Kashimamiko Shrine - Ishinomaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kashimamiko Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-1-10 Hiyorigaoka, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-0833, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 986-0833
Webサイト : http://www.kashimamiko.org/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–3PM
Sunday 10AM–3PM
Monday 10AM–3PM
Tuesday 10AM–3PM
Wednesday 10AM–3PM
Thursday 10AM–3PM
Friday 10AM–3PM

2 Chome-1-10 Hiyorigaoka, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-0833, Japan
みちこ on Google

The view of the precincts, especially from the vicinity of Otorii, in the direction of Hiyorio Bridge is the best view that not only the citizens of Ishinomaki but also the hearts of Ishinomaki can be firmly grasped, and the power, beauty, and gratitude can be felt. I was able to feel a happy bond by supporting the rebuilding cost of the Otorii, which is being recruited as of October 2021, although it is a little. We sincerely hope that many people will share this happiness by the end of the acceptance process, and that the renewal will be completed without any accidents or problems during construction.
のらねこかず on Google

21/4/10 参拝 日和山にある神社です。鳥居の向こうに太平洋が望めます。 ちょうど境内の桜も満開で美しいです。 祭神はタケミカズチの子息の様です。塩竃神社には父が祀られ、息子は良港であるこの地を託されたのでしょうか。 この山は石巻城址です。また典型的な海蝕崖で、三陸には多くある地形です。 浜辺からそそり立つ山は、要害であり目印でもあり避難場所でもあったでしょう。 えてして古社がある所は津波や地震に耐える場所にあるものです。
21/4/10 Worship It is a shrine on Mt. Hiyori. You can see the Pacific Ocean beyond the torii gate. The cherry blossoms in the precincts are also in full bloom and beautiful. The deity is like the son of Takemikazuchi. Was my father enshrined at Shiogama Shrine and my son entrusted with this place, which is a good port? This mountain is the site of Ishinomaki Castle. It is also a typical sea cliff and has many topography in Sanriku. The mountain that rises from the beach would have been a fortress, a landmark, and an evacuation site. By the way, the place where the old shrine is located is in a place that can withstand tsunamis and earthquakes.
Yasuhiro on Google

神名帳の陸奥國牡鹿郡の項に鹿嶋御兒神社と記載のある式内社。 北上川の河口近くの日和山という小高い山の頂上にあって、復興工事中の石巻港周辺を眼下に見下ろすことができる眺めの良い場所に鎮座。 当社は三代実録に記載のある陸奥國鹿嶋苗裔神三十八社のうちの一社。 御祭神は武甕槌命と鹿嶋天足別命となっている。天足別命は宮城県亘理郡亘理町逢隈鹿島の鹿島天足和氣神社もあることから、鹿嶋神の苗裔神であり、当社の本来の神、一座であることはまちがいない。 ・ 当社のHPによると、往古関東の鹿島、香取の両神宮の祖神の御子神が共に朝廷より命を受け、海路、奥州に向かい、蝦夷の征伐と開拓経営にあたることになった。その船が石巻で停泊した際、錨を巻き上げるときに、石も巻き上げたため、この地を石巻と呼ぶようになった。 ・ また、この周辺に牡鹿柵(おしかのさく)があったとも書いてあるが、牡鹿柵は数年前の発掘調査で東松島市の赤井にある赤井遺跡が有力とされている。しかしこの石巻は古代から多賀城からも近い天然の良港であり、東北の蝦夷征伐、蝦夷地開拓の海路ルートの重要拠点であったことに間違いないし、北上川を遡って、水沢市のほうまで行くこともできる。現に、ここから北上川を水沢まで向かう途中に、式内社はとても多く分布している。 ・ 鹿島苗裔神三十八社がヤマト王権東北進出の重要拠点に置かれたことがここでもはっきりしているように思う。
The Shikinai shrine that is listed as Kashima Miho Shrine in the section of Mutsu Kuni Oshika-gun in the Shinto shrine. Located on the top of a small mountain called Mt. Hiyori near the mouth of the Kitakami River, it is located in a scenic location where you can look down on the area around Ishinomaki Port, which is undergoing reconstruction work. Our company is one of the 38 Mutsu Kuni Kashima Mikogami companies listed in the Sandai Jitsuroku. The gods of the ritual are Takemikazuchi and Kashima Amatariwake. Since there is also Kashima Amatarashi Waki ​​Shrine in Okumakashima, Watari-cho, Watari-gun, Miyagi Prefecture, there is no doubt that it is the seedling god of Kashima God and the original god of our company, the troupe. ・ According to our website, the Mikogami, the ancestors of both Kashima and Katori shrines in the ancient Kanto region, were ordered by the imperial court and headed for the sea route and Oshu to conquer and cultivate Ezo. When the ship was anchored in Ishinomaki, when the anchor was wound up, the stone was also wound up, so this place came to be called Ishinomaki. ・ It is also written that there was an Oshika fence around this area, but the Akai site in Akai, Higashimatsushima city is considered to be the most promising one in the excavation survey several years ago. However, this Ishinomaki has been a good natural port close to Tagajo since ancient times, and it must have been an important base for the sea route to conquer Ezo and cultivate Ezo in the Tohoku region, and goes up the Kitakami River to Mizusawa City. You can also do it. In fact, on the way from here to Mizusawa on the Kitakami River, a large number of Shikinai shrines are distributed. ・ I think it is clear here that Kashima Mikogami Sanjuhassha has been placed as an important base for the advancement of the Yamato kingdom to Tohoku.
見知らぬひと。 on Google

初詣の時に行きました! 非常に高い所にあり、鳥居から見渡す景色が最高でした!
I went there when I first visited the shrine! It was very high and the view from the torii was amazing!
牡鹿半島 on Google

I was able to worship the new torii gate! It is a prestigious and imposing shrine
9 MONKEYS on Google

To the left of the hall of worship is Tenmangu, facing south, and to the east, the Atago Shrine and the Inari / Yawata Goshi shrine are enshrined.
Rage 0ut on Google

the Isinomaki
Mika'ele Keni' on Google

Small but clean and immaculate Shrine located behind Hiyoriyama Park. A short distance from the Torii the overlooks Ishinomaki and the bay. The Shrine is a sad reminder of the Great Sendai Earthquake or Great Tōhoku Earthquake that ravished this beautiful area nearly a decade ago. Located in Hiyoriyama Park, the Kashima Miko Shrine was a site of remembrance after the tsunami to pay respects to the thousands that were lost or presumed dead from the disaster, as people joined hands and prayed for an early recovery. Nowadays, it functions as a regular shrine, and remains a landmark in Ishinomaki, continuing to celebrate during festivities and organizing their own shrine events. A good place to stop by while admiring the cherry blossoms in the park. - Stolen from trip101 A perfect description of the Shrine...

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