鳳来寺 石段

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鳳来寺 石段

住所 :

Kamiura, Kadoya, Shinshiro, 〒441-1944 Aichi,Japan

街 : 区画 Aichi

Kamiura, Kadoya, Shinshiro, 〒441-1944 Aichi,Japan
zyandararin on Google

A stone staircase leading to Horaiji Temple. 1425 steps in total. You can see the bright vermilion Niomon and the famous umbrella too. You can enjoy the refreshing air with abundant nature, but the stairs are quite tough. By the time you reach the top of the mountain, you will get sweaty, so it is not recommended for amateurs. We recommend that you go from the Horaiji San Park Way parking lot near the top of the mountain instead of the stone steps.
守屋慶 on Google

It seems that there are 1425 steps. Climb slowly for about an hour. There are steep and slippery places, but I was able to climb comfortably while enjoying nature and history.
ダメな大人 on Google

約6年ぶりのチャレンジ。相変わらず長い石段ですわ。 但し悪路では無いのでちょいちょい休みながら登ればなんとかなりますな。 擦り減ったウォーキングシューズでも登れました。 絶対に用意すべき物は…インナーの替え。飲み物。 あった方がよい物…おにぎり。お金(売店まで行って五平餅やお土産を買う為)
Challenge for the first time in about 6 years. It's still a long stone staircase. However, it's not a bad road, so if you take a break and climb it, it's pretty good. I could climb even with worn walking shoes. What you should definitely prepare ... Change the inner. drink. Things you should have ... Onigiri. Money (to go to the shop and buy Gohei mochi and souvenirs)
リデラlidela on Google

The trailhead of Mt. Horaiji Omotesando. 1425 steps start from here.
はくたにひでお on Google

Анастасия Иванова on Google

Magic forest with spirit of old monks' village and mountain with 1400 steps
Crystal Chong on Google

On normal day, seems like the public bus doesn't go to the temple carpark. So got to climb all the way back down to the bus stop below. Be prepared for a hard climb up. Some stone stairs can be pretty steep.
T G on Google

It's a fantastic place. What is the most lovely thing is you'll be able to try a King of Gohei Mochi in a restaurant around the top of this stone stairway with over 1,400 steps.? Gohei Mochi you can try there is really good. Just one thing, the last quarter of the stone steps are much harder to climb than that of the lower area.

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