Kato Clinic - Saitama

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kato Clinic

住所 :

産婦人科 2 Chome-3-11 Maeji, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 330-0053
Webサイト : https://www.katocl.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

産婦人科 2 Chome-3-11 Maeji, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0053, Japan
はるか on Google

健診&出産でお世話になりました。 入院中とても快適に過ごせました。特に出産時に担当してもらった助産師さんがとても親身になってくれて感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです!またここでお世話になりたいと思いました。 食事は噂通り豪華で食べきれないこともしばしば。美味しかったです♪
Thank you for your medical examination and childbirth. I was very comfortable while I was in the hospital. In particular, I am very grateful to the midwife who was in charge of giving birth for being very kind! I also wanted to take care of you here. Meals are often gorgeous and inedible as rumored. It was delicious ♪
R on Google

こちらで診察→分娩→入院までお世話になりました。 たしかに待ち時間は長いかもしれませんが 私は特に気にするほど苦痛でもなかったです。 色んな先生に診察していただきましたが、 皆さんエコーで顔を見せようと必死になって くれたり、良い先生ばかりです。 分娩はコロナということもあり立ち会いNGで少し心細かったですが、テキパキと進み終わった後にはおつかれさま、頑張ったね、と先生も助産師さんも言ってくださり安心してその後は寝れました。 入院中、部屋はホテルみたいに綺麗で、ご飯はボリューミーですがとっても美味しく、助産師さんも優しくて頼りになります。忙しくても親身に相談に乗ってくれたり、気さくな方ばかりです。入院中関わった方全員労ってくださり、 こちらで出産して良かったなと本当に思います。 2人目を授かることがあれば、またぜひお世話になりたいです
I was taken care of from medical examination → delivery → hospitalization here. Certainly the waiting time may be long, I wasn't too painful to worry about. I had various doctors see me, Everyone desperately trying to show their faces with echo They are all good teachers. Since the delivery was corona, I was a little lonely because I was witnessed and NG, but after I finished progressing, my teacher and midwife told me that I did my best, and I was able to sleep after that. During hospitalization, the room is as clean as a hotel, the rice is voluminous but very delicious, and the midwife is kind and reliable. Even if they are busy, they are all friendly and willing to consult with us. All the people involved during hospitalization worked hard, I'm really glad I gave birth here. If you have a second person, I would love to take care of you again.
ayaka ueki on Google

次女の出産(予定帝王切開)でお世話になりました。 とても綺麗なクリニックで、健診時から出産、退院まで快適に過ごすことができました。スタッフのみなさまもみなさん優しく、安心して出産に臨めました。切開の傷も綺麗で、術後の回復も早いように感じました。お食事もボリュームがあり、夜のおやつでは毎日ほっこりした気持ちになりました。アロママッサージもとても癒されましたし、母乳相談でも親身に話を聞いていただいて、ありがたかったです。思い出に残る出産になりました。ありがとうございました。
I was taken care of by the birth of my second daughter (scheduled Caesarean section). It was a very beautiful clinic, and I was able to spend comfortably from the time of medical examination to childbirth and discharge. All the staff were kind and gave birth with peace of mind. The incision was clean and I felt that the postoperative recovery was quick. The food was voluminous, and the evening snack made me feel relaxed every day. The aroma massage was soothing, and I was grateful for the kindness of the breastfeeding consultation. It was a memorable birth. Thank you very much.
小林しょうこ on Google

今月の妊婦健診で、花粉症の方はトリアージ対応になりますと。 対策としては素晴らしいと思いますが、結局診察代も上乗せされさらに隔離代金までとられ。 部屋に行くまでは寒い自動ドア付近で待ちました。 次回の健診も花粉症の診断書あってもトリアージと言われました。料金が嵩んでしまいます。 せめて、自宅で抗原検査して陰性なら隔離なしにしたりとか、対応して貰わないと困ります。 出産時も、希望と別の部屋になっても追加料金はこちらが支払うと言われました。 普通病院側の都合ならこちらは払わなくていいはずです。 産科が少ないからここで産むしかないですが、料金に関して不安が多すぎます。 スタッフさんは皆様いい方なのに残念です。
At this month's maternity checkup, people with hay fever will be able to triage. I think it's a great measure, but in the end, the medical examination fee was added and even the isolation fee was taken. I waited near the cold automatic door until I went to the room. The next medical examination was said to be triage even if there was a medical certificate for hay fever. The charge will increase. At the very least, if you test your antigen at home and it is negative, you will not be quarantined. I was told that I would pay the additional fee at the time of childbirth, even if the room was different from what I wanted. Normally, you shouldn't have to pay this if it's convenient for the hospital. Since there are few obstetrics, I have no choice but to give birth here, but I am too worried about the price. It's a pity that all the staff are nice.
saki k on Google

