the way, I was diagnosed with menopause and did not improve, so when I went to another hospital, (dermatology) found the cause. There was no one who felt uncomfortable at the reception. I won't go anymore.
Ro Romm on Google

引越し前小児皮膚科へ通っており、引っ越してきてから何の情報も無い為、近所のコチラへかかりました。今までの状態を伝えると、医者は、ヘェ〜それで、何がしたいの?小児皮膚科がいいなら探したらどうですか? と小馬鹿にした言い方。ここって子供は見れないんですか?何がしたいのって、医者が何を言ってるの?あなたは患者に何かしなくちゃならない立場でしょう。こちらが指定指示しなければならない病院にはもうかかりませんよ。
I went to the pediatric dermatology department before moving, and since I didn't have any information since I moved, I went to the neighborhood here. Telling me what I've been up to, the doctor said, hey, what do you want to do? If you like pediatric dermatology, why not look for it? A silly way of saying. Can't you see children here? What does the doctor say what you want to do? You will have to do something to the patient. You won't go to the hospital where you have to specify.

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