
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact シェ・ロンフウ

住所 :

Kanita Chushimiyamoto, Sotogahama, Higashitsugaru District, 〒030-1302 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
街 : Aomori

Kanita Chushimiyamoto, Sotogahama, Higashitsugaru District, 〒030-1302 Aomori,Japan
ꯁꯩüꯁꯩ *。üɞk* on Google

There was a cheap and delicious Chinese restaurant on the 2nd floor of the observatory! The door couldn't be seen at all like an emergency door, and there was only a menu sign on the front ? When I opened it with a little anxiety, it was a common dining room. It's a shop with a nice gap. The mapo tofu set meal was spicy and timely ? but it was very delicious.
公伯 on Google

Hmm ~ ? Fried rice is like risotto and ramen can't feel the soup stock ... It was just like a set that made me full
ジョンスミス on Google

2020.1など 複数来店 いい意味の「田舎の中華料理屋さん」。 2階の奥まった場所にあり営業中でも厚いドアに閉ざされており一瞬営業しているのか不安にはなるが、中は結構席もあり、決して新しくはないですが清潔感もあります。オススメは日替わりランチ一択。チャーハンセットも悪くはありませんでした(もう少しチャーハンがパラパラだったら良かったかな)。 コスパが安いだけに日替わりランチがわりとすぐ売り切れになるのだけが少しだけ残念。 土日は貸切なことも多い。また平日も予約席が多くあり、地元の方によく使われているのが分かります。
2020.1, etc. Multiple visits “Rural Chinese restaurant” in a good sense. Although it is located behind the second floor and closed by a thick door even during business hours, it is uneasy whether it is open for a moment, but there are quite a few seats inside and it is not new, but there is a sense of cleanliness. Recommendation is daily lunch choice. The fried rice set wasn't bad either (I wish we had a little more fried rice). It is a bit disappointing that the daily lunch is sold out soon because the cospa is cheap. It is often reserved on weekends. Also, there are many reserved seats on weekdays, so you can see that it is often used by locals.
福島浩晃 on Google

It was delicious! Rice can be refilled and drinks are also very good value. It seems to be loved by the locals, and I want to visit it again!
温泉とグルメ on Google

夏に食べた日替わりはとても美味しかったけど、寒くなってくるとスープが温くなるのは自分的になし。麻婆豆腐もしかり。坦々麺とか寒くなってきた時に熱々を食べたくて行くのに、熱々を求めるなら夏場しか無理っていうのはいかがなものかと。 ◉そんなに気温が低い寒い日ではなかったがまたまたスープが熱くなかった。期待をするのはやめることにした。チャーハンとミニタンタン麺セット、特選マーボー豆腐セット2020.7.19
The daily meals I ate in summer were very delicious, but when it gets cold, the soup warms up. Mapo tofu is also good. I want to eat hot food when it's getting cold like Tantan noodles, but if you want hot food, why not only in the summer? ◉ The soup wasn't hot again, though it wasn't so cold. I decided to stop expecting. Fried rice and mini-tantan noodle set, special marbo tofu set 2020.7.19
on Google

トップマストという建物にフェリー受付とお土産売り場があります。 お店が2階にありますが、分厚いドアを開けるには勇気がいるでしょう。ぶっきら棒なオバサンが注文を聞いてくれます。味はそれなり…
There is a ferry reception and a souvenir shop in the building called Top Mast. The store is on the second floor, but you'll have the courage to open the thick door. The blunt stick Obasan will listen to your order. The taste is reasonable ...
カメ彦 on Google

おすすめセットメニュー ぶた肉ごはんとミニらーめんのセット ¥800 ドリンクが付きます
Recommended set menu Pig meat rice and mini ramen set ¥ 800 Comes with a drink
ヨルムンガンド-jormungand on Google

木須肉定食を頂きました。 木須肉も美味しく、ご飯おかわり無料、食後ドリンク付きで700円だったのでとてもリーズナブルです。
I had a Kisu meat set meal. Moo shu pork is also delicious, free refills of rice, and 700 yen with a drink after meals, so it's very reasonable.

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