ムード 金沢文庫店

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ムード 金沢文庫店

住所 :

Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0042 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Webサイト : https://bit.ly/3IH7tgJ
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10AM–7:30PM
Friday 10AM–7:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0042 Kanagawa,Japan
KINGDOM 1975 on Google

I went to the beauty salon several times when I moved, but I settled down here. The price is a little high, but I am satisfied with hair care and cutting.
PA PA on Google

I always thank you very casually, very delicately and carefully. In high technology, personality, soft tenderness and a refreshing atmosphere, we offer a very relaxing time. I can sympathize with the concept and trust it very much. Thank you very much.
ずめこ on Google

I had them color and cut. I am very happy because my hair is very easy to handle. I will go again
ER G on Google

仕事が丁寧で、接客も安定してるので良い美容院だと思います。もうここに通うようになってから長いです。 前々から思ってることなんですが、シャンプーの時の質問攻めだけ、やめてほしい。 『お湯加減よろしいですか?』→熱すぎず冷たすぎずなら、そこまで気にしません。 『かゆいところございませんか?』→たぶんあったとしても言わない。 『洗い流し足りないところございませんか?』→そんなこと客に言わせることなく、洗い流し足りないところが無いようにやって下さい。 そんな質問の多い美容院ですが、好きです。 今後も通い続けますよ。笑
I think that it is a good beauty salon because the work is polite and the customer service is stable. It's been a long time since I came here. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time, but I'd like you to stop only the questions when shampooing. "Are you sure you want to add hot water? ] → If it is not too hot and not too cold, I do not mind that much. "Is it itchy? ] → I wouldn't say even if there was. [Are there any places where washing is not enough? ] → Please do not let the customers say that there is no place to wash away. I like this beauty salon with a lot of questions. I will continue to go in the future. Lol
lina m on Google

もう何年もこちらで髪を切っています。 料金は少し高いけれど、担当の美容師さんはカットがうまく、前回のカルテも作っているようで、どれだけ伸びたか把握されているようです。私はショートボブですが、2ヶ月は髪型がいい感じでキープされます。 お店の雰囲気も落ち着いていて、疲れません。 料金をプラスすると、ヘッドスパのメニューもあるので、たまーーーに自分へのご褒美的に利用します。
I've been cutting my hair here for years. The fee is a bit high, but the hairdresser in charge seems to be making cuts well, making the previous record as well, and seems to be grasping how much it has grown. I am short bob, but I will keep my hairstyle for 2 months. The atmosphere of the shop is calm and I am not tired. If you add a charge, there is also a menu of head spa, so use it for reward for yourself.
甲田登志子 on Google

スタイリストさんが2店舗兼任の為、シフトに合わない事が残念ですが… いつも丁寧に仕上げてくれます。 もう途中眠ろうが安心して任せられる良い美容院です。
It's a pity that the stylist doesn't fit the shift because he has two stores at the same time ... It always finishes carefully. It is a good beauty salon where you can rest assured that you will sleep on the way.
Shiojima Juno (juno shiojima) on Google

The shampoo stand can be laid on your back, so you can relax very much. I was able to use it with peace of mind because I have taken proper infection control measures. I would like to use it again next time.
M i on Google

すごく残念な思いをしたので口コミを書きます。 成人式の日に利用しました。前撮りをした会社から紹介されて初めて利用しました。 着付けをしてくれた女性のスタッフの方は、とても綺麗に着付けてくれました。 着付けが終わり、ヘアセットに移ると、担当の方がアシスタントさんのような、若い男性に全体的に髪の毛を巻くように指示しました。その方は「初めて髪の毛を巻くのだろうか?」というくらい不慣れな手つきで、しかも髪の毛をコテで挟んだ後に反対方向に巻き始めた(巻けていない)ので驚きました。振袖を着ていなかったら自分でやりたいと思うくらいでした。 その後、慣れてそうな男性の方が交代しヘアセットをしてくれたのですが、前髪をすごく変な風に巻かれました。前髪の真ん中だけが強く巻かれて短くなって、左右はストレート。時間も予定時間より延びていて、家に帰って直す時間もありませんでした。また、前髪だけではなく、後ろ髪に付いていた髪飾りも4つ中2つ成人式の会場で落ちました。落ちた時に友達が気づいてくれたから良かったですが、、。 成人式の写真を見るたびに前髪が変で暗い気持ちになります。他の友達はみんな可愛くて綺麗な髪型なのに、、。一生に一度の大切な日だったのに、本当に残念です。
I was very disappointed, so I will write a review. I used it on the day of the adult ceremony. I used it for the first time after being introduced by the company that took the previous shot. The female staff who dressed me dressed up very nicely. When I finished dressing and moved to the hair set, the person in charge instructed a young man like an assistant to wrap the hair as a whole. I was surprised that the person had an unfamiliar hand, "Is it the first time to wind the hair?", And after pinching the hair with a trowel, it started to wind in the opposite direction (not rolled). If I hadn't worn furisode, I would have wanted to do it myself. After that, a man who seemed to get used to it took turns to set the hair, but the bangs were wrapped in a very strange wind. Only the center of the bangs is strongly wrapped and shortened, and the left and right are straight. The time was longer than planned and I didn't have time to go home and fix it. Also, not only the bangs but also the hair ornaments on the back hair fell off at the seijin-shiki venue. I'm glad my friend noticed me when I fell. Every time I see a picture of a seijin-shiki, my bangs feel strange and dark. All the other friends have cute and beautiful hairstyles. It was an important day of my life, but I'm really sorry.

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