
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 深川酒場

住所 :

Kanamachi, Katsushika City, 〒125-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–9PM
Tuesday 5–9PM
Wednesday 5–9PM
Thursday 5–9PM
Friday 5–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Kanamachi, Katsushika City, 〒125-0042 Tokyo,Japan
鈴木健文 on Google

I was at a young age. I went there for the first time in a long time. As usual, it is delicious and cozy.
柴崎智彦 on Google

There is no price display on the menu, but it just pays for a good spoon. Basically, it's good for you.
佐藤龍一 on Google

美味しい料理が出てくる。 カウンターにある煮物は毎日、数種類あり少しずつの盛り合わせもやってもらえる。
Good food comes out. There are several kinds of simmered dishes on the counter every day, and you can get a small platter.
小黒由紀 on Google

たまたま雰囲気が良かったので入店。 おまかせのつまみ 盛り合わせは野菜中心で美味でした。餃子も美味しかった。又行ってみたいです。
It happened that the atmosphere was good, so I entered the store. The assorted knobs were delicious with vegetables as the center. The dumplings were also delicious. I want to go again.
岩崎秀樹(アカオニ) on Google

Most of them are regular customers. The fish is a fresh boiled simmered fish, the pork simmered in the pork, the sushi and other things.
k5 ymo on Google

女将さんの目の行き届く、居心地良い酒場。 カウンターの煮物も美味だが、先代からの伝手で、鮮魚が抜群。ネギトロは必食。 センベロ、長っ尻、どちらも楽しめる、懐の深い店です。
A cozy bar where the landlady's eyes are attentive. The simmered food on the counter is also delicious, but with a fresh hand from the predecessor, fresh fish are outstanding. Negitro is a must-eat. It is a deep-hearted shop where you can enjoy both Senbero and long butt.
ke sa on Google

素晴らしいですねー これぞ、長く営業出来ている証です。 利益出ているのか心配になります。 ご馳走さまでした! 料理が美味しくて 写真撮っていません。
It is wonderful- This is a proof that we can do business for a long time. I am worried about whether I'm making a profit. It was a feast! The food is delicious I have not taken a photo.
いまいひろゆき on Google

2回目 2日後に再訪。 カウンターがあいていたので遠慮がちに一番右端に着座。やっぱり煮物はハズレ無しで旨い。かつお刺旨い、前回旨かったウルメ焼きも良いねぇ? 常連のお父ちゃん達と少しは話せたがムードメーカーだったお父ちゃんが帰ったとたんアウェイ感半端ねェ。 まあ、2回くらいで諦めてられない、ローカルハンティングに又、行ってきます?? 1回目 飲み屋レーダーの強い仲間が探し宛、初めて伺いました。18.00カウンター満席?。座敷3席の一角に3人で着席。 お通しは瓜の七味唐辛子掛け、ピリッと辛みがありお酒のあてに最高。 お任せの煮物盛り皿、とろっとした里芋、煮しめた大根、他シャメでご確認ください。大根しっかり面取りしてあります、仕込み万全で調理されてますね☺️ 〆鯖、春菊のおしたし、ウルメ焼きなど、ハズレ無し。全部うまぁ。 満足いくまで飲んで食べて1人3000円。 なんて、良心的なお店なんだ✨ また、伺います? カウンターに座れるのは常連だけかもしれないが1ヵ月間頑張ってみよう。 〆鯖はあまりの旨さにシャメ忘れました。 若い方達にお薦めしたいんですが、まだ早いかもしれませんね、でも貴方たちももうすぐ、こんな店が欲しくなる時期が来ると思いますよ☺️大人の集まる飲み屋あり。 ラストオーダーは21.30、ボトルキープは4ヵ月みたいでした。
Second time Revisited in 2 days. Because the counter was open, I was awkward sitting at the right end. After all simmered food is delicious without loss. It's good to have a sashimi taste and the last grilled urme. I could talk a little with the regular fathers, but when the father who was the mood maker came home, I felt an sense of an away feeling. Well, I can not give up in about 2 times, I will go to local hunting again ?? First time A strong friend of the bar yaker greeted me for the first time. 18.00 counter full. Three people sit in one corner of the three seats. The whole is covered with chili pepper in a jar, hot and spicy and is the best for liquor. Please check with your favorite dish platter, roasted taro, daikon radish, and other simmers. Daikon radish is firmly chamfered, it is fully cooked There is no loss, such as chopsticks, chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, urume grilled. Everything is fine. Drink until you are satisfied and eat 3,000 yen per person. What a conscientious shop! In addition, we will meet you Only regulars may be able to sit at the counter, but let's do our best for one month. I forgot that I had a problem. I would like to recommend it to young people, but it may be early, but you will soon have a time when you will want a store like this. The last order was 21.30, and the bottle keeping seemed to be 4 months.

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