Kawai Clinics - Izumiotsu

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

医療法人泉秀会 かわい病院(大阪府泉大津市) - Kawai-hp.or.jp


Contact Kawai Clinics

住所 :

2 Chome-6-5 Toyonakacho, Izumiotsu, Osaka 595-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 595-0023
Webサイト : http://www.kawai-hp.or.jp/

2 Chome-6-5 Toyonakacho, Izumiotsu, Osaka 595-0023, Japan
すずきかずたか on Google

只今通院中です。 いっも、リハビリですが、 いっも、遊びがてら。 リハビリ受けてます。 いい病院だと思います
I'm going to the hospital right now. It ’s rehabilitation, Let's play. I am undergoing rehabilitation. I think it's a good hospital
蓮カイ on Google

整形外科にかかりましたが、医師に上から目線でタメ口の人が居て不快でした。 症状の現状説明をゴニョゴニョ喋るのみで治療方針、アドバイス等も聞くまで無し。 質問しても面倒臭そうにつっけんどんな回答。もう行かない
I had an orthopedic surgery, but I was uncomfortable with a doctor who had a bad mouth from above. There is no need to ask for treatment policy, advice, etc., just by talking about the current state of the symptoms. What kind of answer seems to be troublesome even if you ask a question. I won't go anymore
ぽんず“ぽんず” on Google

The place where the bone was broken slipped and was hospitalized. I had very good teachers and nurses. The postoperative recovery was quick and I was surprised by an acquaintance who had a similar operation at another hospital. However, the hospital itself is old and there are no shops. When I go to the hospital, I make a reservation and wait, but when I go out, it will call me, and there is a cafe nearby, so there is no problem (I w)
Kaz D on Google

ある日行くと主治医が突然辞めていた‼︎。 交通事故の診断書を書いて貰う予定だったが、主治医が辞めたので書けないと言われた(意味不明)‼︎。代わりの医者(正覺)も書けないとキレ気味に...‼︎。相手の保険屋に提出しなくてはいけないと、何回かやり取りしてなんとか不服そうに書きますと。診断書書くのに2か月(それも保険屋が催促して)挙句適当な診断書。 こんな意味不明な病院を紹介してと、紹介してあげた人に言われた‼︎。面目丸潰れ。
One day, my doctor suddenly quit! ︎. I was planning to get a medical certificate for a traffic accident, but I was told that I couldn't write it because my doctor quit (unknown)! ︎. If I can't write a substitute doctor (Masato), I feel like I'm sharp ... ︎. When I had to submit it to the insurance company of the other party, I exchanged it several times and managed to write it dissatisfied. Two months to write a medical certificate (also urged by the insurance company) After all, a suitable medical certificate. The person who introduced me told me to introduce such a meaningless hospital! ︎. The face is crushed.
もnも on Google

入院中の食事は不味いけれど、医師や看護師のレベルは高いです。オペも早く術後のケア(リハビリ含め)良いです。搬送先がここで良かったと心から思います。 普段から混雑しているので待ち時間は近所で時間を潰さないとしんどいかも。
The food in the hospital is not good, but the level of doctors and nurses is high. The operation is quick and the postoperative care (including rehabilitation) is good. I sincerely think that the destination was good here. It's usually crowded, so waiting time may be a pain if you don't kill time in the neighborhood.
うさママ on Google

先日、夜間救急車で搬送されレントゲン、Dr診察、応急処置まで初めての病院で不安だらけでしたが、親切丁寧に手際良くしてくださりありがとうございました。 結果は(左肘骨折で一部粉砕)との事でした。 貴院での治療をお願いしても良かったのですが、自宅から遠くリハビリに通うのがとの事で自宅近くの病院を紹介して下さいました。 受付、Dr、Nsの皆様ありがとうございました。
The other day, I was transported by an ambulance at night, and I was full of anxiety at the hospital for the first time until X-ray, Dr examination, and first aid, but thank you for your kindness and politeness. The result was (partially crushed due to a fracture of the left elbow). It was okay to ask for treatment at your hospital, but he told me that he would go to rehabilitation far from home, so he introduced me to a hospital near my home. Thank you to the receptionist, Dr, and Ns.
だようおちゃん on Google

本日の夕方頃にそちらに予約なしで行けるのか 確認電話したところ、女性が電話に出て ものすごく対応が悪かったです。 ストレスでも溜まってるのでしょうか? キレ気味に対応されて不愉快しかなかったです 受付対応を改善した方がいいですよ。 もう二度と行きたくもないですね。 口コミ投稿してる時間も返してほしいくらい
Can I go there without a reservation around this evening? When I called for confirmation, a woman answered the phone The correspondence was extremely bad. Is it accumulated even with stress? It was unpleasant to deal with the sharpness You should improve the reception correspondence. I don't want to go there again. I want you to return the time you are posting reviews
P T on Google

受付で当日に治療を受けられるか聞いたら、先生のスケジュールが合えばできると言われました。40分くらいでお呼びできますと言ったくせに2時間以上待たされました。 順番が来てやっと治療して貰えると思ったら、今日はできないと言われました。 診察してくれた先生の態度も不愉快でした。 ただ時間とお金を無駄にしただけでした。
When I asked at the reception if I could receive treatment on the day, I was told that I could do it if the teacher's schedule was met. I had to wait for more than 2 hours even though I said that I could call you in about 40 minutes. I was told that I couldn't do it today when it was my turn and I thought I could finally get treatment. The attitude of the teacher who examined me was also unpleasant. I just wasted my time and money.

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