いぶし亭 味彩処

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いぶし亭 味彩処

住所 :

Kanazawa, Shinjō, 〒996-0002 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Yamagata

Kanazawa, Shinjō, 〒996-0002 Yamagata,Japan
星川崇 on Google

唐揚げ甘酢かけ定食 ごはんてんこ盛り 1,000円 味、量、値段、ともにサイコーでした❗ 店のお母さんたちも面白かった✨
Fried sweet and sour garnish set meal with rice tender sauce 1,000 yen The taste, quantity and price were all good The mom at the store was also funny
Ken Kobayashi on Google

満腹になりたい時にはここがいいですね! 甘酢鷄唐揚げは器から溢れんばかり16個も入ってました!
This is the place to go when you want to be full! There were 16 fried sweet and sour chickens overflowing from the bowl!
まる on Google

行く時はだいたい決まったメニューを頼みますが、何を食べても美味しいです。また、日替わりのメニューも大変魅力的です。 小鉢も季節にもよるのか行く度に違いますし、小鉢の数も多いので、とても幸せな気持ちになります。それに、行く度に「今日の小鉢はなんだろう?」ってとてもワクワクします。 食べ始めると、一口目の「美味しい」って幸せが食べ終わるまで続き、「美味い!」以外の語彙力がなくなってしまいます。とても美味しいので、食べ進めるうちに段々とご飯か減っていくのが悲しくなってしまうほどです。 食べ終わる頃には胃袋も気持ちも満たされ、「おいしかったなぁ」「よし。午後も頑張ろう!」って気持ちになることができます。 大袈裟だろ!って思われるかもしれませんが、私の中で県内一美味しいお店だとおもいます。
When I go, I usually ask for a fixed menu, but whatever I eat is delicious. The daily menu is also very attractive. It depends on the season, and it depends on the season, and there are many small bowls, so I feel very happy. Besides, every time I go, I get very excited asking "What is today's small bowl?" When you start eating, the first bite of "delicious" continues until you finish eating, and you lose vocabulary other than "delicious!". It's so delicious that it makes me sad that the amount of rice gradually decreases as I continue to eat. By the time you finish eating, your stomach and feelings will be filled, and you will be able to feel "It was delicious" and "OK, let's do our best in the afternoon!". It's an exaggeration! You might think that, but I think it's the most delicious restaurant in the prefecture.
neco on Google

I visited for lunch! I've been there several times, but if you want to eat a fish-based set meal, you should definitely go there. The daily change and the standard are very delicious ✨
4048 kishi on Google

地元の方から聞いて伺いました。 お店は小さいですが清潔感漂う素敵な雰囲気でした。4~6人が座れる小上がりのお座敷が3つとカウンター席が4席ほどあり、品の良さそうな女将さんが出迎えてくださいました。 メニューは定番ランチが7つと日替わりが2つありネギトロ定食(ご飯てんこ盛り)と唐揚げ定食(甘酢あんかけ)を選びました。 ネギトロ丼はよくありますが、ネギトロとご飯が別々でネギトロの冷たさがそのままに食べられました。油が乗っていて臭みもなく大変美味しかったです! 唐揚げ定食も唐揚げの量が多くて甘めのタレが絡んでご飯が進みました。 メインの食材の美味しさもさながらでしたが、副菜の煮物、漬物、ポテサラ、温泉卵、お味噌汁も絶品でこれだけでもご飯一杯いけました(笑) 乳幼児を連れての来店だったにもかかわらず、店員さんから可愛いお客さんと言って貰え、あやしていただき大変嬉しかったです。 新庄へ行く際にはまた伺いたいと思います。 ご馳走様でしたm(__)m
I heard from a local person. The shop was small but had a nice atmosphere with a sense of cleanliness. There are 3 small tatami mats that can seat 4 to 6 people and 4 counter seats, and the landlady who seems to be good-looking welcomed us. There are 7 standard lunches and 2 daily specials on the menu, and I chose the Negitoro set meal (rice dumplings) and the fried chicken set meal (sweet and sour sauce ankake). Negitoro bowls are common, but the Negitoro and rice were separated and the coldness of the Negitoro was eaten as it was. It was oily and had no odor and was very delicious! The fried chicken set meal also had a large amount of fried chicken, and the rice went on with a sweet sauce. The main ingredients were just as delicious, but the side dishes such as simmered dishes, pickles, potato salad, hot spring eggs, and miso soup were also excellent, and I was able to have a cup of rice with this alone (laughs). Even though I came to the store with my baby, I was very happy to hear from the clerk that he was a cute customer. I would like to visit you again when I go to Shinjo. It was a treat m (_ _) m
ham ema on Google

ネギトロが大好きで訪問。 粗めのねぎとろ美味しすぎる。相方の日替わりのメヌキ煮付けも最高でした!そして米がうまい! 温泉卵もついていて、 最後とろとろ卵ネギトロごはんになりました。 付け合わせのフキや、麩、玉コンも美味しかったー またネギトロたべたい!
I love Negitoro and visited there. The coarse Negitoro is too delicious. The daily simmered menuki of my partner was also the best! And the rice is good! It also has hot spring eggs At the end, it became a simmering egg Negitoro rice. The garnished butterbur, fu, and tamakon were also delicious. I want to eat Negitoro again!
EVEさん on Google

There are many small bowls, and the fried chicken and garlic soy sauce are crispy and very delicious! !!
旅人症候群 on Google

おかずの種類が多いので食べれる人はご飯大盛が良い 鶏唐揚げはサクサクジューシー大きい少し甘め 鶏唐揚げ甘酢あんかけはカリカリで下の方は甘い 味噌汁は海老なので海鮮が苦手だとキツイかも
There are many kinds of side dishes, so if you can eat it, a large serving of rice is good. The fried chicken is crispy and juicy. Miso soup is shrimp, so it may be tough if you are not good at seafood

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