
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 串揚げ和や

住所 :

Kasugai, 〒486-0825 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89878
街 : 区画 Aichi

Kasugai, 〒486-0825 Aichi,Japan
辻和馬 on Google

Cheap and good! ! The skewers were 100 yen, but big and delicious. The downtown drinks were also delicious. I was just drunk. .
Hidenori Takeda on Google

口コミにもありますが店長さんは無口です。しかし料理は安くて美味いです。 クレジットカード使えませんでしたT_T
There is also word of mouth, but the store manager is silent. But the food is cheap and delicious. I couldn't use my credit card T_T
T N on Google

店員さんは若いお兄さん一人で静かな人ですが、料理はバッチリ旨いです 店員さんとの絡みを期待されるならちょっと合わないかもしれませんが、安く旨く酔う事を楽しむなら文句なしのお店です 3人で容量が大きいのが自分だけってのもありますが7000円ちょっとしかかかりませんでした 平均的な居酒屋だと自分一人で1万円ほどかかる自分からすると格安で、なおかつ何処にでもあるような居酒屋より断然ウマイ 個人的にはかなりおすすめです
The clerk is a young older brother and a quiet person, but the dish is delicious If you are expected to get involved with a sales clerk, it may not be suitable for a moment, but if you enjoy delicious cheaply and enjoying it is a shop without complaint Three people got big capacity only for themselves but it cost only 7000 yen If it is an average pub, it costs about 10,000 yen by myself, it is cheap from myself, and it is more dangerous than a tavern that is still anywhere Personally it is quite recommended.
すずき46 on Google

My friend's shop is cheap and delicious.
花咲かトム on Google

串揚げがサクサクでとても美味しかったです。ソース、味噌が選べました。 店長さんはこだわりが強く それが味にも出てる気がしました。
The deep-fried skewers were crispy and very delicious. You can choose the sauce and miso. The store manager is very particular about it, and I feel that it is also reflected in the taste.
ko tara (tarako) on Google

店員が無口だし客いない為 家で飲んでる方がいい
Because the clerk is silent and there are no customers Better to drink at home
朝岡 on Google

安い!美味い! 他のレビューにもある通り、店長さんはかなり無口で店も結構汚く不安になる。 しかし味は美味いし値段もお手ごろでハイボールも350円とは思えない程量があり、濃い。 串カツもさっぱりしてて美味しい。 気になる所もあるがこの安さと美味さならお釣りが来るのではないだろうか。
cheap! delicious! As you can see in other reviews, the store manager is quite quiet and the store is quite dirty and anxious. However, the taste is delicious, the price is reasonable, and the highball is so large that you can't think it's 350 yen. Kushikatsu is also refreshing and delicious. There are some places to be worried about, but if it's cheap and delicious, I think fishing will come.
グロンキーグロンキー on Google

下町感のある いいお店でした。店主は無愛想で不器用でしたが話しかければ いい人でした。まさに江戸っ子という印象です。クチコミが2分化してる理由がわかりました。人情が好きな人にはオススメの店です。このスタイルを春日井でやってるのがすごい!
It was a nice shop with a feeling of downtown. The owner was unfriendly and clumsy, but he was a nice person to talk to. The impression is that it is an Edokko. I understand why the word-of-mouth is divided into two. This shop is recommended for people who like humanity. It's amazing to do this style in Kasugai!

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