Kasama Shiritsu Iwama Library - Kasama

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasama Shiritsu Iwama Library

住所 :

5140 Shimogo, Kasama, Ibaraki 319-0202, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Postal code : 319-0202
Webサイト : http://lib.city.kasama.ibaraki.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

5140 Shimogo, Kasama, Ibaraki 319-0202, Japan
廣瀬治 on Google

It's a beautiful place. Many are studying.
村上翼 on Google

The building is made of bricks, with the city hall on the first floor and the library on the second floor to the right of the building. Also, the library is very beautiful and there are many kinds of books, so I had the books I was looking for. Maybe you'll find the book you're looking for, just like I do! I really want to go there again.
西住信義 on Google

地域の図書館としては便利で利用しやすい。 蔵書は少ない、DVDもすくないが、貸してもらえることはありがたい。
It is convenient and easy to use as a local library. I have a small collection of books and I don't have many DVDs, but I'm grateful that you can lend me one.
瀧ヶ崎勇一 on Google

It's a quiet place (^ _ ^;) I went to borrow a CD, but I didn't have anything in particular so I went home ?.
true house on Google

1日滞在できる自習学習スペース 1日勉強する場所を探してるかた こどもとお昼食べながら図書館いきたいかたなどにオススメです。 セブンイレブンが車で5分以内 特に9:00-17:00まで利用できる 集中学習スペース この中は本当に静か テーブルも椅子もキレイです。 貸し出しシステムもパソコンでセルフ貸し出しや、カード登録Suica可など 充実しています。 自身は市外の者なので市役所利用はないですが、スタッフ皆さん親切対応します。 是非一度訪れてみてください。
Self-study space where you can stay for one day If you are looking for a place to study one day Recommended for those who want to go to the library while having lunch with children. Within 7 minutes by car Especially available from 9: 00-17: 00 Intensive learning space It ’s really quiet The tables and chairs are beautiful. Lending system can be self-rented on a PC, or Suica card registration is possible. It is fulfilling. Because I am a person outside the city, I don't use the city hall, but the staff are friendly. Please visit once.
数納峰子 on Google

It is very convenient because it is with the city hall. The staff are also kind and they teach me very politely, so I like it very much. I am an electric wheelchair, but the parking lot ?️ is also good because it has a ♿️ mark. It's a nice place because there is a "return box" in the parking lot where you can return it at any time even if you can't go to the library.
my “my” y on Google

広くて明るく綺麗。ここは市役所(岩間の分庁舎)と同じ建物の2階なので、笠間市内の3館のうち 笠間・友部よりかなり小規模だが、資料は手続きすればすぐに取り寄せてくれるので問題なしです。笠間市の図書館は最高。
Wide, bright and beautiful. Since this is the second floor of the same building as the city hall (Iwama branch office), it is considerably smaller than Kasama and Tomobe among the three buildings in Kasama city, but there is no problem because the materials will be ordered immediately after completing the procedure. The library in Kasama is the best.
さくら on Google

笠間市役所岩間支所の二階にある図書館。 綺麗な建物なのに、とても残念…… 建物内にオムツ替える台やベッド等が無い! 小さな子供を連れて長時間は居られない所。 とても残念。
A library on the second floor of the Kasama City Hall Iwama Branch. It's a beautiful building, but it's a shame ... There are no diaper changing tables or beds in the building! A place where you can't stay for a long time with a small child. Very disappointing.

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