ランスタッド(株) 柏支店

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ランスタッド(株) 柏支店

住所 :

Kashiwa, 〒277-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : https://www.randstad.co.jp/about/branch/05/kashiwa.html
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kashiwa, 〒277-0005 Chiba,Japan
久本慎一 on Google

s m on Google

It was the worst
a s on Google

The holiday work hours and overtime pay were not increased.
M on Google

スタッフの対応がカス。 ここで仕事は入れないほうがいいらしいね。
The correspondence of the staff is dregs. It seems better not to put in work here.
加藤健一 on Google

It was good. I registered because people around me say it's good here. Thank you very much. Please listen to my story.
あんでぃ on Google

There is not only Mr. Ranstatt, but I think it would be better if I used a temporary agency to quit my job search. I have 10 years of experience in dispatching. Currently I work as a full-time employee. Fifties male.
Ha Na on Google

スタッフの当たりが悪かっただけだと思いますが…とにかく最低でした。希望勤務地を何度言っても間違えられ、とにかく否定的。こちらの希望は全く聞いておらず、何度でも聞いてくるのに、派遣の希望とは全く関係のないことで、自分が興味を持ったことだけ質問攻めでかなり時間の無駄でした。どうしても1つ苦手なことがあり、できれば避けたいと言ったら、やる気がないなら仕事は紹介できないと。スキルチェックではいい点だと言っておきながら、パソコンについての初歩的な事を聞かれ、そんな事もできない訳じゃないよねと言われた。知ってるショートカットキーを自慢したり、何をしに行ったか分からなくなりました。 気になりメモもちらっと見てみましたが、私の条件や希望とはかけ離れており登録会とは思えませんでした。以前私が勤めていた会社の悪口をいい始めたり。私は嫌でやめたわけではないので否定的なことは言ってません。 1時間以上とにかく自慢と説教でした。それで勤務地すら聞いてないって、どうかと思います。他の担当者はそうでないかもしれませんが、なんの信用もなく、頼りになると思った点も少しも感じられませんでした。
I think the staff was just bad, but it was the worst. No matter how many times I say the desired place of work, I get a mistake and it is negative. I haven't heard this hope at all, and I've heard it many times, but it has nothing to do with the hope of dispatching, so I wasted a lot of time just asking questions that I was interested in. There is one thing I really don't like, and I want to avoid it, but if I don't have the motivation, I can't introduce a job. Although I said that it was a good point in skill checking, I was asked about basic things about PCs, and I was told that I could not do that. I'm proud of the shortcut keys I know and I don't know what to do. I took a quick glance at the memo, but it was far from my conditions and hopes, and I didn't think it was a registration session. I started to talk badly about the company I used to work for. I didn't dislike it, so I'm not saying anything negative. It was a pride and a sermon for over an hour. So I don't think you even heard about your place of work. Others may not be, but I didn't have any credibility, and I didn't feel I could count on any of them.
鈴木えむ on Google

派遣での就業は初めてでした。 コロナの中にあって事務所に行かずとも登録手続きができ便利だと感じました。 またコンサルの方に色々質問させていただいた時にも、細かく説明いただき、派遣での働き方に不安を感じていたのですが解消でき、安心感はありました。 登録だけ他の会社でしていて、まだ働いたことはないので星3つとしました。
It was my first time to work as a dispatched laborer. I found it convenient because it was in the corona and I could complete the registration procedure without going to the office. Also, when I asked the consultant various questions, he gave me a detailed explanation, and I was worried about the way I worked during dispatch, but I was able to resolve it, and I felt relieved. I only registered at another company, and I haven't worked yet, so I gave it 3 stars.

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