
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact レプトン上安店

住所 :

Kamiyasu, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0154 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88879
Webサイト : https://www.lepton.ne.jp/user_data/kamiyasu.php
街 : Hiroshima

Kamiyasu, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0154 Hiroshima,Japan
ななしななし on Google

売れ筋以外にも面白いゲームがあるんだぞ!という店員さんのゲーム愛を感じられる血の通った陳列方法。 しっかりとした在庫。 特に、レトロゲームの品揃えが最高です。 予約時の充実したポイント付与も素晴らしい。 店内をあてもなくさまよってゲームを選ぶ楽しさを味わうというもしかしたらゲームをプレイすることに勝るとも劣らない子供の頃のドキドキとワクワクを現代でも体験させてくれる素晴らしい店舗です。
There are other interesting games besides the best-selling ones! A bloody display method where you can feel the love of the clerk's game. Solid inventory. Especially, the assortment of retro games is the best. It is also wonderful to give a lot of points at the time of booking. It's a wonderful store where you can experience the excitement and excitement of childhood as much as playing a game, where you can enjoy the fun of choosing a game by wandering around the store.
はるはるちゃ on Google

女の子向けコーナー充実! とHPにあったけど、正直これだけ?という感想でした。 あの広さなので割合的には頑張っている、のかも? 期待が大きすぎた分、残念感が。
Full corner for girls! I was on the website, but honestly, I was wondering if this was all. Maybe I'm doing my best in proportion because it's that size? I feel sorry because my expectations were too high.
Shota Mejiro on Google

移転して店自体は雰囲気が明るくなった。 ただ、店員に場所を聞いても面倒くさいような対応であっちら辺じゃないですかと対応。
The atmosphere of the store itself became brighter after the move. However, even if I asked the clerk about the location, it would be a hassle to deal with it.
こぶこぶこぶ on Google

半年くらい前に今の店舗を移転をしていて、前の店舗より駐車場も倍以上、店舗も倍くらい大きくなっていて、週末は駐車場に警備員さんもいてるので、来店しやすくなりました(^^) 以前よりも品数も増えて見やすくなりました(^^)
I relocated the current store about half a year ago, the parking lot is more than double the size of the previous store, the store is about twice as large, and there are security guards in the parking lot on weekends, so it is easier to visit. (^^) The number of items has increased and it is easier to see than before (^^)
chikurin on Google

子供の頃からゲームはレプトンですね レトロゲームも沢山あって良いお店です
The game has been Lepton since I was a kid It's a good shop with lots of retro games
日高憲章(のりくん) on Google

店に 中国地方 最大レトロ品揃えと、書いてるだけあって品揃えは良いとは思いましたが ほとんど 箱なし 裸ソフト。 箱や説明書 なし 裸ソフトでもいい レトロゲーム 探してる人はいいと思います。 1年ぶり来店 相変わらず 裸ファミコンソフト など レアソフト含め 箱説はない。ただ ラインナップは凄い。
I thought that the store had the largest retro product lineup in the Chugoku region, and the product lineup was good as I wrote it, but it was almost boxless naked software. No box or instructions Naked software is fine I think people who are looking for retro games are good. Visited the store for the first time in a year As usual, including rare software such as naked NES software There is no box theory. However, the lineup is amazing.
luna tan (もちはん) on Google

Retro games are also available, and you can enjoy choosing games with excitement. The price is also cheap.
梅田英樹 on Google

いわゆるゲームショップだけど、ファミコンからPS5まであらゆるゲームがあって、見て回るだけでもとても楽しい。 ファミコンのベストプレープロ野球とか何十年ぶりに見た? クレジットカードは使えないみたいなのでそこだけ注意。 ペイペイは使えたような。
It's a so-called game shop, but there are all kinds of games from NES to PS5, and it's really fun just to look around. I saw NES's best play professional baseball for the first time in decades ? It seems that credit cards cannot be used, so be careful. PayPay seems to have been usable.

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