
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おやじ

住所 :

Kashimadaihirawata, Ōsaki, 〒989-4103 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Miyagi

Kashimadaihirawata, Ōsaki, 〒989-4103 Miyagi,Japan
Shimarisu Blue-Fox (蒼い狐) on Google

私が子供のときから通っている定食料理屋さんです。 唐揚げ定食が絶品です。来店したときはほぼ毎回、単品で注文します。 お手頃価格で毎日メニューが変わるセットがあり、定食と食後にコーヒー又は紅茶がつきます。 いつもおいしくいただいています。 また、自身で釣った魚をさばいてくれます。是非、釣りにいった帰りによってください。
I am a set restaurant who has been there since I was a child. Deep-fried set meal is excellent. When I come to the store, I order one by one almost every time. There is a set that changes the menu daily at an affordable price, and you can have coffee or tea after setting and eating. It is always delicious. In addition, I fish the fish I caught by myself. Please go by the way you went fishing.
チョコもなか on Google

お昼にお邪魔しました。 『鶏唐揚げ定食』と『わらじメンチカツ定食』を注文。 唐揚げは甘いタレがかけられててご飯がすすむ味? メンチカツはひらべったくて大きい!デミグラスソースがかけられていて、サクサクと言うよりはしっとり系でした?
I disturbed you at lunch. We ordered "chicken fried set meal" and "waraji menchi cutlet set meal". The fried chicken has a sweet sauce and the rice tastes good ? The minced meat cutlet is big and big! Demiglace sauce was applied and it was moist rather than crispy ?
味噌八 on Google

日替りランチ¥700をいただきました。 チキンカツと煮物のセットでコーヒー付きです。魚料理のランチもあります。
I received a daily lunch ¥ 700. A set of chicken cutlet and boiled food comes with coffee. There is also a fish lunch.
白人 on Google

700円でコーヒーが付いて、このボリュームしかも衣は冷めてもサクサク、お造りも美味しい‼️ お客様は、私一人でしたが幸せな時間を頂きました。
Coffee is included for 700 yen, and this volume is crispy even when the batter is cold, and the sashimi is delicious! ️ The customer was me alone, but I had a happy time.
ゴマ on Google

There are plenty of Japanese-style dishes, and you will want to go there several times and try various dishes. The personality of the employees is also good and you can relax.
齋藤一弥 on Google

There are 5-6 parking lots next to the store. It may be overlooked when heading from the direction of Ishinomaki. Although it is a Japanese restaurant, the atmosphere is like a canteen at noon and a tavern at night. There is a service that catches the fish you caught, and the labor cost is half (laughs) The image is a fried set meal for 700 yen daily lunch. A small bowl is on and the cold guy is big enough to eat.
たまむし on Google

寒い時期になるといただける、ハゼ天と牡蠣雑炊(10月~3月)が美味しいです。 サクサクの衣とフワフワに揚がった身のハゼ天は香りが良く最高です。 牡蠣雑炊は旨味の凝縮した熱々の雑炊で、寒い季節に食べるのが格別です。
Goby heaven and oyster porridge (October-March), which you can enjoy in the cold season, are delicious. The crispy clothes and the fluffy goby heaven have a nice scent and are the best. Oyster porridge is a hot porridge with condensed umami, and it is especially good to eat in the cold season.
アツシ on Google

日替りランチをいただきました カツと焼きナスの登場です 食事が終わると女将さんがコーヒーを持って来てくれました 会計の時にクジが引けます 当たると次回来店したときにデザートを提供するそうです
I had a daily lunch Introducing cutlet and grilled eggplant When the meal was over, the landlady brought me coffee You can draw lots at the time of accounting If you hit it, you will be served dessert the next time you visit.

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