先日こちらで出産しました。大変お世話になりました。 入院中、スタッフの皆様は非常に色々と気にかけてくださり、相談しやすい環境でした。 授乳のちょっとしたコツ、赤ちゃんのこと、お話しいただいたいろんなことが勉強になり、不安や心配を少なくした状態で退院出来ます。 初めての出産で分からないことだらけですので、こういったことはありがたかったです。 院内は大変キレイで過ごしやすいです。 食事は美味しく、毎食楽しみでした!(夜のおやつも!) 診察の待ち時間の件は、私も2時間ほど待つことは何度もありましたが、この周辺は人口の割に産院も少ないですし、仕方ないのかなと思ってます。待つものだと思っていけば多少負担も軽減されるのでは、と思いました。 検診周期が1週間おきになった際には、次の予約を取って下さり、ありがたかったです。 私はこちらで初めての出産をして、本当に良かったと思いました! ありがとうございました!
I gave birth here the other day. Thank you for all the help you have given me. During the hospitalization, the staff were very concerned about various things, and it was an environment where it was easy to consult. You can learn a little tricks about breastfeeding, about your baby, and various things you want to talk about, and you can leave the hospital with less anxiety and worries. I'm grateful for this because there are so many things I don't understand when I give birth for the first time. The hospital is very clean and easy to spend. The food was delicious and I was looking forward to every meal! (Night snacks too!) Regarding the waiting time for medical examinations, I often waited for about 2 hours, but there are few maternity hospitals in this area for the population, so I wonder if it can be helped. I thought that the burden would be reduced a little if I thought it was something to wait for. When the examination cycle was every other week, I was grateful for making the next appointment. I had my first childbirth here and I was really happy! thank you!
m w on Google

義母の勧めで妊娠初期〜中期に利用いたしました。 診察の待ち時間がとても長いです。予約しても2時間待つのはよくあります。先生が分娩で抜けると4時間もまちました。他の先生いないのか!?ってぐらいの待ち時間です。 また質問だけでも1時間待たされました。周りの人もよくあと何分ですか?と質問していたなぁ。という印象です。 受付に人数がいるわりに会計がとても長く、よく会計金額のおつりを間違えたり、違う方の保健証を返されたらと、確認する力が足りないスタッフが多いという印象です。 採血に関しても2回失敗されました。これは仕方ないとしても。。。ちょっと下手だなぁ。と思います。 先生は人により温度差があり、相談しにくい先生もいらっしゃいます。もちろん優しいく相談しやすい先生もいます。 また病院の勧めで転院となった後も、転院先がコロナで一時的に妊婦検診が受けれなくなった時、こちらの病院には元々カルテがあるのに「新しい転院先に一度も通ってなくてもコロナが出た病院に通う方をうちでは見れません」とわけわからない事を言われました。あまりにもショックで対応が悪い印象しかないです。 一回も通えてないのに、あからさまにその病院でコロナ感染してるから見れない。と言われているみたいで不愉快でした。転院後とても冷たいです。妊婦に対して優しくないです。 結局、別のところで妊婦検診を受けさせていただき、最終的に転院先で出産を行いました。 別の病院ではとても柔軟に対応いただき、このコロナ禍のなかでも妊婦の不安定な状態に配慮いただきました。 どうしても比べてしまうと、こちらの産院さんは待ち時間、技術、対応と総合的に含めて星1の評価でおすすめできません。 病院は綺麗になって素晴らしいと思いますが、もう通いたいとは思いませんでした。
I used it in the early to mid-pregnancy period at the recommendation of my mother-in-law. The waiting time for the examination is very long. Even if you make a reservation, you often wait for 2 hours. It took four hours when the teacher left the delivery. Isn't there another teacher! ?? It's about a waiting time. Also, I had to wait an hour just for the question. How many minutes do people around you often have? I was asking. It is an impression. Although the number of people at the reception is large, the accounting is very long, and I get the impression that there are many staff members who do not have the ability to confirm if they often make a mistake in changing the accounting amount or if the health certificate of a different person is returned. I also failed to collect blood twice. Even if this can't be helped. .. .. I'm a little bad at it. I think. There are some teachers who have different temperatures depending on the person and it is difficult to consult with them. Of course, there are also teachers who are kind and easy to consult. Also, even after being transferred to another hospital at the recommendation of the hospital, when the transfer destination was Corona and I was temporarily unable to receive a maternity examination, even though this hospital originally had a medical record, "I never went to a new transfer destination. I can't see anyone who goes to the hospital where Corona came out. " I have the impression that it is too shocking and the response is bad. I haven't been able to go there even once, but I can't see it because I'm obviously infected with corona at the hospital. It was unpleasant because it seemed to be said. It's very cold after the transfer. Not kind to pregnant women. In the end, I had a pregnancy examination at another place and finally gave birth at the transfer destination. At another hospital, I was very flexible and took into consideration the unstable condition of pregnant women even in this corona disaster. By all means, this maternity hospital is not recommended for a 1-star rating, including waiting time, technology, and response. I think the hospital is clean and wonderful, but I didn't want to go there anymore.
まえあん on Google

