Kanzawa Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Suginami City

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Contact Kanzawa Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

池下アネックスビル 5 Chome-42-18 Naritahigashi, Suginami City, Tokyo 166-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 166-0015
Webサイト : http://www.kanzawa-cl.com/

池下アネックスビル 5 Chome-42-18 Naritahigashi, Suginami City, Tokyo 166-0015, Japan
SY M on Google

受付からの不親切、無愛想。 処方なし。 腱の痛みになぜレントゲン? やっぱり異常ないね。はい?
Unfriendly and unfriendly from the reception. No prescription. Why X-rays for tendon pain? After all there is no abnormality. Yes?
Tohru Ishiyama on Google

リハビリの設備などは充実してるが、医師は人を見て物を言うみたいです。 数年前に自身が数回通院してた時はなかなか良いとおもってましたが、家族(妻と母)が頭痛収まらない、などで緊急の駆け込み的に行った際には ・診療終了直前だったせいかけんもほろろにきちんと診察する気を見せない、リハビリ機器の対応も時間外だと面倒くさそうに拒否(妻の訪院時) ・痛みがひどいと言ってもうちは患者いっぱいいてねぇ、と診察する気を見せず冷たく突き放す態度(母の訪院) と言った具合で最低との評価でした。 恐らく困ってる患者よりも軽度の症状でリハビリで点数稼ぎができる方を優先してる、のでしょう。 整形の範囲でいざというときには一切役に立たない病院です。 (いざというとき、の態度が酷いので最低点です)
The rehabilitation facilities are well-equipped, but doctors seem to look at people and say things. When I went to the hospital several times a few years ago, I thought it was pretty good, but when my family (wife and mother) couldn't get rid of my headache, I went to the hospital in an emergency. ・ Because it was just before the end of medical treatment, I didn't seem to be willing to see him properly, and he refused to take care of the rehabilitation equipment after hours (when my wife visited the hospital). ・ Even if the pain is terrible, we don't have a lot of patients. It was evaluated as the lowest. Perhaps the priority is given to those who can earn points by rehabilitation with mild symptoms rather than patients who are in trouble. It is a hospital that is completely useless in case of emergency within the scope of plastic surgery. (In case of emergency, the attitude is terrible, so it is the lowest point)
an kiki on Google

重度の場合絶対お勧めしません。 軽度のリハビリなどは良いのかもしれませんが 辛くて辛くてまともに座ってられない状況なのに先生は笑って説明してました。 前回と同じ箇所だからと詳しい問診も触診もせずにレントゲンだけ撮って前回と同じ薬出して終わり。 前回と全く違う痛みだと泣きながら訴えても「そんなもんだよ」って笑ってました。 痛みがなければもっと話しをしたかったのですがそんな余裕はなく激痛の中帰宅。 家から1番近いとゆう理由だけで通っていましたが本当に痛い時は避けるべき病院かと思ってしまいました。 薬を飲んでも前日と変わらず歩けない、座れない、寝れない。激痛が続いて痛みに耐えかねて翌日セカンドオピニオンへ。 レントゲンとMRIでヘルニアだと診断されました。 セカンドオピニオンでの先生はその薬じゃ絶対良くならないよと笑ってました。
Absolutely not recommended when it is severe. Mild rehabilitation may be good, but The teacher smiled and explained it although it is hot and painful and I can not sit properly. Because it is the same place as last time, I took only X - ray without doing detailed inquiries and palpation and finished the same medicine as last time. Even if I appeal while crying that it was a completely different pain from last time I was laughing like "I'm such a thing." If I had no pain I wanted to talk more but I could not afford such a thing and got home while in a painful mind. I was passing by just because I was closest to my house but when I really hurt it was a hospital I should avoid. I can not walk, can not sit, can not sleep like the day before when I take medicine. My acute pain continued and I could not endure the pain and I got to the second opinion the next day. I was diagnosed as a hernia with X - ray and MRI. The teacher at the second opinion was laughing that the medicine would not be better with that medicine.
2 K on Google

