
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact シェ・モア

住所 :

Kamisugi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0011 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://chez-moi.xyz/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Kamisugi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0011 Miyagi,Japan
ドラマリモ on Google

お昼休みに利用しましたが、時間を考慮していただきながら、美味しく頂きました。 魚、肉のランチどちらも美味しく、デザートもいいですよ。
We used for lunch break, but had you taste while having time consider. Fish and meat lunches are both delicious and desserts are good.
mariko sasahara on Google

As the sign says "French-style home-cooked food," it is a very nice and delicious restaurant that even I, who is homely and unfamiliar with French food, can easily wear casual clothes. The atmosphere of the shop, the care of the women serving us, and the food (very delicious!) are also very good. I definitely want to go again.
Yang Jun on Google

肩肘張らない家庭的なフレンチ。大変リーズナブルで予約なしでさっと入れたので普段使いにしたい。 ワインも安めで美味しいものが揃えてある。
A homely French that does not stretch. It's very reasonable and I just put it in without making a reservation, so I want to use it for everyday use. The wines are cheap and they have a good selection.
SL-3 SL-4 R35 on Google

何回かコース料理をいただきまして毎回満足しております。 とても良い雰囲気で、また行きたいと思える お店です!
I am satisfied with the course meals I have received several times. It's a very nice atmosphere and you want to go again!
ふじわら先生(仙台藤原塾 代表取締役社長) on Google

ランチで手羽先のカレー煮込みを。 手軽に食べられるランチで、すごく美味しかったです。 枝豆のパテが良かったかな。
Stew chicken wings in curry for lunch. It was an easy-to-eat lunch and it was very delicious. I wonder if the edamame pate was good.
菅野誠一 on Google

Dessert and freshly baked bread are excellent. Gourmand lunch is highly satisfying as a course meal and has been used many times.
codon buri on Google

県庁裏、上杉にある小さなフレンチ料理。気取らない、1人でも気軽に入れるお店です。 かわいらしいマダムが一生懸命お料理を提供してくれます。 官公庁や会社が多いので平日はお昼休みに満席になりますが、日曜日はゆっくりランチをいただける穴場でした! 1000円からランチがありましたが、お魚とデザートが食べたかったので1500円のコース(お魚+300円)で大満足。この日はヒラメとホタテのソテーと彩りがキレイなお野菜をいただきました。デザートもバレンタイン期間でチョコレートのブリュレやハートのクッキー、りんごのスポンジケーキ、ベリーのタルトとスペシャルなデザートでした♡ テイクアウトもいろいろやってるみたいなので今度利用してみたいと思います。カレーが気になります!
A small French dish in Uesugi behind the prefectural office. It's an unpretentious shop that even one person can easily enter. The lovely Madam will serve you the food with all your might. Since there are many government offices and companies, it is full during lunch break on weekdays, but it was a little-known spot where you can have lunch slowly on Sundays! I had lunch from 1000 yen, but I wanted to eat fish and dessert, so I was very satisfied with the 1500 yen course (fish + 300 yen). On this day, I had sautéed flatfish and scallops and vegetables with beautiful colors. The dessert was also a special dessert with chocolate brulee, heart cookies, apple sponge cake, berry tart and so on during Valentine's Day ♡ It seems that we are doing various takeouts, so I would like to use it next time. I'm curious about curry!
引地弘行 on Google

Saturday lunchtime, reservation required. 70 minutes slowly to enter the store at noon. Almost full. Lunch course Meat dishes are Japan X, the best match with soft and sweet sauce.

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