
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 宮古市北上山地民俗資料館

住所 :

Kawai, Miyako, 〒028-2302 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : http://kitakamisanchi.city.miyako.iwate.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Iwate

Kawai, Miyako, 〒028-2302 Iwate,Japan
前野勉 on Google

The way of exhibition is wonderful. The closer you can touch it, the closer to the exhibit. It is also possible to smell.
幾代大坂 on Google

此方の施設並びには道の駅食事処もあり利用出来て良いかもとおりましたら是非 どうぞお寄りくださいませ?
If you are able to use these facilities and the roadside station restaurant, please come and visit us. Please drop in!
いわたしげる on Google

民俗資料館。 豪商とか武家屋敷とか地方にいっぱい有るけれど、地元の普通の人達の日常を、しかも厳しい寒さと山地の人々の生活を実感できるこの施設、とにかくインパクトが有ります。 行ってよかった。
Folk museum. Although there are lots of places such as Australian merchants and samurai residences, there is impact on this facility where you can feel the daily life of ordinary local people, and also the severe cold and the life of people in the mountains. I'm glad I went.
やびん(凪男) on Google

Even with old tools, it seems that manipulating logs was more dangerous than roller coasters. There were things I still want to keep, such as the faith of Mt. Hayaike and the baskets for babies.
Iwa tti on Google

I was impressed with the history of this region.
おっ on Google

The life of Kitakami Mountains, centering on millet, is well organized and displayed. Very interesting for those who are interested. Some materials are also available for sale. I wish I could make and sell goods
Y T on Google

北上山地の、産業や生業、生活様式にかかる展示が見られます。 民具や道具、用具の圧倒的な品数が収集されていますが、バリエーションの違いや特徴が分かりにくく、羅列に留まっている印象を受けました。 山間地の民俗や暮らしの理解には最適です。 様々なテーマで、企画展も開催されており、時折覗いてみる価値あり。
You can see exhibits related to industry, livelihood, and lifestyle in the Kitakami Mountains. The overwhelming number of folk tools, tools, and tools are collected, but the differences and characteristics of the variations are difficult to understand, and I got the impression that they are still in the list. It is ideal for understanding the folklore and lifestyle of mountainous areas. Special exhibitions are also held under various themes, and it is worth taking a peek from time to time.
M K on Google

宮古市の縄文の森ミュージアム見学後に行くとこの施設が無料という事で「行ってみっか〜」と訪問 山間に住む人達の営みを学べる 日用品や狩猟、農耕、採取、伐採道具がズラッと並ぶ 農家生まれの母が「懐かしい〜」と色々解説してくれて楽しかった 特に蚕の成長、絹を作り出す為の工程が分かり易く現物を交えて展示してあり勉強になる オシラサマ信仰の二対人形に毎年布を被せてく工程も不思議で面白い
After visiting the Jomon no Mori Museum in Miyako City, I visited this facility because it was free of charge. Learn about the activities of people living in the mountains A lineup of daily necessities, hunting, farming, harvesting, and logging tools It was fun for my mother, who was born in a farmhouse, to explain various things like "nostalgic". In particular, the growth of silk moths and the process for making silk are displayed in an easy-to-understand manner with the actual products, which is a great learning experience. The process of covering the two pairs of dolls of the Oshirasama faith with cloth every year is also strange and interesting.

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