
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact セカンドストリート米沢店

住所 :

Kanaike, Yonezawa, 〒992-0012 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://www.2ndstreet.jp/shop/details%3FshopsId%3D31070
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Yamagata

Kanaike, Yonezawa, 〒992-0012 Yamagata,Japan
グリズリー on Google

I went looking for a one-door refrigerator for a single person, I saw various things, but the number of items was abundant, it was neat and it was easy to see, the price was not surprisingly cheap, I felt like a refrigerator I wanted It wasn't, but I think it's a good place for a recycle shop.
toragari jinta on Google

捨てるつもりで売ったミリタリーコートが思ったより高い査定して貰った。 ブランド品で無くてメルカリやヤフオクで売りにくい物は持っていってもいいかなと思った。 商品は、まあ無難な値段で売っているので結構買った実績あります。 置賜のリサイクルショップでは、まともな方だと思います。
The military court sold to throw it away gave me a higher assessment than I thought. I thought I could have something that wasn't a brand-name product and was difficult to sell with Mercari or Yahoo auction. The product is well sold because it sells at a safe price. I think I'm a decent person at Okitama's thrift shop.
風子 on Google

時々行きますが、階段を上がっての店舗なので、大型家具、家電等はエレベーターがないので大変です。激安家具があり欲しかったので、家具の引き出しを開けてみたら髪の毛やゴミ等があり、いくら激安でも買う気になれませんでした。点検して出しているのでしょうか?店側を疑います。残念です。 また、店舗前の階段はかなり汚いです。 砂や、砂利かなりあります。掃除されてないですね。あんなに汚い店舗前はないですよ。 開店前の掃除、点検は常識です。 欲しいものがあっても、買う気になれません 。
I sometimes go, but because it is a store that goes up the stairs, large furniture and home appliances are hard because there is no elevator. I wanted cheap furniture, so when I opened the furniture drawer, there were hair and dust, etc., and I could not feel like buying it even though it was cheap. Do you check it out? I doubt the store side. I'm sorry. Also, the stairs in front of the store are pretty dirty. There is sand and gravel pretty. It has not been cleaned. There is no such dirty shop front. Cleaning before the store opening, inspection are common sense. I do not feel like buying even if I have something I want .
kei. u on Google

It takes time to choose here because it is not lined up in size ?
島貫幸子 on Google

店員さんの常識がなってないです。 お客様がいるのに店員同士でガッツポーズ。 よっぽど買い取り金額安く買い取りできて喜んでいるのでしょう。そして激安で買い取りし何十倍の値段で販売。もう買い取りはお願いしません。不愉快です。
The clerk's common sense is not clear. Even though there are customers, the clerk makes a guts pose. I'm sure they are happy to buy it at a low purchase price. And buy it at a discount and sell it at a price that is dozens of times higher. Please do not buy it anymore. It's uncomfortable.
ma on Google

今日買取で対応した男の店員。そちらにかけてお待ちください も言えねーのか。無言でiPad差し出してくるし、普通のことが言えない、できない人がいて納得できない
A male clerk who responded by purchasing today. Please wait over there, can't you say that? I'm silently giving out my iPad, I can't say normal things, I can't understand because there are people who can't
taku on Google

交差点の角にあって入りやすい。 1階が駐車場で2階が店舗なので、荷物を持って階段を上がり下がりするのは大変ですが… お店自体はそんなに広くはありませんが、商品は綺麗に整理されていると思います。 近くのハードオフの方が品揃えは良いです。 掘り出し物を探す感じが好きです。
Easy to enter at the corner of the intersection. Since the first floor is a parking lot and the second floor is a store, it is difficult to go up and down stairs with luggage ... The store itself is not that big, but I think the products are well organized. Assortment is better in the hard off nearby. I like the search for bargains.
トニたん on Google


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