
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Manekineko

住所 :

Yawata, Ichikawa, 〒272-0021 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Yawata, Ichikawa, 〒272-0021 Chiba,Japan
Stray Cat on Google

3 1 on Google

部屋は普通に綺麗で、居心地がいいです。 しかし、予約の扱いが杜撰なので、全従業員に予約に関するルールはしっかり周知させておいてほしいです…。 下記は電話予約で実際にあったことです。 カラオケにいく3、4日前 自分「電話で予約したいんですけど…」 店員A「休日は大変混雑しますので、当日のみ電話予約を受け付けております。」 ↓ カラオケにいく当日 自分「電話で予約したいんですけど…」 店員B「本日電話予約は受け付けておりません。当店に直接来て順番待ちとなります。」 …?
The room is normally clean and cozy. However, since the handling of reservations is sloppy, I would like all employees to be well informed of the rules regarding reservations ... The following is what actually happened with the telephone reservation. 3-4 days before going to karaoke I want to make a reservation over the phone ... Clerk A "Since it is very crowded on holidays, we accept telephone reservations only on the day." ↓ On the day of going to karaoke I want to make a reservation over the phone ... Clerk B "We do not accept telephone reservations today. We will come directly to our shop and wait in line." ...?
ナヌ on Google

都の緊急事態後、繁盛していて、少なくとも土日祝は、かなり早めじゃないと1人では入れないです。入れ食いで利用客が来るので、大人数、フリータイムより短時間利用と利用客の選別が始まっている状況です。 設備は綺麗ですが、たまに若干古い機種あります。
It has been prosperous after the emergency in the city, and at least Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays cannot be entered by one person unless it is quite early. Since customers come by eating and drinking, the situation is that the selection of users is starting to be used for a shorter time than the large number of people and free time. The equipment is clean, but sometimes there are some older models.
Masahiro Kizaki on Google

It's new and beautiful, and the room is completely non smoking, so it doesn't smell bad either. It is also possible to bring food with you as a free drink. It seems that there is also an all-you-can-drink alcohol. It becomes cheaper if you put the app on your smartphone and register as a member.
みゃんこみるく on Google

カラオケ行きたいなっと思った時最近よく行くようになりました。 お部屋は綺麗です。喫煙可能の部屋ではないので独特の匂いは無く心地よく利用できます。 部屋でタバコは吸えないかわり別室に喫煙所もあるので最高です。 一人で行くとフリータイムで1200円くらいします。 朝カラは安いですがその時間帯に行くことができないので一人に厳しいな〜と思いながら精算してます。 みんなで行く分には普通の価格だと思います。
When I wanted to go to karaoke, I often go there lately. The room is clean. Since it is not a smoking room, it does not have a peculiar smell and can be used comfortably. It's great because you can't smoke in the room but there is a smoking area in another room. If you go alone, it costs about 1200 yen in free time. Morning color is cheap, but I can't go during that time, so I'm paying for it while thinking that it's difficult for one person. I think it's a normal price for everyone to go.
Y _ on Google

コロナ前は丁寧な店員が多くて気持ちよくお店を利用できていたが、最近の店員の質が全体的にひどすぎる。優しい店員も1人だけいる。 一部屋だけ苦手な部屋があったので受付時に「ちなみに次は何号室が空きますか?」と聞いたら「ランダムなんでお答えできません」「機種は選べないんで」と愛想悪く言われた。 別にこちらはその部屋じゃなければ何でもいいし、もしその部屋だとしても他が空くまで待つつもりだったのに、見当違いなことを言われて唖然。 誰も機種なんて気にしてねーよ。 元カラオケ店員でシステム知ってるだけに余計に腹立った。ランダムってなんだよ。 ほんとに対応ひどすぎて不快な思いをしたので、キャンセルして他のカラオケを利用した。 ずっと利用してたけどもう二度と利用しない。
Before Corona, there were many polite clerk and I could use the shop comfortably, but the quality of the clerk these days is too bad overall. There is only one friendly clerk. There was only one room I was not good at, so when I asked at the reception, "By the way, what room will be available next?", He said "I can't answer because it's random" and "I can't choose the model". Apart from that, it doesn't matter if it's not in that room, and even if it's in that room, I was going to wait until another room was available, but I was stunned when I was told something was wrong. Nobody cares about the model. I was annoyed because I was a former karaoke clerk and knew the system. What is random? I felt uncomfortable because it was too terrible, so I canceled it and used another karaoke. I've been using it for a long time, but I'll never use it again.
wasgogg on Google

カラオケの機械や部屋の内装はそこそこいいのですがトイレとエントランスがなんか臭って凄い不快でした。 料金は普通かな...他にここしかないってなったらまた行くかもです。
The karaoke machine and the interior of the room are pretty good, but the toilet and entrance smelled something and it was very unpleasant. I wonder if the price is normal ... I might go again if there is only one here.
サツキ on Google

御手洗の衛星状況がかなり悪いです。 何週間前に最後の掃除をしたの?と思ってしまうほどでした。 ドリンクバーの機械も飛び散ったものが乾いて至る所に張り付いていました。 ここまで来るとルームの方もしっかり除菌など行われているか不安になります。 衛生状況に問題が大ありだと思います。 また進んで利用させて頂きたいとは思いません。
The satellite condition of Mitarai is quite bad. How many weeks ago did you do the last cleaning? I thought it was. The machines in the drink bar were also scattered and dried and stuck everywhere. At this point, I'm worried that the people in the room are also sterilizing properly. I think there is a big problem with hygiene. I do not want to be willing to use it again.

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