Kasaneya Adachi - Adachi City

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasaneya Adachi

住所 :

1 Chome-17-15 Nishiiko, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 121-0824
Webサイト : https://demae-can.com/shop/menu/3020904/

1 Chome-17-15 Nishiiko, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0824, Japan
syun s on Google

配達員の愛想が良くまた頼みたくなりました。 笑顔が素敵でした!
The deliveryman was very friendly and I wanted to ask again. The smile was lovely!
n a on Google

Those who say that it is not delicious for the price and that it is delicious seems to have the tongue of the people. I know that fried shrimp is frozen, but it costs about 500 yen per bottle.
長谷川優希 on Google

広告がポストに入っていたので先日注文させて頂きましたが、配達員の対応も良く商品も美味しかったです。 またリピートしたいと思えました!
Since the advertisement was in the mailbox, I ordered it the other day, but the delivery staff was very responsive and the product was delicious. I wanted to repeat it again!
久保田万太郎 on Google

What is supposed to have a single fillet cutlet? I felt like If this is more than 2,000 yen, I will ask at another place. Rice is obviously a solid mass yesterday. I don't ask anymore.
makoto C on Google

配達して頂きましたが、余熱でビチャビチャで残念です。 他の方も書かれていましたが、一本豚カツに豪華さが無く、見た目か悪いです。 店舗では、配達のお兄ちゃんがヘルメット被ったまま、盛り付けのお手伝いやるなど頂けない点もあります。 もう頼まないかな。
I had you deliver it, but it is disappointing because it is overheated. Other people also wrote, but the pork cutlet has no luxury and looks bad. At the store, there are some points that you can't help with the arrangement of your delivery brother wearing a helmet. I don't want to ask you anymore.
ta mi on Google

薄い肉でご飯はパサパサで美味しくない。 スーパーのとんかつの方がまだまし。 あと、配達バイクの暴走がかなり酷いです。 一通を平気で逆走するしスピード出してるし。 店舗の前を通りますが、調理場がかなり汚いです。
The meat is thin and the rice is dry and not delicious. Supermarket pork cutlet is still better. Also, the runaway of the delivery bike is pretty terrible. I'm calm and running backwards, and I'm speeding up. I pass in front of the store, but the kitchen is quite dirty.
Ty Ni on Google

出前館で「ハンブルグ亭」を利用しましたが、最悪でした。「かさねや」では、ステーキ・ハンバーグ専門の「ハンブルグ亭」という店舗名でも出前を行っているようです。この店舗の ¥2000のステーキ丼を注文したのですが、量も少なくペラペラでぱさぱさの肉で、出前館のメニューの写真とはまったく違う商品でした。弁当屋の数百円のステーキ弁当の方がはるかにボリュームもあり美味しいです。あまりに商品がひどかったので、SBICという運営会社に問い合わせましたが、「調理に問題があったので、指導しました」ということだけでした。肉の量と素材の問題で、調理の問題ではないかと・・・フランチャイズなので儲かれば、利用者の事なんてどうでも良いのでしょう。この系列店舗は二度と利用しません。
I used "Hamburg Tei" at the delivery hall, but it was the worst. At "Kasaneya", it seems that the store name "Hamburg Tei", which specializes in steaks and hamburgers, is also used for delivery. I ordered a steak bowl for 2000 yen at this store, but the amount was small and the meat was crispy and crispy, which was completely different from the picture on the menu at the delivery hall. The steak bento of several hundred yen at the bento shop is much more voluminous and delicious. The product was so terrible that I contacted an operating company called SBIC, but only said, "I had a problem with cooking, so I gave guidance." I think it's a cooking problem because of the amount of meat and the ingredients ... It's a franchise, so if you make a profit, you don't care about the users. I will never use this affiliated store again.
Tomohiro Ogawa on Google

初めてトンカツを不味いと感じました。 汚らしい写真で申し訳ありませんが、某駄菓子に匹敵する肉の薄さです。 油と米を食べているような気持ちで、人生で初めて完食を断念しました。 出前館はチェーン店以外信用出来ないんですかね、、、これで1300円払っているので、ここを使用するのであれば、せめてカツ屋さんの方を選んだ方が良いかと思います。
For the first time, I felt that the pork cutlet was unpleasant. I'm sorry for the dirty photo, but the meat is as thin as a certain candy. Feeling like eating oil and rice, I gave up eating for the first time in my life. You can't trust the delivery hall except for chain stores ... I'm paying 1300 yen for this, so if you want to use it, I think you should at least choose the Katsu shop.

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