café SabuHiro 一社 - Nagoya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact café SabuHiro 一社

住所 :

Issha, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0093 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 465-0093
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi
Description : Shaved-ice desserts, coffee & sandwiches in a chic modern space with greenery & colorful orchids.

Issha, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0093 Aichi,Japan
on Google

日曜日ランチのあとのデザートで来店しました。 13時頃だったかな? 3~4組並んでましたが駐車場も隣に停めれる台数は確保してあり不自由はなかったです。 ウケ狙いでかき氷を頼んだら玉子が出てきました(*´艸`)
I came to the store for dessert after lunch on Sunday. Was it around 13:00? There were 3-4 groups lined up, but there was no inconvenience because the number of parking lots that could be parked next to them was secured. When I asked for shaved ice for the sake of humor, an egg came out (* ´ 艸 `)
mie on Google

At around 16:30 on weekdays, I went to eat the rare shaved ice of avocado milk. In the word-of-mouth review, it was 1500 yen, but it increased to 1800 yen. I've been eating shaved ice from Aioi in Takaoka, Kawakyu in Osu, Koujaku in Hisaya Odori, and many other famous stores, but this is the first time I've had powder snow ice. I think the expression "powder snow" is the most appropriate, but I like this ice that cannot be imitated anywhere else. However, for those who were expecting a little more crispness, I think it would be a little different. It was very delicious, but I felt that 1800 yen was a little expensive. For reference, Aioi of Takaoka is about 1000 yen, Kawakyu of Osu is 500 yen, and Koujaku of Hisaya Odori is about 1000 yen.
pom on Google

土曜日、午前に行きました。 他のクチコミを見て、並ぶことを覚悟していましたが、並ぶことなく入ることができました。 駐車場も3台しか埋まっていなかったです。 かき氷はふわっふわで、中までしっかり味がついています。 次はアボカドかき氷に挑戦してみたいな…
I went on Saturday morning. Looking at other reviews, I was prepared to line up, but I was able to enter without lining up. The parking lot was also filled with only 3 cars. The shaved ice is fluffy and has a strong flavor to the inside. Next time I want to try avocado shaved ice ...
Yoshie K on Google

大好きなマンゴーのカキ氷。 ビックリするくらい細かい氷。 粉糖もビックリなレベル! 聞いてみたら、他店にはないくらい細かく削っていて、かなり機械に負担がかかっているらしい。 氷が細かいから、使う氷の量も多く、 他店より2倍だそうです。 なので、食べ応えも十分! 新雪のようなきめ細かい氷は 他では味わえない感動もの。 まさに唯一無二! 氷なんだけど氷じゃないみたい…新食感だわ。 凄く美味しい。 密度が高いから雪崩にもなりにくい?? マンゴーの果肉美味しすぎてビビったわ。 アボカド氷を食べている人がたくさんいた。 ここの人気なのかな?? トマトも美味しくてオススメですよ、と お店の人に言われたから、これも気になる。 また行こーーっと!
My favorite mango shaved ice. Surprisingly fine ice. The level of powdered sugar is also amazing! When asked, it seems that the machine is heavily burdened because it is cut into pieces that other stores do not have. Because the ice is fine, we use a lot of ice, It's twice as much as other stores. So, it's enough to eat! Fine ice like fresh snow Impressive things that you can't taste anywhere else. Exactly one and only! It's ice, but it doesn't look like ice ... It's a new texture. It's really delicious. Is it hard to be an avalanche because of its high density? ?? The flesh of the mango was so delicious that I was scared. Many people were eating avocado ice. Is it popular here? ?? I recommend tomatoes because they are delicious. I was also worried about this because the shop staff told me. Let's go again!
みゃみゃー(myaaa) on Google

