有限会社春日不動産 西千葉駅前

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 有限会社春日不動産 西千葉駅前

住所 :

Kasuga, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0033 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.kasuga100.com/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kasuga, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0033 Chiba,Japan
鶴田美恵 on Google

I visited to find a room for my daughter who started living alone, but I was able to find various properties that fit these conditions. He prepared the inside out immediately and gave me some guidance. It was a very kind real estate agent.
佐藤ゆ on Google

退去時の対応が最悪です。ふすまの傷を入居時チェックリストに書いたにもかかわらず、修理代を負担して下さいと言われました。あとでチェックリストを確認し、クレームの電話を入れた途端、負担しなくて大丈夫ですとのこと。チェックリストをコピーで保管しておいて良かったです。 また、退去時の立会いで指摘されなかった、排水の菊割れゴムとゴミかご代を請求されました。借主負担のクリーニング代にちゃっかり加えられていました。クリーニング代が契約書の特約事項に書かれている金額より高いと思い、電話で確認したら判明。こちらから聞かなければ、黙ってお金を取っていたのでしょう。しかも、意図的に傷つけたり壊したりしたつもりもありません。通常は経年劣化なので、貸主負担ではないでしょうか? 最後にこんなに不快な思いをするとは思いませんでした。2度とここは利用しません。
Correspondence at the time of leaving is the worst. Despite writing bran blemishes on the check-in checklist, I was told to pay the repair fee. Check the checklist later, and as soon as you put the claim phone, it's okay not to bear it. It is good to keep the checklist in a copy. In addition, I was billed for the draining chrysanthemum cracker and the garbage basket which was not pointed out at the time of departure when I was leaving. It was being added to the cleaning fee paid by the borrower. I think that the cleaning fee is higher than the amount stated in the contract terms and conditions, and it turns out if I confirm it by phone. If I didn't ask from here, I would have been silently taking money. Moreover, I did not intend to intentionally damage or break it. Usually because it is aged deterioration, is not the lender's burden? I did not think that I felt uncomfortable at the end. I will not use it again here.
Marcus on Google

まず態度が最悪です。最初の物件探しの際は若い女の方に対応してもらいましたから丁寧でよかったです。しかしその方以外全員最悪です。特に学生からのクレーム対応にはパソコンで業務をしながら話を聞く始末。ありえません。 隣人トラブルがあり対応をお願いしましたが上記のように相手されず、しまいには『私達も困ってるんですよね〜』と。なにも対策してくれません。入居時もそんな隣人がいることは隠していました。 他の方への解答もいかに老舗の不動産で地域に密着してます!みたいなのばかり。他の不動産を勧めます。この口コミにも同じような解答しかしないでしょうが。
At first the attitude is the worst. At the time of the first article search, it was polite and good because we had young woman cope. But everyone else is the worst. In particular, when dealing with complaints from students, they stop working while working on a personal computer and listen to the story. impossible. I had a neighbor trouble and asked for a response, but I was not dealt with as above, and in the end, "We are also in trouble ~" and. It does not take any measures. Even when moving in, I was hiding that there was such a neighbor. The solution to other people is also closely connected to the area with the established real estate! It's just like that. Recommend other real estate. There will only be a similar answer to this word of mouth.
C Wang on Google

先日お部屋探しの件で訪ねた。社長や女性従業員はとても親切でいい人だと思うが、残念ながら素質の低い男性従業員のせいで不快な思いをしました。 千葉大の新入生に一言:笑顔に騙されないように気をつけよう。
I visited the other day to find a room. I think the president and female employees are very kind and good people, but unfortunately I was uncomfortable because of poor male employees. A word for new students at Chiba University: Be careful not to be fooled by smiles.
Jet Sin on Google

地震でガスが止まってしまったのですが、なんと復旧のため社員さんが自宅まで駆けつけてくれました。 真心を感じる…? 本当にありがとうございました。
The gas stopped due to the earthquake, but an employee rushed to my house to recover. I feel sincere ... ? Thank you very much.
ちばのあべゆうと on Google

Totally terrible. I can't trust it here. I won't write it in detail, but even if it's a normal response when you move in, you can't be alert and you can't trust it because the calculation will be misleading or you will be billed twice when you move out, as in the old post. world. Does the fact that the old writing has the same content mean that it has been planned for a long time?
すずきじゅんこ on Google

娘の物件探しでお世話になりました。 西千葉駅の改札を出てすぐの場所にあり、わかりやすいです。 物件はたくさんあり、まずはネットで条件を入れて探しました。 気に入った物件をメールで問い合わせしまた。メールでは他のどの不動産会社より早く、丁寧にお返事を頂いていました。 予約を入れて会社を訪ねましたが、とても丁寧な接客で、すぐに物件を見に連れていってくれました。 メールでやり取りしていた方が詳しく物件について話をしてくれて、車をどこからか玄関前に用意する人、物件を決めたら手続きの説明をしてくれる人、大屋さんと電話する人、お茶を出す人と分担がしっかり決まっていて、流れるようにスムーズに契約までたどり着きました。 とにかく、丁寧でした。
I was taken care of in search of my daughter's property. It's easy to find, just off the ticket gate of Nishi-Chiba Station. There are a lot of properties, and I first searched for them online. Contact us by email for your favorite property. By email, he was politely responding faster than any other real estate company. I made a reservation and visited the company, but she was very courteous and took me to see the property immediately. Those who exchanged by e-mail will talk in detail about the property, people who will prepare a car from the front of the entrance, people who will explain the procedure when deciding the property, people who call the oya, tea The assignment of the person who issued the contract was determined, and the contract was reached smoothly and smoothly. Anyway, it was polite.
Mammy H.S on Google

だいぶ昔物件を探しに訪れた際まだ若い夫婦だった私達を冷やかしだと思ったのか全く相手にされず物件を紹介すらしてくれませんでした。 とても不快な思いをしました。人を見た目で判断して最低ですね。結局他の不動産屋さんでお世話になりました。
When I visited to look for a property a long time ago, I thought that we, who were still young couples, were ridiculous, but they didn't even introduce the property at all. I felt very uncomfortable. Judging by the appearance of people, it's the worst. After all, I was taken care of by another real estate agent.

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