Thank you for your regular checkups and childbirth. I was able to spend a pleasant time in a beautiful hospital. The gynecologists, midwives, and staff were all very nice people, and I was able to successfully overcome the uneasy childbirth. Also, the food in the hospital was very delicious and I was surprised! I want to eat again and I want to be taken care of again.
M S on Google

こちらで定期検診を受け出産までお世話になりました。 検診の際は先生も看護師さんも丁寧で安心しました。 エコーでは先生にもよるかもしれませんが、赤ちゃんのどこの部分か教えてくれたり、なるべくお顔をみせてくれようと角度を変えながら診せてくれたりと丁寧でした。 毎回エコーが動画でダウンロード出来るので記録にもなり、家族と共有できてよかったです。 出産について 誘発入院と結果緊急帝王切開となりました。 誘発中はコロナ禍で1人で不安でしたが、皆さん励ましてくれたり気遣ってくれたとおかげで乗り越えられました。 緊急帝王切開となった際は、スタッフのみなさんの手際の良さに痛みに耐えながらも感心しました。 手術中もあとどれくらで赤ちゃんに会えるよと声かけてくれたり、手を握ってくれたりとお陰で頑張れました。 生まれた瞬間もちゃんと赤ちゃんを見せてくれたりと赤ちゃんの写真もしっかり撮っててくれま 傷口も炎症もなく綺麗で目立たず感謝してます。 産後も身体を気遣ってくれました。 育児指導について 母乳調乳が不安でしたが、毎日何回か確認に来てくれてアドバイスをくれました。 質問もしやすく、おかげで退院時にはだいぶ自信がつきました。 毎回違う助産師さんが対応してくれますが、今どんな状況か把握してくれててチームワークの 良さを感じました。 9日間の入院となりましたが、完全個室で綺麗な館内と設備の充実さ、豪華な料理とおやつ、スタッフ皆さんの温かい対応のおかげで快適に過ごせました。 こちらで出産して良かったと思ってます。
I received regular medical examinations here and took care of me until giving birth. At the time of the examination, both the teacher and the nurse were polite and relieved. At Echo, it may depend on the teacher, but he was polite to tell me what part of the baby was, and to see me while changing the angle so that I could show my face as much as possible. Echo can be downloaded as a video every time, so it became a record and I'm glad I could share it with my family. About childbirth Induced hospitalization and result of emergency caesarean section. I was worried by myself because of the corona sickness during the trigger, but I was able to overcome it thanks to everyone's encouragement and care. At the time of the emergency Caesarean section, I was impressed by the dexterity of the staff while enduring the pain. I was able to do my best thanks to the fact that he told me how much I could meet my baby during the surgery and held my hand. Even when I was born, he showed me the baby properly and took a good picture of the baby. I am grateful that there are no wounds or inflammation and it is clean and unobtrusive. He took care of his body even after giving birth. About childcare guidance I was worried about breastfeeding, but he came to check me several times every day and gave me some advice. It was easy to ask questions, which gave me a lot of confidence when I was discharged. A different midwife will respond every time, but he will understand what the situation is now and it will be a teamwork I felt good. Although I was hospitalized for 9 days, I was able to spend a comfortable time thanks to the clean interior and facilities, luxurious food and snacks, and the warm support of all the staff. I'm glad I gave birth here.

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