カーセブン 京都乙訓店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カーセブン 京都乙訓店

住所 :

Kamiuenocho, Muko, 〒617-0006 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : https://www.carseven.co.jp/shop/kansai/kyoto/kyoto-otokuni/
街 : Kyoto

Kamiuenocho, Muko, 〒617-0006 Kyoto,Japan
濵村 on Google

I bothered looking for a used car. The used cars that we bought are displayed as they are, so there are some poor cars. If the timing is right, you can meet a bargain car.
ucyu-jin chikyu-jin on Google

安い車でもちゃんと丁寧に見てくれます。 メンテ費用も妥当だと思います。
Even a cheap car will look carefully. I think the maintenance cost is also reasonable.
こたんまんままんまる on Google

今回査定をお願いしました。 他社の方が査定額が良かったので 最終的に依頼はしなかったですが 担当者の方はとても親切で信用出来ました。 ただ残念だったのは、査定後すぐに金額を教えてくれなかったこと…。 こちらは正直にもう1社あるとお伝えしたのが、よくなかったのか こちらから催促の電話してから 金額連絡ありました。 カーセブンさんの方が自宅から近いので 出来たらお願いしたかったです。
I asked for an assessment this time. Since the other company had a better assessment, I didn't ask for it in the end The person in charge was very kind and reliable. Unfortunately, he didn't tell me the amount of money immediately after the assessment ... I honestly told you that there is another company, isn't it good? After calling for a reminder from here There was a notification of the amount. Car Seven is closer to my home I wanted to ask if I could.
わんわん on Google

買取査定のため来店、30分ほどで値段が出ました。 一言で言うと「買取額が安い」です。 話にならないレベルです。 査定額も値打ちをこいで全然言いません。 少しでも安く買いたいのが見え見えです。 確実に他の買取屋のほうが高値が付きます。 案の定 数件回りましたが、他の買取屋の方が良い値段が付きました。 査定時、フロントガラスの飛び石チェックをしたのか、査定した人の指紋がガラスにべっとりついており放置したままでした。買取額が安い旨を伝えると「どこの買取屋に行っても似たような値段しかつかない」と「上から目線」で話されました。50代くらい?の店員でした。他店では20万以上良い値段が付きましたけど。正直、良いイメージはありません。店全体で接客マナーを学びなおしてはいかがだろうか。高価買取を目指すなら、他の買取屋に行くことをオススメ致します。
I came to the store for a purchase assessment, and the price came out in about 30 minutes. In a word, "the purchase price is cheap". It is a level that cannot be talked about. The assessed amount is also worth it and I will not say it at all. I can see that I want to buy it as cheaply as possible. Certainly other purchasers will get higher prices. Sure enough I went around a few times, but the other purchasers got better prices. At the time of the assessment, the fingerprint of the assessor was sticking to the glass, probably because I checked the stepping stones on the windshield, and it was left unattended. When I told him that the purchase price was low, he said, "No matter where you go, there is only a similar price," from the top. About 50s? It was a clerk of. At other stores, it got a good price of over 200,000. To be honest, I don't have a good image. How about re-learning customer service etiquette throughout the store? If you are aiming for expensive purchase, we recommend going to another purchase shop.
武智伸二 on Google

快適です。どこの買取店よりスタッフの対応が行き届いています。 オススメです。
It's comfortable. The staff is attentive from any purchase shop. I recommend it.
Yoshinori Nishimura on Google

車の売却は初めてでしたが、こちらの担当者はしつこい連絡もなく、分かりやすい説明で、信頼感を持って取引することができました。 また、査定額も最も高い金額を提示頂き、感謝しています。中古車売却を検討されている方は、ぜひ候補の1社として検討されることをおすすめします。
It was my first time to sell a car, but the person in charge here did not have to contact me persistently, and I was able to trade with confidence with an easy-to-understand explanation. We are also grateful for the highest assessed amount. If you are considering selling a used car, we recommend that you consider it as one of the candidates.
chie F on Google

中古車の買い取り、とても親切丁寧に対応して頂きました。1ヶ月以内に手放すと伝え4社に見積もりにきて頂きましたが、こちらが断トツで対応がよく、納車日の融通も聞いて頂けたので助かりました。買い取り価格も一番高く、最後は愛車と記念写真も撮ってもらえて大満足です。気が変わったら7日以内(だったかな?)はキャンセルできると説明があったのも、誠実だと感じました。 大手の○ックモーターにも見積もりを依頼しましたが、1週間後でも価格が変わるので、納車日が1週間を切ってからまた持ってきてと言われました。他にも20万円ほど低い値を付けられたり色々あった中で出会えたので、感謝です。 本当に対応が良かったので、次回は値段が多少安くてもこちらにお願いしようと思っています。
We bought used cars and responded very kindly and politely. I told them that I would let go within a month and asked the four companies to give me a quote, but I was very grateful that they were very responsive and asked me about the flexibility of the delivery date. The purchase price is also the highest, and at the end I am very happy to have my car and a commemorative photo taken. I felt sincere that I was told that if I changed my mind, I could cancel within 7 days (was it?). I asked a major company, Oc Motor, for a quote, but the price changed even after a week, so I was told to bring it back after the delivery date was less than a week. I am grateful that I was able to meet other people while I was able to get a low price of about 200,000 yen. The correspondence was really good, so next time I will ask here even if the price is a little cheaper.
まさくん(まさくん) on Google

店舗としては小さく入店しづらい感じはあるのですが ここのスタッフ全員気持ちよい挨拶笑顔でお迎えして頂き 俗に言う付き営業や押し売り的な感じは全くなく ユーザーの気持ちを一番に聞いてこられ それに対してめいっぱい対応したいと言う 気持ちを感じました 社員さんも車に詳しく中古車なのに 車の中は普段見えないシートの下まで 埃一つ落ちていませんでした 商品(車)の綺麗さから社員全員のやる気というか 親切な人ばかりだと感じました モリカワ商事の大きなグループの会社の一つです
As a store, it seems small and difficult to enter. All the staff here welcome you with a pleasant greeting and a smile There is no sales or push-selling feeling that is commonly called Listen to the user's feelings first I want to deal with it as much as possible I felt feelings Even though the employees are familiar with cars and are used cars Inside the car to the bottom of the seat that you can't usually see No dust had fallen The motivation of all employees because of the beauty of the products (cars) I felt that all the people were kind It is one of the companies of a large group of Morikawashoji

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