Katsuragi Hospital - Kishiwada

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Katsuragi Hospital

住所 :

2 Chome-33-1 Habucho, Kishiwada, Osaka 596-0825, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Postal code : 596-0825
Webサイト : http://www.katsuragi-hosp.or.jp/

2 Chome-33-1 Habucho, Kishiwada, Osaka 596-0825, Japan
濱脇聖羅 on Google

6年前 超肥満の私は他の病院で半年間リハビリをして過ごしたのですが どうもおかしいと セカンド・オピニオンで葛城病院にきました。 レントゲンとMRIの検査の後 すぐに脊椎担当の先生を紹介され診断は 指定難病の胸椎後縦靭帯骨化症と診断されました。大阪医科大学で手術をしていただきました。術後医大から葛城病院にもどりました。 7階に入院したときは 足が動かない 立つことも出来なくて でも 体型は超肥満! 看護師さんは 師長さんも 主任さんもしっかりしていて 看護助手さんたちは 重いからだを持ち上げておむつを変えてくれたり横を向かせてくれたり 頑張ってくれてました。 理学療法士は2人の男性が頑張ってくれました。すごく個性のある2人でしたがいろんなことを教えていただきました。 院長の中嶋先生もとっても楽しい方です。待ち時間がながいのは それだけいい病院なんじゃないでしょうか? 私個人では3回くらい入院しましたけど 最高の脊椎の先生と整形外科医と理学療法士と看護師のいる病院だと思っています。 医師も看護師も個性のある人はいますが とってもいい病院ですよ。 私は1年に1回の診察になりましたが ずっと葛城病院に通うと思います。
Six years ago, I was super obese and spent half a year rehabilitating at another hospital, but I came to Katsuragi Hospital with a second opinion because it was strange. Immediately after the X-ray and MRI examinations, he was referred to a spine teacher and was diagnosed with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the thoracic spine, which is a designated intractable disease. I had an operation at Osaka Medical University. I returned to Katsuragi Hospital from the postoperative medical college. When I was hospitalized on the 7th floor, my legs didn't move and I couldn't stand, but my body was super obese! The nurses were solid teachers and chiefs, and the nursing assistants lifted their heavy bodies and changed their diapers and turned them sideways. Two men worked hard as a physiotherapist. Although they were very unique, they taught me various things. Dr. Nakajima, the director of the hospital, is a very fun person. Isn't it a good hospital that has a long waiting time? I have been hospitalized about 3 times, but I think it is a hospital with the best spine teachers, orthopedists, physiotherapists and nurses. There are some unique doctors and nurses, but it's a very nice hospital. I have a medical examination once a year, but I think I will go to Katsuragi Hospital all the time.
こころ on Google

レビュー評判悪いですね 私は頸椎椎間板ヘルニアで整形外科に通っていますが、担当医の方がすごく優しくて親身になって聞いて下さり、気に入ってます。 ただお休みされていた際に他の先生何人かにも診てもらいましたが対応がイマイチだったので評判が悪い理由もわかる気がします。 あと皮膚科は最悪でした。 どなたかも書かれていますが、全く同意です。 対応が悪いって言うよりも患者を馬鹿にしたような口ぶりで、こっちの話を全く聞こうとしないし、高圧的な決め付けで最悪でした。 症状出ているのに「気のせい、考えすぎ」と笑われましたが、他の病院で見て貰った結果全く気のせいなんかではなく、明らかに薬のせいで飲み続けていたら進行し大変な事になっていたと言われました。どこの病院か聞かれた位です。 すっごい腹立ったので2度と行かないです。 この先生が病院の評判落としているのは間違いないです。 内科、眼科も診てもらいましたがいずれも丁寧に診て下さりました。 ちなみに閉所恐怖症でMRIの際にパニックに毎回なるのですが、こちらでは検査技師の方がとても気遣い下さり、不安にならないように声を掛けて続けて下さったり、最終手繋いでおきましょうか?とまで言って下さり感激しました。 他の病院では無理だったのに最短で最低限の枚数ですが、撮っていただけ大変助かりました。 有難うございました。
Review reputation is bad I go to orthopedics for cervical disc herniated disk, but the doctor in charge is very kind and kind and listens to me, and I like it. However, when I was absent, I had some other teachers see me, but the response was not good, so I think I can understand why it has a bad reputation. Also, the dermatology was the worst. Everyone has written it, but I totally agree. Rather than saying that he wasn't responding well, he made a fool of the patient, didn't listen to me at all, and was the worst with a high-pressure branding. I was laughed at "I think too much because of my feelings" even though I had symptoms, but as a result of seeing it at another hospital, it was not because of my feelings at all, but obviously it progressed if I continued to take it because of the medicine. I was told that it was going to be a big deal. I was asked where the hospital was. I'm so angry that I'll never go again. There is no doubt that this teacher has lost the reputation of the hospital. I had an internal medicine and an ophthalmology examination, but they both examined me carefully. By the way, I have claustrophobia and panic every time during MRI, but here the inspection technician is very caring, and I would like to continue calling out so as not to be anxious, or let's hold the final hand. ?? I was deeply moved by saying that. Although it was impossible at other hospitals, it was the shortest and the minimum number, but it was very helpful to take a picture. Thank you.
山嵜大敬 on Google

