日本料理 ゆう

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日本料理 ゆう

住所 :

Kamisugi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0011 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Miyagi

Kamisugi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0011 Miyagi,Japan
Y K on Google

It was a little over a year, but it was a very polite dish. was delicious.
谷保Yaho武Take on Google

The number of customers was small, probably because the store was just opened or it was early. It will bring out sake and rice cake that suits it.
さちー on Google

昼も夜も利用してます。 昼はランチ、夜はコース料理。少しずつ美味しいものが出てくるので、女性におすすめです。
I use it day and night. Lunch at noon and course meal at night. Delicious food comes out little by little, so it is recommended for women.
佐久間彩夏 on Google

料理がとにかく美味しい。お酒も美味しい。 店長の発想が毎回毎回度肝抜かれます。 定期的に行きたくなるお店です。
The food is delicious. Liquor is also delicious. The store manager's ideas are always taken every time. It is a shop that you want to visit regularly.
まぁ on Google

平日のランチの時間に行きました! 値段の割に量もあり、とても美味しくて大満足でした 今度は家族と来ます ご飯が出てくるのも早くて、とても良かったです
I went to lunch time on weekdays! There was quantity for price and was very delicious and was very satisfied I will come with my family this time It was very good that the rice was coming out too soon
15 ice on Google

ランチコースを頂きました。 ランチとは思えぬほど大満足でした。 ひとつひとつのお料理に情熱が感じられ、素晴らしかったです。 とても美味しく幸せな時間をありがとうございました。
I had a lunch course. I was very happy with the lunch. I felt a passion for each dish and it was wonderful. Thank you for a very delicious and happy time.
ラリルレリロラロ on Google

ランチでおじゃましました! 店主の方の柔らかな物腰と気さくな感じも良く、とにかく豪華で美味しく目にも楽しいお料理でした^_^ この価格で、美味しい日本料理をお腹いっぱい食べれるって贅沢♩ またおじゃましたいです!
I had a good time at lunch! The shopkeeper's soft demeanor and the friendly feeling were good, and it was a gorgeous, delicious and enjoyable dish ^_^ It's a luxury to eat delicious Japanese food at this price ♩ See you again!
Genli Wu on Google

La 16an de aprilo 2019 japana restoracio malfermiĝis laŭ la strato malantaŭ la prefekta oficejo. Bona restoracio, kie vi povas ĝui kursajn pladojn por simpla monsumo de tagmanĝo. En la momento de la vizito, oni diris, ke li volas fari rezervon nokte, sed la sekvan fojon ankoraŭ ne komprenas, ĉar ekzistas influo de la nova korono, ktp., Kaj la translokado estas ekzamenata. Min interesas nur butikoj kun bona personeco.
On April 16, 2019 a Japanese restaurant opened along the street behind the prefect’s office. A good restaurant where you can enjoy course dishes for a simple sum of money for lunch. At the time of the visit, it was said that he wants to make a reservation at night, but the next time still does not understand, because there is an influence of the new crown, etc., and the transfer is examined. I'm only interested in shops with a good personality.

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