Kano Park - Gifu

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kano Park

住所 :

8-7 Kanomarunouchi, Gifu, 500-8485, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 500-8485
Webサイト : http://www.snkk-hd.jp/

8-7 Kanomarunouchi, Gifu, 500-8485, Japan
加藤真未 on Google

After Kano Castle, there was a park and I went there in the evening, but there are private houses around, so I feel safe. There are a wide range of stone walls.
ken N on Google

The remains of the main enclosure of Kano Castle are open spaces, and to put it badly, there is nothing. You can use the parking lot on the south side for the time being.
moon always on Google

岐阜にたまたま来たので、ちょっと立ち寄り。 岐阜と言えば岐阜城が有名ですが、こちらは徳川家にとって結構重要なお城だったんですね。知らなかったです。岐阜市内の整然とした街並みを見ると、このお城の影響なのですかね、更に納得です。 本丸の石垣しかありませんが、公園は綺麗に整備されていました。今日は雨が凄かったので足元最悪でしたが、晴れた日や桜の季節はとても気持ちよく過ごせそうです。
I happened to come to Gifu, so I stopped by. Gifu Castle is famous for Gifu, but it was a very important castle for the Tokugawa family. I didn't know. Looking at the orderly cityscape of Gifu city, I wonder if it's the influence of this castle. There is only a stone wall of Honmaru, but the park was beautifully maintained. It was raining today so it was the worst of my feet, but it seems that I can spend a pleasant day and the cherry blossom season very comfortably.
西村友明 on Google

縄張りは分かり易いが石垣が完全ではないのが残念です。二の丸に岐阜城の御三階櫓が移築された との事で当時の様子が分かりぜひ、訪れていただきたいです。
The territory is easy to understand, but it is a pity that the stone wall is not perfect. It is said that the third floor turret of Gifu Castle was relocated to Ninomaru, so I would like you to visit it to understand the situation at that time.
小川悟志 on Google

関ヶ原の戦い後に岐阜城が廃城となり、中山道加納宿に近い場所に平城として移されました。 見応えのある本丸跡でした。
After the Battle of Sekigahara, Gifu Castle was abandoned and moved to a place near Kano-juku on Nakasendo as a castle. It was a spectacular Honmaru trace.
Edward Zizi on Google

加納城の本丸跡ということです。野面積みの石垣が残っていて当時の姿を思い起こすことが出来そうです。 石垣の内外が広場になっていて、ピクニックやマラソンを楽しむ方もけっこう居ました。
It is the remains of the main enclosure of Kano Castle. It seems that the stone wall of Nozomi only remains and you can recall the appearance at that time. The inside and outside of the stone wall are open spaces, and there were quite a few people who enjoyed picnics and marathons.
会田浩一 on Google

As expected, there are ruins of a castle in Gifu City! The stone walls of the castle are not so close, but you can see them up close and get a glimpse of the structure, such as how to stack the stone walls. A father who sticks to a stone wall? It's not a metamorphosis. (LOL)
Fernando Noguchi on Google

Very nice place!

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