とっても雰囲気の良い喫茶店。 かき氷が旨し。 氷自体か粉雪のよう、なかなか溶けない。 とーっても混むみたいなので朝一訪問空いてましたが、滞在中に満席に、すげー。 まぁ、とても雰囲気よろしく、店員さんも好印象、人気なのもうなづける
A coffee shop with a very nice atmosphere. The shaved ice is delicious. It doesn't melt easily like ice itself or powdered snow. It seems to be very crowded, so I was vacant for one visit in the morning, but it was full during my stay, so it was amazing. Well, the atmosphere is very nice, the clerk has a good impression, and it's popular.
Toma Minagawa on Google

一社のお洒落カフェ、café SabuHiroさんにお邪魔しました。 かき氷が有名なお店ですが、かなり待ち時間がかかるらしいのと、最近話題のマリトォッツォが気になっていたのでそちらをオーダー✨ パンの間にクリームが挟まっている、という字面からするとシンプルなお菓子ですが、クリームがフワフワ絶品で値段も380円とリーズナブル! これは頼むしかないでしょう! 午前中で売り切れることもあるらしいので、早めの訪問をお勧めします✨ ちなみに駐車場はお店の前と隣、少し離れたところと合わせて10数台分あるようです✨
I visited one of the fashionable cafes, café Sabu Hiro. The shop is famous for shaved ice, but it seems that it will take a long time to wait, and I was interested in Maritozzo, which is a hot topic recently, so I ordered that ✨ It's a simple confectionery with cream sandwiched between breads, but the cream is fluffy and the price is reasonable at 380 yen! You have to ask for this! It seems that it may be sold out in the morning, so we recommend an early visit ✨ By the way, it seems that there are more than 10 parking lots in front of and next to the store, including a little distance.
mri a_z on Google

テレビでも紹介されていて人気店ですが、丁寧な接客ですごく印象が良かったです。 お昼頃に行ったら午前の部は既に終了していました。行かれる際は営業時間を要確認した方がいいです。 席もゆったりしていてくつろげました。 かき氷の種類で迷いましたが栗好きなので栗にしました‼︎大正解‼︎‼︎かき氷なのにモンブランを食べているようで、ちゃんと和栗の味がしてすごく美味しかったです!! 中にクリームと下の方にほうじ茶ゼリーが入っています。写真ではわかりづらいですが上に金箔がかかっています。 ただし手間がかかるのか、私は気になりませんでしたが他のかき氷よりも提供に時間がかかりました。 とにかく栗好きの方におすすめです‼︎ かき氷の中盤〜終盤に温かいお茶のサービスが嬉しいです。冷えた喉と体に染み渡ります。。。 かき氷も美味しいですが、マリトッツォのクリームがちゃんとミルクの味がしてすごく美味しかったです! お店も落ち着ける空間で、人気店にありがちな、回転率を良くしようと小さなテーブル、イスと隣の席との間隔が狭くて落ち着けないなどのモヤモヤはなかったです。 トイレも1つしかありませんが清潔感があり広いです。
It is a popular restaurant that has been introduced on TV, but I was very impressed by the polite customer service. When I went around noon, the morning session had already ended. You should check the business hours when you go. The seats were also spacious and relaxing. I was at a loss about the type of shaved ice, but I like chestnuts so I chose chestnuts! ︎ Great answer! ︎‼ ︎ Even though it was shaved ice, it seemed to be eating Mont Blanc, and it tasted like Japanese chestnuts and it was very delicious! !! There is cream inside and roasted green tea jelly at the bottom. It's hard to see in the photo, but there is gold leaf on it. However, I didn't care if it would take time, but it took longer to serve than other shaved ice. Anyway, it is recommended for those who like chestnuts! ︎ I am happy with the hot tea service from the middle to the end of the shaved ice. It permeates the cold throat and body. .. .. The shaved ice is delicious, but the Maritozzo cream tasted like milk and was really delicious! The shop is also a calm space, and there was no uncomfortable feeling that is common in popular shops, such as a small table to improve the turnover rate, and the space between the chair and the seat next to it is narrow. There is only one toilet, but it is clean and spacious.
K Shim on Google

taste 3 facility atmosphere 5 service 3 others

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