Kida Internal Medicine Clinic - Yonezawa

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Contact Kida Internal Medicine Clinic

住所 :

6 Chome-4-1 Kanaike, Yonezawa, Yamagata 992-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 992-0012
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

6 Chome-4-1 Kanaike, Yonezawa, Yamagata 992-0012, Japan
on Google

Thank you for taking care of me several times in internal medicine, but because I was breastfeeding, the pharmacy told me to breastfeed after a few hours until breastfeeding, so other medicines that do not require time If you ask, there is no way to prescribe here. You ’ll have a cold and do n’t need any medicine? I was told without seeing. I wanted to get the medicine because the symptom was terrible, so I was taking a surprise and working, so I could not take time so many times, so if I went down, I will see the doctor without seeing where I will go if I gave it as before The examination was over. I have no intention of taking an arrogant attitude just by making a request for drugs. I will never go again.
ぼーんゆか on Google

最悪でした。過去に数回通いましたが、胃痛がひどく診てもらいました。 ストレスですので…の一点張り。 漢方だけを処方され1週間飲み続けてみたけど良くならず。もう一回行ってもまたストレスでしょ。の一言。 最後に行ったときは待ち時間も長すぎて(3時間以上) 帰り、後日別の病院に行きました。 ちゃんと薬を処方してくれました。
It was the worst. I went there several times in the past, but had a stomachache. Because it's stress ... I tried only Chinese medicine and continued drinking it for a week, but it didn't work. It ’s stressful again. A word. Waiting time was too long the last time (more than 3 hours) I returned and went to another hospital at a later date. He prescribed the medicine properly.
まお on Google

単刀直入にもう2度といきません。 受付の人も感じ悪い上に暗くて、午前中診察してもらいたくて、11時頃行ったのに、いきなり『午後の診察になります。』 こちらとしては、思わず『はっ?!』と言ってしまいました。だいたい午後になる理由も言われず、申し訳ございませんの一言もないし、意味分かりません。こんな病院初めてです。 それから中の看護師も、私語や笑い声が多すぎます。病院という場所で、皆さん具合悪くて受診してるのに大きな声で『ギャハハ』と笑い声を出すのはいかがなものでしょうか?患者さんが不快に感じます。患者さんが笑われているのではないかととても嫌な気分です。 病院も新しくキレイなだけに残念ですね。 私はもう2度といきません。
I'll never go straight into the game again. The receptionist was also uncomfortable and it was dark and I wanted to have a medical examination in the morning, so I went there around 11 o'clock, but suddenly "It will be an afternoon medical examination. ] As for this, I thought "Hah? !! 』I said. I wasn't told why the afternoon was going to come, and I'm sorry, I didn't say anything, and I don't understand. This is the first time for such a hospital. The nurse inside also had too much private language and laughter. How about laughing out loud, "Gah-hah," even though everyone is ill at the hospital, where you are being treated? The patient feels uncomfortable. I feel very disgusted that the patient is laughing. It's a pity that the hospital is new and clean. I will never go again.
neko kapi on Google

まじで2度といかない。 最低の医者 看護師さんは、すごくいいけど 医者がだめだ。 38度以上の熱がでて受診したのに、コロナでしょ。 保健所に相談してください。 病院きてもむだだからって言われた。 まじで、むかついて帰りに違う病院いったら 咽頭炎だった。
I can't go back twice. Lowest doctor Nurse is very good The doctor is useless. It's corona, even though I got a fever of more than 38 degrees. Please consult a health center. I was told that it was useless at the hospital. Seriously, if you go to a different hospital on the way home It was pharyngitis.
翔ちゃんママ on Google

二度と行きません。受付のお婆さんがあまりに高慢な態度で印象最悪です。 先生は穏やかな方ですが、39度の高熱、節々の痛み、酷い頭痛で起きてもいられない私に、「症状が乏しいので、漢方薬出しますので様子見てください」と、葛根湯と解熱剤だけ出され、やはり全く回復せず、再診で行った時にその後三日間苦しみました、と伝えたら驚いていました。とにかく病気の時に全く頼りになりません。時間とお金の無駄使いです。
I will not go there again. The grandmother at the reception desk is the worst with a very humble attitude. The teacher is a mild person, but I can not get up with 39 degrees high fever, pain in the joints, severe headache, "only symptoms are so poor, so please take a look at the Chinese medicine," and only Shikon and antipyretics I was surprised that I was told that I did not recover at all, and I suffered for three days when I went for re-examination. Anyway, I can not rely on it at all when I am ill. It is a waste of time and money.
まふお on Google

ヤブもいいとこ。 受付は感じ悪いし、高熱で受診したからインフルエンザの一点張り。 結果インフルエンザではなかったですがね。 それでもインフルエンザですの一点張り。 うつるのが嫌なのか喉をみる時も遠くから。 そんなので見えないですよね?って遠くから。 看護師さん方は感じいいんですけどね…… ヤブ医者だからもう行かないです。 私が伺った時誰もいなかったので……患者さんいるのかしら?と心配になります(笑)
Yabu is also good. The reception was uncomfortable and I was consulted with high fever, so I had a single point of influenza. The result was not influenza. Still one point of influenza. When you look at your throat, you don't want to be sick. So you can't see it, right? From far away. Nurses feel good ... I'm not a go doctor anymore. When I asked, no one was there ... Is there a patient? (Laughs)
るきめろ on Google

きだ先生ゎまぢで命の恩人(^^) お父さんの最期も看取ってくれた先生! きだ先生の優しさ看護婦さんの優しさ ほんとーに感謝でしかない(´•̥  ̯ •̥`) 専門外の事でも一生懸命向き合って 考えてくれてほんとーに感謝してます! ほんとにありがとうございます! こんないい先生他にはいない!
Kida-sensei, a lifesaver (^^) The teacher who took care of my father's end! Kida-sensei's kindness Nurse's kindness I'm really grateful (´ • ̥ ̯ • ̥`) Face up even if you are not a specialist Thank you so much for thinking! Thank you very much! There is no other teacher like this!
Az Y on Google

先生は穏やかで言葉も丁寧だが、診察は他の口コミ通りサラッとした印象。 後、受付の人が高圧的な態度で感じが悪い。 体調が悪くて来ている患者に対して、その態度はどうかと思う。
The teacher is calm and the words are polite, but the examination is as smooth as other reviews. After that, the receptionist has a high-pressure attitude and feels uncomfortable. I wonder what the attitude is toward patients who are getting sick.

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