
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 釣具屋

住所 :

Kanaya, Futtsu, 〒299-1861 Chiba,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 5AM–8PM
Sunday 5AM–7PM
Monday 5AM–8PM
Tuesday 5AM–8PM
Wednesday 5AM–8PM
Thursday 6AM–6:45PM
Friday 5AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kanaya, Futtsu, 〒299-1861 Chiba,Japan
Reggie MTHS on Google

We arrived at Hamakanaya Station at 7:30 and went to Nokogiriyama, but at first we were planning to return to the same station, so we wanted to leave the luggage, but it is efficient to get off at Yasuda Station. I knew. I arrived at Yasuda Station 20 minutes before the departure of the train, and when I got back to Hamakanaya Station, it was just one train away. You can use suica at Hamakanaya Station and Hota Station (only 1 bottle / hour). Make a plan ahead of time, such as collecting your luggage during the transfer at Kimitsu Station.
ゆかりんた on Google

浜金谷駅の目の前にあるお店で、鋸山に上る時に手荷物預かりで利用しました。 料金は1コにつき300円、土日も営業しています。駅にはコインロッカーがありません。
At the store in front of Hamakanaya station, I used it for baggage storage when climbing Mt. Nokogiri. The price is 300 yen per item, and it is open on Saturdays and Sundays. There are no coin lockers at the station.
THべん on Google

It ’s a big catch today too!
水音ぴね on Google

鋸山登山の際に荷物を預かってもらいました。料金は、税込 200 円です。
I had my luggage kept when I climbed Mt. Nokogiri. The fee is 200 yen including tax.
きのこの山2 on Google

店主の人は人が優しい方でした。 地元の人でなくても、釣れる場所教えてくださります。
The owner was a kind person. Even if you are not a local, you will be told where you can fish.
かっちゃん on Google

お店にお財布を忘れていったお客さんに、釣り場まで届けたり、冷凍アミを買いにいったら溶けてるアミを勧めて下さったり、思いやり深いお店です(〃⌒ー⌒〃)ゞ 何より、冷凍アミがとっても良い状態でしたヽ(*´∀`)ノ♪ 因みに、このお店のアミで入れ食いでしたヽ(*´∀`)ノ♪
It is a caring shop where customers who have forgotten their wallet at the store can deliver it to the fishing spot or recommend a melted sushi when they buy frozen sushi (〃⌒ ー ⌒〃) ゞ Above all, frozen honey was in a very good state ヽ (* ´∀ `) ノ ♪ By the way, I was able to eat in the net of this shop ヽ (* ´∀ `) ノ ♪
麹他所 on Google

家族で小さい頃から行っています。 ファミリーやゆる〜く釣りをしたい方はここで間違いないです。釣具以外にもお菓子や飲み物も売ってます。あと他のレビューにもありましたが、店主の人柄が本当に良いです。
I have been with my family since I was little. There is no doubt here for families and those who want to fish loosely. Besides fishing tackle, we also sell sweets and drinks. As mentioned in other reviews, the owner's personality is really good.
makochin 1971 on Google

「浜金谷」駅前の釣具屋さんです。 観光客向けに荷物の一時預かりも行っています(有料)。 仕掛けはサビキ、ちょい投げ、フカセなど種類は少ないですが一通り揃ってました。 竿&リールセット(グラスロッド180cm、#1000リール、ナイロン2号110m付)は2300円~。 リール単品も販売していましたが一流メーカー品はないです。 家族連れのチョイ釣り向けですね。 餌のアオイソメは元気が無い感じだったので、近所のスーパーで活きアサリを買いました。 近くにある岡澤つり具店(光進丸)の方が餌は良いかも! 何でも揃ってる大型釣具店は君津のキャスティングまで行かないと無いので、存在意義は店の規模以上に有ると思います?
It is a fishing tackle shop in front of "Hamakanaya" station. We also store luggage temporarily for tourists (for a fee). There are few kinds of tricks such as Sabiki, Little Toss, and Fukase, but there is a single way. The chopsticks and reel set (glass rod 180 cm, # 1000 reel, with nylon 2 No. 110 m) is from 2300 yen. I also sold a single reel, but there is no first-class manufacturer product. It is for choy fishing of families. I felt that I was not good at feeding, so I bought some live clams at a nearby supermarket. The food may be better if there is a nearby Okazawa fishing tool store (Koshin Maru)! A large fishing tackle store that has everything in place must go to Kimitsu's casting, so I think its existence is more than the scale of the store?

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