金町焼肉 雅

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 金町焼肉 雅

住所 :

Kanamachi, Katsushika City, 〒125-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://yakiniku-miyabi.crayonsite.com/
街 : Tokyo

Kanamachi, Katsushika City, 〒125-0042 Tokyo,Japan
敦澤田 on Google

High, low, slow. The meat is not bad but high. All hormones are sweet. It seems that the couple is doing it, but it is full. How far does it continue in Kanamachi Cospa? There will be no repeaters.
島田将(Masaru Shimada) on Google

4組で満席になるほどでこぢんまりとしています。伺ったときは店長さんお一人で切り盛りされていて追加注文をしづらい感じでした。 食材にこだわっていることもあってか、お高めではありました。
It is small enough to be fully booked in 4 sets. When I got up, the store manager was working alone and it was hard for me to make additional orders. Maybe I was stuck with the ingredients, it was expensive.
S yuukako on Google

Although it was the second time of coming to the store the meat is delicious rarity, to the highest. Always packed state and but the store of privately run do not reserve. Well-established store what you eat even if satisfactory.
山田結城 on Google

自分勝手な店。PayPayピックアップ導入しとんならちゃんとやれや。客を追い返すような態度しやがって。 不都合なら取り入れないか、せめて注意書きしとけあほんだら。後になって謝るくらいなら最初から親切に対応したら?
A selfish shop. Introducing PayPay pickups. With an attitude that repels customers. If it is inconvenient, do not take it in, or at least note it. What if you kindly respond from the beginning if you apologize later?
Ryu F on Google

とりあえず ぎあら を頼むべき!新鮮な美味い肉はココにあり!
For the time being, you should ask for Giara! Fresh and delicious meat is here!
中村宏 on Google

大人二人、子供一人で来店しました。 お店はきれいで子供用の食器もしっかり準備されていました。 そしてなにより禁煙であること!喫煙可の焼き肉屋がおおい中で非常に貴重だと思います。 肉も質がよくとても美味しかったです。個人的には値段がリーズナブルなホルモンがおすすめです(でもしっかりうまい)。 また行きたいと思います。
I visited two adults and one child. The shop was beautiful and the dishes for children were well prepared. And most of all, quit smoking! I think that smoking-grilled yakiniku restaurant is very valuable. The meat was of good quality and very delicious. Personally I recommend hormones that are reasonably priced (but they are good). I think I want to go again.
July 1st on Google

何度も利用させて頂いてます。上タン塩や和牛のお肉が特に好きです。ユッケジャンスープもとても美味しいです。 キッズルームもあり、1歳の子供を連れてゆっくりと食事ができてとてもありがたかったです。最近はお弁当のテイクアウトもしていますが、それもとても美味しいです。
I use it many times. I especially like salted tongue and Japanese beef meat. Yukkejan soup is also very delicious. There is also a kids room, and I was very grateful to have a one-year-old child to eat slowly. Recently I have been taking out bento, which is also very delicious.
ムンマウ on Google

肉良し!味よし!値段よし!店内禁煙よし! キッズルームがあるので助かります! 定員さんの対応もすごく良かったです!
Meat is good! Good taste! Good price! No smoking in the store! There is a kids room so it helps! The response from the capacity was also very good!

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