らーめん かいじ 利府店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact らーめん かいじ 利府店

住所 :

Kase, Rifu, Miyagi District, 〒981-0111 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Webサイト : http://menyatogashi.co.jp/%25E3%2582%2589%25E3%2583%25BC%25E3%2582%2581%25E3%2582%2593%25E3%2581%258B%25E3%2581%2584%25E3%2581%2598%25E5%2588%25A9%25E5%25BA%259C%25E5%25BA%2597/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Miyagi

Kase, Rifu, Miyagi District, 〒981-0111 Miyagi,Japan
龍と書いてドラゴンと読む on Google

駐車場も店内も東仙台店よりも凄く広くなってました。 1人用のカウンターの広さも十分に広く良かったです。 濃厚ラーメン大盛+白飯で860円で食べれます♪ 久々に行きましたがスープまで完食でした。 二郎系好きなら豚そば美味しいです。 炙り肉飯280円がタレが、しょっぱいですが美味しいです。 ※鶏皮めしって、白飯に冷えた鶏皮が乗っただけの食べましたが、これは、なしですね。 冷たい鶏皮が暖かい白飯に合わない。 鶏皮は、炙った方が美味しそうです。 美味しくなかったのでマイナス1です。 ラーメンは、相変わらず濃厚ラーメンばかり食べてます。 チャーシューが前に食べた時と変わってました。
The parking lot and the inside of the store are much larger than the Higashisendai store. The size of the counter for one person was also good enough. You can eat rich ramen with a large serving + white rice for 860 yen ♪ I went there after a long time, but the soup was completely eaten. If you like Jiro, pork soba is delicious. The grilled meat rice for 280 yen is salty but delicious. * I ate chicken skin just with cold chicken skin on white rice, but this is nothing. Cold chicken skin doesn't go well with warm white rice. Chicken skin looks better when roasted. It wasn't delicious, so it's minus one. As for ramen, I still eat only rich ramen. It was different from when the char siu was eaten before.
さわ小豆 on Google

Today I had Taiwanese miso butter ramen for a limited time. I ate miso-flavored Taiwanese ramen for the first time, and it is very delicious and goes well with butter. I would like you to make the spiciness adjustable and make it a standard.
koichi watanabe on Google

今日の麺活?利府町 ?かいじ利府店? 限定 【旨辛牛スジ味噌らーめん】980円 +鶏玉マヨめし180円 トロットロの旨辛牛スジを 芳醇な味噌スープへ溶かしながら 味の変化を愉しみ中太麺を啜り込む あぁ〜美味いしか言葉が出ない? 鶏タルタルと交互に食べて 〆は牛スジ丼で完食? 俺の歴史にまた1ページ…???
Today's noodle activity ? Rifu Town ? Kaiji Rifu store ? exclusive [Spicy beef tendon miso ramen] 980 yen + Chicken ball mayonnaise 180 yen Trottro's delicious spicy beef tendon While dissolving in mellow miso soup Enjoy the change in taste and sip medium-thick noodles Ah ~ I can only say delicious words ? Eat alternately with chicken tartar 〆 is a complete meal with beef tendon bowl ? Another page in my history ... ???
りんりん on Google

初かいじでした! 豚骨ラーメンを注文しました 美味しすぎました… スープ:豚骨の旨みがたっぷり トロトロで美味しい 麺:中太ストレートめ スープは絡みにくいかも チャーシュー:豚1枚、鶏2枚 くど過ぎず優しい味 海苔:焼き海苔と岩海苔? 味が違ってびっくりしました 机にニンニクや生姜、一味唐辛子などカスタマイズ調味料が置いてあります。 私は刻みニンニクと一味唐辛子、酢を使いました~ 定期的に食べたくなるやつでした。 人気の理由が分かった気がします?
It was my first Kaiji! I ordered pork bone ramen It was too delicious ... Soup: Plenty of pork bone flavor Delicious in Toro Toro Noodles: Medium-thick straight noodles Soup may be hard to get entangled Char siu: 1 pork, 2 chickens Gentle taste without being too dull Nori: Grilled seaweed and rock seaweed? I was surprised that the taste was different Customized seasonings such as garlic, ginger, and chili peppers are placed on the desk. I used chopped garlic, chili peppers and vinegar ~ It was the one I wanted to eat on a regular basis. I feel like I understand why it's so popular ?
This is Minao on Google

