カラオケルーム歌広場 勝田台南口駅前店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カラオケルーム歌広場 勝田台南口駅前店

住所 :

Katsutadai, Yachiyo, 〒276-0023 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.utahiro.com/store/storelist/storeinfo/tabid/64/pdid/0123/Default.aspx
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5AM
Sunday 11AM–5AM
Monday 11AM–5AM
Tuesday 11AM–5AM
Wednesday 11AM–5AM
Thursday 11AM–5AM
Friday 11AM–5AM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Katsutadai, Yachiyo, 〒276-0023 Chiba,Japan
町田和弘 on Google

Everything is OK! It's neither good nor bad. When you walk to the toilet, the light at your feet shines at your pace. But that ’s it!
中川恵美子 on Google

It's a beautiful place to relax. I can smoke cigarettes and soft cream, so I have my favorite chopsticks
チーズタルト on Google

久しぶりに歌広場行ったけど綺麗で居心地良かった? また行こうっと?
I went to Utahiroba for the first time in a long time, but it was beautiful and cozy ? Let's go again ?
川城正道 on Google

シルバー会員です。 平日昼の時間に一人でフリータイムで利用させて頂きました。 機械と部屋は問題ないと思いますが、料金が昨年は税込で700円でしたが2,3日前に行きましたら、税込1080円でした。 安いから友人を紹介していたのに、驚きました。店員さんは前からこの料金だったと言ってましたが?いつから値上げになったのですか?
I am a Silver member. I used it on a free time alone during the weekday hours. I think that machines and rooms do not have any problem, but the price was 700 yen in tax last year but if I went there a few days ago, it was 1080 yen including tax. I was surprised to have introduced a friend because it was cheap. Did you say that the clerk had this fee before? Since when was the price increase?
武術気功マイロード on Google

安価で対応も良く 治安も良く 落ち着いて利用できます✨
Inexpensive and well supported It is safe and can be used calmly ✨
syuji on Google

The regulations have been lifted and it has started to get crowded, but the infection control measures are in place and there is a sense of security.
中川恵美子 on Google

I think it's the most reasonable at a karaoke store. All-you-can-eat soft serve ice cream is also nice
T K on Google

今まで、都内でカラオケに行くことが多かったので、歌広場=狭い・汚いというイメージがありました。 なので、もうひとつあるカラオケ(B)に行っていましたが、安くて綺麗だけど、店員さんの感じが悪いし、いつ行ってもドリンクバー品切れが多すぎなんだよなぁ~と思っていたのですが、 勝田台駅前の歌広場に行って、ビックリ! 綺麗、安い、ドリンクバー充実!ソフトクリームもあります。 そして、どの店員さんも感じがいいんです。 会員価格ですが、平日昼間30分180円(ドリンクバー込)で、20時までのフリータイムは700円という破格! とりあえず2時間以上いるなら、フリータイムで入るのがオススメ! ポテトメニューも充実(笑) これからは、こちらを利用しますー!
Until now, I used to go to karaoke in Tokyo, so I had the image that Utahiroba = small and dirty. So, I went to another karaoke (B), but it was cheap and beautiful, but the clerk didn't feel good, and I always thought that the drink bar was out of stock. But, I was surprised to go to the song square in front of Katsutadai station! Beautiful, cheap, full of drink bars! There is also soft serve ice cream. And every clerk feels good. Although it is a member price, it is 180 yen for 30 minutes during the daytime on weekdays (including drink bar), and the free time until 20:00 is 700 yen, which is exceptional! If you have more than 2 hours for the time being, it is recommended to enter in free time! The potato menu is also fulfilling (laughs) From now on, I will use this!

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