福招門 川口店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 福招門 川口店

住所 :

Sakaecho, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0017 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://fukushomonkawaguchi.gorp.jp/
街 : Saitama

Sakaecho, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0017 Saitama,Japan
おぐまぐ on Google

あちこちで見かけるコスパ最強の中国料理屋さん。頼んだランチはボリュームたっぷり、見た目に嬉しい小皿もたくさん。あんまり利用されていませんでしたが、杏仁豆腐にコーヒーもおかわり自由でしたね。 「食べたくなる」ようなことはありませんが、とにかくがっつりメシをかっ込みたくなった時に近くにあると重宝します。
The strongest Chinese restaurant you can see here and there. The lunch I ordered was plentiful, and there were a lot of small plates that looked nice. It wasn't used much, but you could use apricot kernel tofu and coffee as a replacement. It doesn't make you want to eat, but it's handy if you're nearby when you want to bite the fish anyway.
金城朝英 on Google

酸辣湯面が大好きなので、このお店を見つけ入っていてみました。 席に着いてビックリ、アルコールが200円以内って…安い❗すぐに注文しました(笑) サイズも普通のジョッキだったので感激です? そして、メニューから酸辣湯面を探して注文。あらかじめ用意していたような早さで運ばれてきてビックリ‼️ 早速食べてみると…黒酢特有の酸っぱさが広がり熱々トロトロでとっても美味しい❤️ 食べ歩いたお店の中でも一番自分好みの味です✨ボリュームもタップリでお腹いっぱい。 セルフでコーヒーと杏仁豆腐があったので、こちらもいただきました。これは普通だったかな。 味、コスパの良さがとっても気に入りました‼️
I love hot and sour soup, so I found this shop and went into it. I was surprised when I got to my seat, and the alcohol was less than 200 yen ... Cheap ❗ I ordered immediately (laughs) The size was also a normal mug, so I'm impressed ? Then, look for the hot and sour soup surface from the menu and place an order. I was surprised that it was delivered as fast as I had prepared in advance! ️ When I try to eat it immediately ... The sourness peculiar to black vinegar spreads and it is very delicious with hot toro ❤️ It's the taste I like the most among the restaurants I've eaten around. I had coffee and almond tofu on my own, so I also got this. Was this normal? I really like the taste and the goodness of the cospa! ️
T E on Google

I visited around 8pm on Saturday night. The inside of the store was almost full, and I managed to get in at the last minute. A Chinese restaurant just a short walk from Kawaguchi Station. There is an all-you-can-eat menu, but I ordered a la carte. Because there is a volume of each item, it is a good shop to share and eat. Kata Yakisoba was very delicious. The noodles are thick and have a good response to eating. As for the dumplings, I was confused, so it felt a little unsatisfactory for me who loved dumplings. The store is clean. It is comfortable. Some people came alone at night. The lunch menu seems cheap, so I would like to visit this time.
4696 navi on Google

久しぶりに川口でランチ コインパーキングに車を止めて、商店街をプラプラ。 どこに入るか迷ってしまう。 この通りはランチで一年間以上通った場所。 今日も入りたいと思い出すお店が5軒ほど。 その中から今日は福招門さん。 以前は可愛いウェートレスさんだったが、今日は残念だった。 この店、 「日替りが好きなメニュー」の場合のみ入店と決めています。 今日は、 aが、チンジャオロース。 bが、マーボ豆腐。 最近、マーボ豆腐を食べていなかったので、bに決めて入店。 テーブルに着くなり、サービスのコーヒーと杏仁を取りにいきます。(セルフ) 料理は食堂のマーボ豆腐みたいだった。 私が一番好きなメニューは八宝菜。 ご馳走様でした。
Lunch at Kawaguchi after a long absence Park your car at the coin parking lot and wander around the shopping street. I'm wondering where to go. This street is where I went for lunch for over a year. There are about 5 shops that I want to enter today. Among them, today is Mr. Fukuinmon. I used to be a cute waitress, but today I was disappointed. This store, We have decided to enter the store only for "menus that change daily". today, a is chinjaolose. b is Marbo tofu. Recently, I hadn't eaten Marbo tofu, so I decided on b and entered the store. When I get to the table, I go to get coffee and apricot kernel for service. (self) The food was like Marbo tofu in the cafeteria. My favorite menu is Happo-na. It was a treat.
YOKO H. on Google

麻婆ナス土鍋ご飯+ワンタンスープをいただきました。 土鍋ご飯とのことで、確かに土鍋に盛り付けてありますが、決して土鍋で調理をしたわけではないようです。土鍋、熱くないので。ナスや玉ねぎ、ピーマンなど具材は多めでちょっとピリ辛。いいあんばいの辛さなので美味しくいただけます。ワンタンスープは期待しましたがわたしのこのみではないですね。 とりあえず完食してごちそうさま。
I had Mao eggplant clay pot rice + wonton soup. It is said that it is rice in a clay pot, and it is certainly served in a clay pot, but it seems that it was never cooked in a clay pot. The clay pot isn't hot. Eggplant, onions, peppers and other ingredients are abundant and a little spicy. Iianbai is spicy so you can enjoy it. I expected wonton soup, but it's not my favorite. For the time being, it's a feast after eating.
N様 on Google

At noon on weekdays, enter the store where the J-POP of the Showa era flows. There were no other customers, but they entered the store one after another. It is full after midday. Choose all-you-can-drink all-you-can-eat lunch course for ¥2980 and order Peking Duck for ¥500. Mapo tofu is also spicy with Japanese pepper. Shrimp and chili are delicious, but you don't need the shredded cabbage below. The stewed pork is a little less meat because the ratio of meat and vegetables is the opposite of the one on the menu. The small basket bag is deadly because there is absolutely no meat juice that is indispensable. Crab fried rice is light. Peking duck was delicious.
zazanbo i (ざざんぼ) on Google

I thought it was sword-cut noodles on the lunch menu, but the lunch menu is free and there are a lot of noodles, so if I thought it was the same, it was an extra charge (100 yen), and an additional 100 yen was added to zasai, vegetables and fried rice. So I ordered fried rice, but I was disappointed with the fried rice with only eggs and rice, and the sword-cut noodles were chicken and the other one was fried rice. The chicken was salty and delicious. It's not Chinese-style, but Japanese-style, so if you like it, it might be good, but since there are plenty of noodles, how much will it be if it's normal but satisfying and large? The additional menu is not good, but it was good because the noodles themselves were delicious.
Ash Yousuf on Google

Good cheap food

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