
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カフェテラスK

住所 :

Kamiyashiro, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0025 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
街 : 区画 Aichi

Kamiyashiro, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0025 Aichi,Japan
リンダリンダ on Google

A very good person who has been attending many times but his mom and master are friendly. A store that you'll want to visit as many times
san ito on Google

御老人の女性は 人を人として見ていない。 こんな店には絶対に行きたくない。
Elderly woman I don't see people as people. I definitely don't want to go to such a store.
みつ on Google

It is an old-fashioned coffee shop. The master's personality is very good, and all lunch is 700 yen (800 yen with coffee). There are many kinds and a secret place? is
染井悠作 on Google

Even after some time, you can respond to the price of morning and lunch. The clerk's response ◎. Although cospa is good, there are many groups coming in and I think it is difficult to stay long.
しばさん on Google

I ordered cutlet curry, but the cutlet batter was light. That means it's fried in fresh oil. Thank you very much.
ぬん on Google

ランチで伺いました。 平日12時半でしたが、お店はサラリーマンらしき人で満席でした。常連客が多い印象です。全席喫煙。 ランチは10種類くらいから選べてどれも700円、食後の珈琲は+100円です。 オムライスを選びました。小鉢と味噌汁付。普通に美味しかったです。私好みの味でした。ポムの樹と比べてめちゃめちゃコスパいいよなーって思いながら食べました笑 食後のアイスコーヒーがウォーターグラスに入る量ぐらいです。少なめです。 老夫婦とその息子さん?で営んでて、接客は少し荒いですので、この店2度目はない!っていう人もいるかと思います。それを求める人は来ないほうがいいかもしれませんね笑 でも私にとってはおじちゃんおばちゃんのような接客で、こじんまりとした昔からの雰囲気がとても好きで安心感がありました。また行きます! 離れたところに駐車場があり、高速から降りた人たちには便利だなと思いました。
I visited for lunch. It was 12:30 on weekdays, but the shop was full of people who seemed to be office workers. I have the impression that there are many regular customers. All seats are smoking. You can choose from about 10 types of lunch for 700 yen, and coffee after meals is +100 yen. I chose omelet rice. Comes with a small bowl and miso soup. It was delicious normally. It was my favorite taste. I ate while thinking that the cost performance was really good compared to the pomme tree lol The amount of iced coffee after a meal fits in a water glass. It is a little. An old couple and their son? The customer service is a little rough, so this is not the second time for me! I think there are people who say that. People who want it may not come, lol But for me, I was treated like an uncle and aunt, and I really liked the small old-fashioned atmosphere, which made me feel at ease. I will go again! There is a parking lot in the distance, and I thought it would be convenient for people who got off the highway.
s o on Google

Have your brother at a nearby gas station recommend you to this store. The, a traditional coffee shop. Lunch menu is also rich in classic items. There is a place to align and I want to go again. This time I ordered a pilaf, 800 yen with coffee. It is a taste that can be relieved. The atmosphere is unpretentious and you can calm down as if you were at home.
Kaita Miyamoto on Google

仕事に行く前に入らせてもらいました。 いわゆる町の喫茶店って感じですね、、、 地元の人たちが集まってモーニングを 食べながら競馬の予想をしてました(笑) (タバコも吸えますよ) モーニングは2種類だけで ・ホットモーニング ¥400(税込) ・アイスモーニング ¥400(税込) コーヒーの温度が違うだけで中身は同じです。 食パンとバナナ、ゆで卵 です。 味は普通です。 ゆで卵は若干半熟でしたけど… マスターは結構話しかけてくれたので退屈はしないです。
I was allowed to enter before going to work. It feels like a so-called coffee shop in town ... Locals get together and have a morning I was expecting horse racing while eating (laughs) (You can also smoke) There are only two types of morning ・ Hot morning ¥ 400 (tax included) ・ Ice Morning ¥ 400 (tax included) The contents are the same, only the temperature of the coffee is different. Bread, bananas and boiled eggs. tastes normal. The boiled egg was a little half-boiled, but ... The master talked to me so much that I'm not bored.

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