Kawakami Shrine - Ayauta District

4.5/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Kawakami Shrine

住所 :

1181 Sogishohigashi, Ayagawa, Ayauta District, Kagawa 761-2201, Japan

Postal code : 761-2201
Webサイト : https://kagawakenjinjacho.or.jp/shrine/%25E5%25B7%259D%25E4%25B8%258A%25E7%25A5%259E%25E7%25A4%25BE-2/

1181 Sogishohigashi, Ayagawa, Ayauta District, Kagawa 761-2201, Japan
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県道39号線国分寺中道線を南に走り綾南町枌所東の玉川に架かる玉川橋の横に有ります。 創建時期は不明です。 祭神は水速売命です。 往古より玉川の川上に鎮座し河上大明神と称されて綾の日向玉常郡が大領となって以降、その末裔が代々祟敬して来ました。 天平年間(729~749年)僧行基菩薩は社殿を改修し巫女を置き祭祀をさせました。 また、讃岐藤氏の祟敬も厚く、常時は社僧松熊寺奉祀の三十五社中の大社として祭祀も厳重に行われた。 室町後期細川氏末期には松熊寺と共に荒廃して旧記等も失われました。 天和年間(1615~1623年)政所岡安成がこの社と松熊寺を再建しました。 寛永二十年(1643年)大干魃があり民衆がこの社に祈り霊験を得たので翌寛永二十一年安成の孫、政所岡田四郎右衛門、藤左衛門等が社殿を改築する。 萬治三年(1660年)両氏が再び建立する。 寛文二年から八年にかけて天災が頻繁にあり、その都度氏子達は霊験を蒙り、特に寛文八年の大干魃は酷く当社に祈願するとたちまち慈雨が降り百万石の名が残っています。 この駒利益に翌九年に社殿を改築し以来社僧を廃止して神主が祭祀を司ります。 明治五年には郷社に列しています。
It runs south on Prefectural Road 39 Kokubunji Nakamichi Line and is next to Tamagawa Bridge over Tamagawa in the east of Sogishohigashi, Ryonan Town. The date of construction is unknown. The deity is a water speed sale. Since ancient times, it has been enshrined on the river of Tamagawa and was called Kawakami Daimyojin. During the Tenpyo era (729-749), the monk Gyoki Bosatsu renovated the shrine and placed a shrine maiden for rituals. In addition, Mr. Sanukito's haunting was strong, and the rituals were held strictly as a large shrine among the 35 shrines of the shrine priest Matsukumaji. At the end of the late Muromachi period, Mr. Hosokawa, it was devastated along with Matsukuma Temple and the old records were lost. During the Tenna period (1615-1623), Mandokoro Oka Yasunari rebuilt this company and Matsukumaji Temple. In the 20th year of Kanei (1643), there was a drought, and the people took a prayer test at this shrine. In the third year of Manji (1660), they were erected again. From the 2nd to the 8th year of Kanbun, there were frequent natural disasters, and each time the parishioners underwent a spiritual test. Since the shrine was rebuilt in the following nine years, the shrine priest was abolished and the priest governs the ritual. In the 5th year of the Meiji era, it was listed in the township.

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