軽米町 歴史民俗資料館

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Contact 軽米町 歴史民俗資料館

住所 :

Karumai, Kunohe District, 〒028-6302 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Iwate

Karumai, Kunohe District, 〒028-6302 Iwate,Japan
TAK on Google

Ken Satori on Google

A museum where you can learn about the history of Karumai Town
山﨑清 on Google

The admission fee is 150 yen. Located on the same site as Ezoto Nature and the Romantic Forest
森林 on Google

縄文草期〜晩期にかけての縄文土器土偶の展示があります 岩手県最古級縄文草期約12,000年の隆線文土器が展示されています 亀ヶ岡式に見られる豊かな文様と素晴らしい土偶の数々 写真撮影は基本禁止されています お一人で管理されているので資料館にいらっしゃらない場合もあります 園内で作業されてる場合は資料館入口の地図にいる場所が載っているのでお声がけを
There is an exhibition of Jomon pottery clay figurines from the Jomon period to the late period. Iwate Prefecture's oldest Jomon period Approximately 12,000 years of ridged earthenware is on display Rich patterns and wonderful clay figurines seen in the Kamegaoka style Photography is basically prohibited Since it is managed by one person, you may not come to the museum. If you are working in the park, please let us know as the location on the map at the entrance of the museum is listed.
関清志 on Google

2021年11月7日に見学しました。入館料大人150円です。月曜・火曜は、休館日です。町内の歴史を資料を通して学べます。特に注目したのは、縄文時代草創期(紀元前約1万年)の大日向Ⅱ遺跡から出土した隆線文土器です。また、同じ遺跡から新潟県産ヒスイ4個を身に付けた人骨も出土しました。その他にも長倉遺跡から遮光器土偶が発見されており、縄文遺跡が多い地帯です。 中世では、小軽米氏を除く氏族が九戸政実の乱で政実方に加担したため、廃絶しています。その後、三戸南部宗家の領地となり、江戸時代には、南部藩重臣北九兵衛が治めていました。寛文5年1665年、八戸藩が新たに南部藩から分知したため、軽米も八戸藩領となりました。 藩政期は、小軽米地区を中心にたたら製鉄が盛んに稼働し、南部鉄器の原料生産地となります。展示物の中には、たたら製鉄に関するものもあります。館内撮影禁止なので、写真でお伝えできず、残念です。 民話についても、色々なイベントが開催されているようです。
We visited on November 7, 2021. The admission fee is 150 yen for adults. The museum is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. You can learn the history of the town through materials. Of particular note was the ridged earthenware excavated from the Ohinata II site in the early Jomon period (about 10,000 BC). In addition, human bones wearing four jade from Niigata Prefecture were also excavated from the same archaeological site. In addition, shading clay figurines have been found in the Nagakura ruins, and there are many Jomon ruins in this area. In the Middle Ages, the clans other than Mr. Kogarumai were abolished because they took part in the political situation due to the Kunohe Masazane rebellion. After that, it became the territory of the Sannohe Nanbu Soke, and during the Edo period, it was ruled by Kita Kubei, a chief retainer of the Nanbu clan. Kanbun 5th year In 1665, Karumai became the territory of the Hachinohe domain because the Hachinohe domain newly learned from the southern domain. During the feudal era, tatara ironmaking was actively operated mainly in the Kogarumai area, and it became a raw material production area for Nanbu Tekki. Some of the exhibits are related to tatara iron making. It's a pity that we can't tell you in the photo because it's prohibited to shoot in the hall. It seems that various events are being held for folk tales.

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