美食 結

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

美食 結 - おばんざいと季節料理 - Bishokuyui.gorp.jp

枚方・交野エリアのおばんざいと季節料理、美食 結のオフィシャルページです。お店の基本情報やおすすめの「慶事・記念日コース『寿(ことぶき)』※料理のみ」「おまかせコース『雅(みやび)』職人技が光る前菜盛等趣向を凝らした逸品全9品!」「お持ち帰り用『お食い初め膳(鯛の姿焼き付)』」をはじめとしたメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

Contact 美食 結

住所 :

Kawaharacho, Hirakata, 〒573-0028 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://bishokuyui.gorp.jp/
街 : Osaka

Kawaharacho, Hirakata, 〒573-0028 Osaka,Japan
小林和生 on Google

A word is delicious. The manager is bright
Toshio U on Google

It is a small and calm shop. The restaurant is also elaborate and you can enjoy a sense of luxury and seasonal taste. A shop where sake goes.
しげさとむ on Google

400円から500円のおばんざいをアテに一人ちびちび呑むのもよし。 大人数あつまってコース料理で盛り上がるのもよし。 とにかく料理がおいしいので、帰りははみんな上機嫌です。
It's a good idea to take a 400-500 yen auntie to Ate. It is good to gather with a large number of people and enjoy the course food. Anyway, everyone is in a good mood on the way back because the food is delicious.
suzu Issa on Google

As the local guide said, it was a really good, reasonably priced and reasonably priced restaurant.
やっちゃん伊藤 on Google

The cuisine is diverse and you can enjoy it in various ways. There is a lot of delicious sake too ?
Takeshi Sayama on Google

The food and the general are the best!
山本浩一 on Google

Participate in a party to love the new sake of the spring spring morning. The food was very delicious, too.
山田太郎 on Google

Drink alone in Hirakata. Surprisingly, the specialty was potato salad, and the popularity was embankment. Certainly, for those who often go there, it's a taste that makes you want to repeat it. For seasonal dishes, tempura is exquisite in sashimi where you can feel the skill of craftsmen. After all, the choice of sake is wonderful. I tried to attack with Nigori Sake! I'm not local but I want to go again! !!

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