Kamisumuji Shrine - Osaka

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kamisumuji Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-1-4 Nagainishi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 558-0002
Webサイト : http://www.kamisumudi-jinjya.or.jp/

2 Chome-1-4 Nagainishi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0002, Japan
南形浩 on Google

JR、地下鉄御堂筋線 長居駅から、歩いて直ぐのロケーションに鎮座されている神須牟地神社(かみすむぢじんじゃ)に、長居スタジアムに行った序でに、参拝して来ました。住宅街の中にありますが、境内は広くて、厳かな雰囲気は保たれています。約二千年前から鎮座され、延喜式内社の古社として三ノ宮と称され、医薬の祖神、酒造りの神、文武両道の神として崇敬されたそうです。かみすむ、ち、とは 御利益ありそうです。
I went to Nagasumi stadium at Kami-Sumuji Shrine, which is located in a short walk from Nagai Station on the JR and subway Midosuji Line. Although it is in a residential area, the precincts are large and a strict atmosphere is maintained. It was enshrined about 2,000 years ago, and it was called Sannomiya as the old shrine of Nobiki Shichiaisha. Kamisumu and Chi are likely to benefit.
s itou on Google

It is in a relatively quiet place and I was able to visit slowly. I received a red stamp.
高橋俊男 on Google

Kamimusubi Uchikosha, which was founded about 2,000 years ago, has been called Sannomiya for a long time and is worshiped as the founder of medicine.
z Taka007 on Google

JR長居から徒歩で西へ5分程で到着する旧村の中の神社で静かな佇まいだ‼️ 静寂が此処だけ別世界を造りあげている小さな神社なのに何故か見知らぬ大きなパワーに圧倒される思いだ暫く佇んでいたが、ここから西へ延びる一本道を住吉大社へと向かう20分位で行けるらしい、こんな小さな神社だが何故か?人を魅惑し惹き付ける魅力を感じる。 この神社は機会が有れば又訪れたいと思わせる何か不思議な力が有る?
It has a quiet appearance at a shrine in the old village, which arrives west from JR Nagai in about 5 minutes on foot! ️ It's a small shrine where silence is creating another world only here, but for some reason I was overwhelmed by a strange power, but it seems that I can go on a straight road extending west from here in about 20 minutes to Sumiyoshi Taisha. It's a shrine, but why? I feel the charm that attracts and attracts people. This shrine has some mysterious power that makes you want to visit again if you have the opportunity ?
藤枝梅安 on Google

神須牟地神社の由緒 延喜式内の古社であって三の宮と称され、遠く二千年昔に御創建されました。 御祭神 神産霊大神(かみむすびのおおかみ) 天日鷲命(あまのひわしのみこと) 少名彦命(すくなひこのみこと) 医薬の祖神・酒造の祖神として信仰が厚く、文武両道の守護神としても御神徳があった。 社領は、住吉大社二万二千石の中の三百七十五石余りであったが社領減地の節に没収されている。 本殿は慶長年間、兵火にかかったが豊臣の浪人であった多賀谷氏、秦氏、小山氏、岡田氏等の四名の協力で、元和四年八月二十一日遷座の式が挙げられ再建された。 この日を祭典の日と定められている。 元文元年九月、徳川幕府は本社及び多米神社の廃滅に瀕せしを憂い幕吏 菅 廣房に命じ「神須牟地神社」「多米社」と刻せる石碑二基を双方地に建立せしめた。この石碑は今も現存している。 境内末社 境内末社の多米社は延喜式内の古い社で、別名を「苗見神社」または「種貸神社」と言われ、「鎮座の社」「苗見の森」「明神さま」とも言われ浪速の名所の一つとして崇敬されていました。 御祭神に関しては、後に神須牟地神社へ合祀したとされる文献が残っており、古くより子孫繁栄、子宝の大きなご利益があったとされている。 御祭神 宇賀魂命(うがのみたまのみこと) 神和稚魂神(かむわかたまのかみ) 保食神(ほぐいのかみ) 駅から近く街中にありますが、とても静かな別世界を感じる境内です
History of Kamisumuji Shrine It is an old shrine in the Enki ceremony and is called Sannomiya, and was built 2,000 years ago. Deity Kamimusubi Okami Amenohiwashi (Amanohiwashi no Mikoto) Hikomei Sukuna (Mikoto Sukuna) He had a strong faith as the ancestor of medicine and the ancestor of sake brewing, and also had the godliness as the guardian deity of both Bunbu and Budo. The company territory was more than 375 stones out of the 22,000 stones of Sumiyoshi Taisha, but it was confiscated in the section of the reduced land of the company territory. The main shrine was relocated on August 21st, 4th year of Genna, with the cooperation of four people, including Mr. Tagaya, Mr. Hata, Mr. Koyama, and Mr. Okada, who were ronin of Toyotomi during the Keicho era. It was rebuilt. This day is designated as Celebration Day. In September of the first year of the Genbun, the Tokugawa Shogunate ordered the head office and the Tame Shrine to be abolished, and ordered the shogunate Mori Hirofusa to place two stone monuments that could be engraved as "Kamisumuji Shrine" and "Tame Shrine". It was erected. This stone monument still exists today. Precincts end company The precincts end shrine, Tamaisha, is an old shrine in the Enki ceremony, and is also known as "Naemi Shrine" or "Tanekashisha". It was revered as one of the famous places of the shrine. Regarding the deity of the ritual, there are documents that are said to have been enshrined at Kamisumuji Shrine later, and it is said that there have been great benefits for the prosperity of descendants and child treasures since ancient times. Deity Ukanomitama (Ukanomitama Mikoto) Kamuwa Katama no Kami Ukemochi It is located in the city near the station, but it is a precinct where you can feel a very quiet different world.
紺野圭子 on Google

It is very close to the subway and Nagai Park. The road draws a circle around the shrine. It seems that there was a moated settlement around here, so is it a remnant of that? It's a pleasant shrine. If you walk on the narrow road near you, you can reach Sumiyoshi Taisha in less time. You will find that the old roads are easy for people to walk and that you can reach your destination faster than the car-centered roads.
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