
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 清華

住所 :

Kannari, Kurihara, 〒989-5171 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Kannari, Kurihara, 〒989-5171 Miyagi,Japan
佐藤みゆき on Google

久しぶりに来ました。 スタミナラーメンと五目冷やし中華食べました。細麺でスタミナの豚肉が美味しかったです。五目冷やし中華は具材がたくさん!汁が麺に絡み付いてスッキリと食べれました。
I came for the first time in a while. I ate Stamina Ramen and Five-eyed Chilled Chinese. Fine noodles and stamina pork were delicious. There are a lot of ingredients in the fifth cold chilled Chinese food! The juice was entwined with the noodles and I was able to eat it cleanly.
?a?m ??c on Google

お店の中は 昔ながらの食堂って雰囲気です。 メニューもそこまでは多くないものの、中華そばなどは懐かしい感じで王道の味ですね。 チャーハンは個人的にはもう少し濃いめが好きです。 平日の昼時でしたが、地元の方や営業マンの方々がひっきりなしに来店していて、常に満席状態でした。
The inside of the shop has the atmosphere of an old-fashioned dining room. There aren't many menus, but Chinese noodles are nostalgic and have a royal taste. I personally like fried rice a little darker. It was noon on weekdays, but locals and salespeople were constantly coming to the store, and it was always full.
メタルスライム(メタル) on Google

昔ながらのラーメンで 懐かしい味です スープも 最後まで美味しいです
大竹勝悦 on Google

昭和30年代、中華ソバはあっさりした醤油風味に縮れ麺、具は赤紅チャーシュー、ナルト、メンマ、海苔、ほうれん草のオーソドックススタイル。 団塊世代の私はこの味を求めて半世紀。コロナも激減し、兼ねてより元気なうちにと思っていた清華食堂のラーメンを食べに高速道を北上。久し振りに訪れた店内はテーブル以外、40年前となにも変わっていなかった。運ばれてきた醤油風味の薫り立つスープを一口…『この味、この味』変わらぬ昔ながらの中華そばに大満足。久し振りに美味しい一杯を堪能、きた甲斐あり。昔ながらの赤紅チャーシューも懐かしく、旨かった。元気なうちにまた来たい…ご馳走さまでした。 大正創業.八千代軒長町店 (閉店) の味を受け継ぐ蒲町店も懐かしいラーメンの味がするのである。
In the 30's of the Showa era, Chinese buckwheat noodles have a light soy sauce flavor and curly noodles, and the ingredients are red-red char siu, naruto, menma, seaweed, and spinach orthodox style. As a baby boomer, I have been searching for this taste for half a century. Corona also decreased sharply, and I went north on the highway to eat ramen from Seika Shokudo, which I thought was more energetic. The inside of the store, which I visited for the first time in a long time, hasn't changed from 40 years ago, except for the table. A bite of the soy sauce-flavored fragrant soup that was brought in ... "This taste, this taste" I am very satisfied with the old-fashioned Chinese noodles. Enjoying a delicious cup for the first time in a long time, it is worth it. The old-fashioned red-red char siu was also nostalgic and delicious. I want to come back while I'm fine ... Thank you for your treat. Founded in the Taisho era. The Gamamachi store, which inherits the taste of the Yachiyoken Nagamachi store (closed), also has a nostalgic taste of ramen.
ドコカノ誰かさん on Google

小学生時代から馴染みの店とにかく近隣のラーメン屋が閉店する中長い間営業する唯一の店。 ラーメンはあっさりスープなので塩分、油分控えてる方にはオススメです。?
A store that has been familiar since elementary school, anyway, the only store that has been open for a long time while the nearby ramen shop is closed. Ramen is a light soup, so it is recommended for those who have less salt and oil. ?
naoki shiratori on Google

It feels like old-fashioned ramen. Easy to eat. The noodles were thin and small noodles. It seems that Eiko Kano's father and mother used to come to eat.
米内光政 on Google

It is well known in Kurihara City and I went there immediately. I think the noodles are thin and the Chinese food is chicken glass soup, and the Gomoku ramen is thought to be salty. It has a refreshing finish.
なかむらたけし on Google

仕事帰りに寄って私はワンタン麺の大盛り、相棒は中華そばの大盛りをそれぞれ食べましたが美味しかったです。 スープはあっさりとしょっぱ過ぎず化調も余り感じられず(個人的感想)大盛りでも飽きずに完食出来ました。 ワンタンも大きく美味しかった。 塩分控えめの食生活をしているおじさんにはとっては優しい味です。
On my way home from work, I ate a large serving of wonton noodles and my partner a large serving of Chinese noodles, but it was delicious. The soup wasn't too salty and didn't feel too salty (personal impression), and I was able to finish it without getting tired of it. Wonton was also big and delicious. It is a gentle taste for an uncle who has a low salt diet.

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