Kanto Clinic - Sendai

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kanto Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-17-23 Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Postal code : 980-0014
Webサイト : http://kanto-clinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6PM
Friday 9:30AM–6PM

2 Chome-17-23 Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0014, Japan
Dice K on Google

インフルエンザの予防接種で受診。 電話予約しただけあって待ち時間なくスムーズ。先生やスタッフの方もとても丁寧でした。清潔感もありいいクリニックです。
Received a medical examination for influenza vaccination. I just made a phone reservation, so it's smooth without waiting. The teachers and staff were also very polite. It is a nice clinic with a sense of cleanliness.
hiyo chan on Google

職場が近いので伺いました。 完全予約制でインターホンを押すと看護師さんが出ていらっしゃり素晴らしいコロナ対策に安心して受診することが出来ました。先生も看護師さんも皆さん優しくて病院でこれほどほっこりしたのは初めてです。 完全予約制なので密にはなりませんが余裕を持った時間に次々来院する患者さんにやっぱりファンが沢山いらっしゃるんだなと納得致しました。
I visited because my workplace is near. When I pressed the intercom with a complete reservation system, a nurse came out and I was able to receive a medical examination with confidence for the wonderful corona measures. The teachers and nurses were all kind and it was the first time for me to feel so relaxed at the hospital. Since it is a complete reservation system, it will not be dense, but I was convinced that there are many fans among the patients who come to the hospital one after another when they have time to spare.
しじゃかぶ on Google

The teacher who happened to be in charge at the human dock at my place of employment worked here. I have a male-type menopause, but after going to the hospital, my physical condition has improved a lot, and recently I have become more tolerant of hard work. It's possible to work too hard, but I'm reminded of the importance of health. It seems that there are various opinions, but I have the teacher in charge treat me very kindly.
しゅうちゃん on Google

I was forced to change the reservation date, and when I called to confirm the reservation, I was told that the reservation was not made. Did a discrepancy occur? I think it can't be helped, but it's a shame.
しんぞさん on Google

他の泌尿器科病院を2つ周りに回ってこちらを紹介されてました。患者の話を親身に聞いて下さる先生で病気の説明もかなり丁寧で助かりました。その道の専門医はすごいです。 関係ない話ですが疎遠気味になった遠くに住んでる兄ですらかんとうクリニックのことを知っていて驚きました。泌尿器科や男性不妊治療ではかなり有名なようです。今は完全予約制なので気を付けてください。
I went around two other urology hospitals and was introduced to this. He was a teacher who listened to the patient's story, and the explanation of the illness was very polite and helpful. The specialist on the road is amazing. It doesn't matter, but I was surprised to find out about Kanto Clinic even with my older brother who lived far away and became estranged. It seems to be quite famous in urology and male infertility treatment. Please be careful as it is a complete reservation system now.
Km Kmkm on Google

院内はとてもきれいで、コロナ対策もバッチリ行われておりました。先生も素晴らしく、スタッフの方々もとても親切で大満足です。 男性不妊治療の支援事業実施医療機関に認定されるほど実績のあるクリニックなので、男性不妊で悩まれている方は受診をおすすめします!
The hospital was very clean and corona measures were taken perfectly. The teachers are wonderful and the staff are very kind and very satisfied. The clinic has a proven track record of being certified as a medical institution that supports male infertility treatment, so if you are suffering from male infertility, we recommend that you visit the clinic!
ひまパパ on Google

去年の春頃から3ヶ月程男性不妊治療で通院させていただきました。 妻の流産、自分の癌治療、そしてホルモン欠損からの無精子症の判明。 踏んだり蹴ったりの中治療していただき、本日娘が誕生しました。これもひとえに先生やスタッフの皆様の献身的な治療のおかげだと思っております。 ありがとうございました。
We were allowed to visit in male infertility treatment about three months from the last year of around spring. Miscarriage of his wife, his cancer treatment, and turned out of azoospermia from hormone deficiency. It will be treated in the kicking or stepped on, my daughter was born today. This also is thought solely that it is thanks to the dedicated treatment of everyone of teachers and staff. Thank you very much.
てつろう on Google

妻とはかなり年齢差のある年の差婚、私自身はかなり高齢ですが子供を授かりたく、妻の妊活開始に合わせて精子検査のため受診しました。 結論として、もう受診したいとは思いません。 診察室に入り開口一番「タバコやめろ」という言葉から始まり、二の句には「ほんとに子供ほしいの?」との乱暴な言葉。ビックリしてしまいました。 自分自身、妊娠に対する男性のリスクには無知だったのでそういった事を知りたいと受診しています。 早く子供を授かりたかったのですが妻の闘病もあり、結局いままで歳を重ねてしまったという経緯です。 それでも子供が欲しいと思うことすら悪だと感じるような物言いでした。 先生は私が無責任だと感じられたのかもしれませんが、「ほんとに子供ほしいの?」という聞き方はあまりに無神経ではないでしょうか。 ムッとした感情が表に出てしまい、私の態度も悪くなっていたかもしれません。以後の診察や説明も乱暴と感じる対応でした。 結局のところ聞きたかったリスクについては口頭では説明してもらえず(私も諦めて積極的に質問しなかったので仕方ないかもしれませんが…)資料を1セット渡されて終了しました。 資料自体は詳細な情報が書かれていたので参考になりました。 ただ、最後に会計でいつの間にか高額なサプリメントを購入する方向で話が進んでおり、驚きました。 サプリメントについての資料もセットに入っていましたが、購入する意志も確認しないまま話を進めるのはどうなのでしょう…。 疑問に感じ、購入はお断りしました。 仙台には珍しい男性不妊の名医として数多くの患者さんを診てこられたのでしょうが、先生にとって数多いる内の1人でも、個々人にとっては初めての事です。 ご多忙のなか私の態度がご不快を与えたのかもしれませんが、対応はショックだったと言わざるをえません。 他の口コミを見て期待していただけに残念です。
I was married in a year that is quite different from my wife, and although I am quite old, I wanted to have a child, so I went to see a sperm test when my wife started to get pregnant. In conclusion, I don't want to see you anymore. Entering the doctor's office, the opening begins with the first word, "Stop smoking," and the second phrase is a violent word, "Do you really want a child?" I was surprised. I myself was ignorant of the risks of men to pregnancy, so I am looking to know such things. I wanted to have a child early, but my wife was fighting illness, and I ended up getting older. Even so, it was a phrase that made me feel that even what I wanted a child was bad. The teacher may have felt that I was irresponsible, but the question "Do you really want a child?" Is too insensitive. My feelings may have come out and my attitude may have deteriorated. Subsequent examinations and explanations were also violent. After all, I couldn't explain the risks I wanted to ask verbally (I didn't give up and asked positively, so it may be unavoidable ...) I was given a set of materials and ended. The material itself was helpful because it contained detailed information. However, at the end, I was surprised that the talk was going on in the direction of purchasing expensive supplements before I knew it. Materials about supplements were also included in the set, but how about proceeding without confirming your intention to purchase? I was wondering and refused to purchase. As a rare male infertility doctor in Sendai, he may have seen many patients, but even one of the many teachers is the first for an individual. My attitude may have made me uncomfortable while I was busy, but I have to say that the response was a shock. It's a pity that I was expecting to see other reviews.

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