腰痛で診察した際に、なんの深い意図もなく単純な質問として「何か他に問題はありますか。」と伺ったところ「何か問題があった方がいいんですか?」と高圧的に回答されました。 逆に伺いたいのですが、「他に問題があった方がいい」と思う人がいるのでしょうか? 診察に文句を言ってるように受け取られたのかもしれませんが、「自分が絶対に正しい」と思ってるから言えるのだろうと感じました。 腰痛対策にいただいた役所が作成したパンフレットは勉強になりました。
When I was diagnosed with low back pain, I asked a simple question, "Is there any other problem?" Without any deep intention, and asked, "Should I have any problem?" It was answered. On the contrary, I would like to ask, is there anyone who thinks "I should have another problem"? I may have been perceived as complaining to the doctor, but I felt that I could say it because I thought I was absolutely right. The pamphlet created by the government office for back pain measures was a learning experience.
Kimi Taka on Google

Worst worst reception correspondence. It seems that you can't even get a medical examination without a medical examination ticket. If you lose it, you will get 110 yen. A receptionist with a very high-pressure attitude that makes me feel like I'm going to see her. Isn't it kind to make a fool of the sick and laugh? I was terribly indignant!
Oggie S on Google

先生がレントゲン画像の異変を指摘してくれたことで、MRIも撮影し、多発性骨髄腫の早期発見につながりました。わざわざお電話いただき、迅速に大学病院の紹介状も書いていただけました。本当に感謝しています。大学病院の先生もレントゲン画像で発見できたのは、とても優秀でよくみてらっしゃる先生と絶賛されていました。 ただの腰痛だと思っていたので、先生がレントゲンをとるように言ってくれなかったら、脊髄を圧迫骨折するまで気づかず、脊髄損傷のリスクがありました。重要なところは、きちんと判断し、押さえてくださる良い先生だと思いますよ!これから、血液内科で治療頑張りますが、本当にありがとうございました!
The teacher pointed out the abnormalities in the X-ray image, which led to the early detection of multiple myeloma by taking an MRI. He took the trouble to call me and quickly wrote a letter of introduction to the university hospital. Thank you very much. The fact that the teacher at the university hospital was able to find it on the X-ray image was praised as a very excellent and well-viewed teacher. I thought it was just a backache, so if my teacher didn't tell me to take an X-ray, I wouldn't notice until I had a compression fracture in my spinal cord, and I was at risk of spinal cord injury. I think the important point is a good teacher who can judge and hold down properly! I will do my best in hematology from now on, but thank you very much!
123 meisachang on Google

★★ This is the worst. It's better to stop ★★★ If you go to the first visit and the time doesn't match, the nurse suddenly tells you that it's personal information, so the nurse insists that you can't erase the copy of your insurance card! "What is the authority? What does it mean that you can't erase your health insurance card even though you don't need a medical examination before you go to the first medical examination and get a medical examination?" It's a bit strange that you can't erase a copy of your personal information with a patient who hasn't had it. Isn't it the same as the fraudulent act of trying to retrieve the personal information of the other person, which is common on LINE? As expected, I admitted that I couldn't show the screen, but I turned it off. It seems that a nurse (or clerk) about 40 or 50 years old on the right side of the reception has erased it (recorded as evidence) It seems that a hospital that is appropriate for compliance and handling of personal information can treat it firmly. No. Not recommended.
つるった on Google

I had several medical examinations for back pain and others. Rehabilitation is fulfilling with a physiotherapist, but when I was diagnosed with severe low back pain, I was diagnosed with a herniated disc in a few tens of seconds by palpation with an roentgen. Rehabilitation only for traction and thinking that it is rehabilitation for a physiotherapist. After all, two weeks later, I was diagnosed with severe spinal canal stenosis at a general hospital and was hospitalized for one month.

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