紙エプロンがあるのは凄くありがたい。(濡れおしぼりもあったら最高)泉かいじより15分ほど遅い提供で待った。注文ごとに小鍋でスープをコトコト温めてるからかな? 料金変わらず大盛りに変更出来るのは良い所。女でも食べきれる量ですよ。 ただ味は泉と違う。なんとなーくどこか物足りなさというか風味が足りないというか。スープもチャーシューもフレッシュじゃない。温めすぎたせい?仙台泉の方がおいしい!また行きたいと思ったのは泉。味はなるべく統一してほしいなと思う。 トッピング無しでも青菜みたいな野菜、小ネギ気持ち程度、チャーシュー1枚入ってる。卵はなし。追加した海苔は安っぽくない美味しい海苔だった! 今回あっさり醤油にしたけど途中から飽きてニンニク入れたらパンチが出てgood。やはりここに来るからにはあっさりを選択すべきではないな。だって豚骨が美味しい店だもの!
I am very grateful to have a paper apron. (It would be great if there was a wet towel) I waited for the offer about 15 minutes later than Izumi Kaiji. Is it because the soup is warmed up in a small pot for each order? It is a good place to be able to change the price to a large amount without changing. It's an amount that even a woman can eat. However, the taste is different from the spring. Somehow it's not enough or the flavor isn't enough. Neither soup nor char siu is fresh. Is it because it's too warm? Sendai Izumi is more delicious! I wanted to go again. I want the taste to be as unified as possible. Even without toppings, vegetables like green onions, small green onions, and 1 char siu are included. There are no eggs. The added seaweed was delicious and not cheap! I used soy sauce lightly this time, but when I got tired of it and added garlic, I got a punch and it was good. You shouldn't choose lightly because you're here. Because the pork bones are delicious!
モモンガ on Google

数日またぎでかいじの豚そばと濃厚ラーメンを食べました 濃厚ラーメンは濃厚ながら臭みのない豚骨醤油味のスープと、魚介系のダシの風味が感じられます ストレート麺の量は自分で調整できていいですが、スープのインパクトにいくぶん負けてるかな?と思います スープのこってり感はなかなか強いので、生姜などでサッパリさせて食べてもいいと思います 豚そばはその他の二郎系と違ってヤサイ、アブラなどの量の調整は出来ませんが、麺の量は特盛まで無料です 二郎系としては意外と基本を押さえてるというか、ゴワゴワ感のあるストレート麺とからめのスープが絡んで食べごたえは十分あります 特徴としては、トッピングが3つ選べる(メンマ、味玉、キムチ、鶏皮、のり等)のと、ヤサイのもやしが細もやしで、しっとりとスープと絡みます どちらのラーメンも安定した美味しさで利府中央で人気なのもうなずけるお店です 調味料やトッピングも多く、自分でいろいろ味変して楽しみたい人におすすめです
I ate a big pork soba and rich ramen for a few days The rich ramen has a rich but odorless pork bone soy sauce-flavored soup and a seafood-based dashi flavor. You can adjust the amount of straight noodles yourself, but do you lose some of the impact of the soup? I think The soup is very thick, so you can refresh it with ginger and eat it. Unlike other Jiro-type noodles, the amount of yasai, abra, etc. cannot be adjusted for pork soba, but the amount of noodles is free up to the special serving. As a Jiro-type, it's surprisingly basic, and the straight noodles with a rugged feeling and the karame soup are entwined and there is plenty of food to eat. As a feature, you can choose 3 toppings (menma, taste ball, kimchi, chicken skin, seaweed, etc.), and the bean sprouts of yasai are finely sprouts and entwined with the soup moistly. Both ramen have a stable taste and are popular in Rifu Central. There are many seasonings and toppings, so it is recommended for people who want to change their taste and enjoy themselves.
yoyo tata on Google

利府スタバへ行き帰ろうかと、すると道路の向かいにあった らーめん かいじ。 妻と入って見ようと初かいじ。 せっかくなので事前に皆さんのコメントを確認。 私は豚そば、妻はかいじの濃厚らーめん。 どちらもドロっと豚骨系スープ。 来店時日曜日午後8時前だが客層は若い方が多く満席。 豚そばは麺と同量のもやし。 麺はどちらも歯応えのある太麺。 スープはもやしのだしがきいて見た目よりあっさり(とはいっても味は濃い系) 妻の濃厚らーめんはやや癖のある味。 私的には豚そばの方が好みでした。 ガッツリ系なので空腹時にはまた来たいと思いました。
When I tried to go back to Rifu Starbucks, I found it across the road. It's my first time to go in with my wife and see. Check your comments in advance because it's a big deal. I'm pork soba and my wife is Kaiji's rich ramen. Both are pork bone soups. When I came to the store, it was before 8 pm on Sunday, but many young customers were full. Pork soba is the same amount of bean sprouts as noodles. Both noodles are thick and chewy. The soup is lighter than it looks because of the soup stock of bean sprouts (although the taste is strong). My wife's rich ramen has a slightly peculiar taste. Personally, I preferred pork soba. I'm a gutsy person, so I wanted to come again when I was hungry.
たぬ吉 on Google

It's lined up quite a bit at noon, but the rich soy sauce tonkotsu ramen is an irresistible cup for those who like it. You can change the taste to your liking, and if you mix sesame or garlic fries, the soup will change drastically. If you like thick food, you should go and eat it.

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