下手くそな松葉杖で進んでると、この病院の白衣の天使に助けられたよ 白衣の天使は、実在した 見知らぬ俺なんて放っておけばいいのに 優しい白衣の天使が助けてくれた そんな天使が、いっぱい居るんだぜ サイコーに決まってるよ
As I proceeded with my bad crutches, I was helped by an angel in a white coat at this hospital. The angel in the white coat was real I should just leave the stranger me alone An angel in a gentle lab coat helped me There are many such angels It's decided to be awesome
丸山和恵 on Google

以前整形外科でお世話になっていました。 結構待たされます。夏だと冷房がかなり効いていて寒かって頭痛がして来るほど寒かったです。羽織るものが必要だと思います。整形外科のある先生にはものすごくお世話になったのでまた通うかも知れない日が来るかな?!
I used to be indebted to orthopedics. I have to wait a long time. In the summer, the air conditioner was quite effective and it was so cold that I had a headache. I think you need something to wear. A teacher with orthopedics has taken great care of me, so I wonder if there will be a day when I may go there again ?!
はてなはてな on Google

I am sometimes taken care of, but the teachers, nurses, and clerks are very kind. When I asked various questions over the phone, they responded very kindly. I think that you may be taken care of again, but thank you. I also got the corona vaccine at Katsuragi Hospital, but it didn't hurt so much that I was surprised. Thank you very much
シャムちゃん on Google

整形外科でお世話になりました。先生をはじめ看護師の皆さんも大変親切で良かったですが、受付の若い事務員さんの接客態度が横柄でイラッとしました。ものの言い方っ大事ですよね、せっかく先生方に気持ちまで励まされ救って頂いてるのに帰り際で嫌な思いをして帰らなきゃいけない… 中にはキチンとした対応をして下さる方もいらっしゃるので一部の人だとは思いますが、その方々のせいで評価が下がる、残念な事です。
Thank you for your help in orthopedics. It was good that the teachers and the nurses were very kind, but the young clerk at the reception was arrogant and irritated. It's important to say things, but I have to feel unpleasant on my way home even though the teachers have encouraged me to save me. I think there are some people who take care of me, so I think it's a part of them, but it's a shame that their evaluations are down.
MIFU MORI on Google

脳神経外科でお世話になりました。 脳出血により緊急入院しました 葛城病院は 大阪医科薬科大と連携してる為 スピーディーな対応に処置、そして 医科薬科大学病院には、 脳血管の専門チームがあり 、カテーテル手術により血管内手術。 現在元気に仕事もできています。 新たに命を頂き感謝でいっぱいです!
Thank you for your help in neurosurgery. I was urgently hospitalized due to cerebral hemorrhage. Katsuragi Hospital To collaborate with Osaka Medical and Pharamology University Treatment for speedy response, and Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital There is a specialized team for cerebrovascular accidents Endovascular surgery by catheter surgery. I am doing a good job now. I am full of gratitude for my new life!
ケロケロ on Google

It is said to be a shoulder joint lip injury, and when taking X-rays and MRI images with a contrast medium, it causes severe pain from the moment the shoulder joint is anesthetized! I immediately injected a contrast medium without confirming that the anesthesia was effective, and although I was suffering from severe pain and sweating, the teacher said that there was an operation and left the place. Later, the teacher will give you CRPS! You can't even have surgery with this! We are about to have surgery! They said. A second opinion was given to Osaka University, and the shoulder joint was inflamed and contracted, and a contrast medium was injected into it, causing severe pain. It is better than before. Also, on another day, he told me that his calf hurts due to a strained condition, but he was diagnosed with a strained bone only by taking an X-ray and MRI of his knee. After that, I was told that I should rehabilitate with plastic surgery in my neighborhood, and when I brought a letter of introduction, the Achilles tendon was broken! Misdiagnosis twice! It is strange that there is no such hospital guidance!

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