French Restaurant La Paix - Sendai

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact French Restaurant La Paix

住所 :

電力ビル, B1F, 3 Chome-7-1 Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0811, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 980-0811
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–3PM
Sunday 12–3PM
Monday 12–3PM
Tuesday 12–3PM
Wednesday 12–3PM
Thursday 12–3PM
Friday 12–3PM

電力ビル, B1F, 3 Chome-7-1 Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0811, Japan
升澤邦子 on Google

A shop on the first basement floor of the Electric Power Building. Even though I have been to the electric power building many times, it looks so quiet that I will look for it a little. There is a calm BGM in the store, and it feels like a little hesitant to enter, but there was no dress code and I was able to enter the store comfortably. It was made like a semi-private room, and the seats close to the table next to each other were properly partitioned with an acrylic plate to prevent corona, so even at this time of the year it was possible to relax and have a relaxing meal. The waiters are well educated and their gestures are smart. And each dish is very carefully made and the taste is impressive. The lunch menu is Yakuzen salad lunch. There are only 4 kinds of fish main course, meat main course and fish and meat course. I had a medicinal salad lunch today. It was very delicious. I would love to visit again.
hokuto suzuki on Google

雰囲気、サービス、味、本当に素敵な時間を楽しむことができました。 お料理やワインに詳しくなくても、予算と、いつ誰と何のための食事か伝えると、オーナーソムリエの泉田さんが最適なセレクトをしてくださるので安心してお任せできます。 大切な記念日から失敗できない接待まで、いざというとき頼りになるお店です。
I enjoyed the atmosphere, the service, the taste and the really nice time. Even if you are not familiar with food and wine, if you tell us your budget and when, who and what to eat, Mr. Izumida, the owner sommelier, will make the best selection, so you can leave it to us with confidence. From important anniversaries to entertaining entertainment that you can't fail, it's a reliable shop in case of emergency.
Y O on Google

テイクアウトでいただきました。短角牛のハンバーグは噂通り脂身が少なく、ハーブの香りもして上品な味わいでした。 ただ、パスタは味がひたすら濃く…おそらくミートソースのような味だったとは思うのですが、しょっぱい!という気持ちが先行して、何味か分かりませんでした…? 次回はハンバーグのライス載せなど違うものと合わせたいと思います。
I had it on takeout. As rumored, the shorthorn beef hamburger was low in fat and had an elegant taste with the aroma of herbs. However, the pasta has a strong taste ... I think it tasted like minced meat sauce, but it's salty! I didn't know what it tasted like ... ? Next time, I would like to match it with something different, such as hamburger steak with rice.
HIO SHIONO on Google

ビジネスランチの利用でした。 ファミレスと捉えて訪問するのであれば問題ないと思います。 今回は待ち合いを含めて、おそらく2名の女性スタッフに対応いただきました。 本日の訪問では、お店を覗いた(?)タイミングから違和感があり、最後まで拭えず、コメントを記載するに至りました。 最初の違和感、ランチ時間を少し過ぎての訪問であり、他のお客さまがいなかったように見受けられる中、早口で店舗外で待つように説明されたこと。 後ろの予定があったため、待ち時間があるようであれば別のお店にと考えていたところ、こちらからの質問を聞く素振りもなく、メニューを渡され椅子にかけて待つように伝えられました。 その後、待ち時間を確認したところ「片付けたらすぐに」という説明を受けましたが、5-10分ほど待たされて通されたのは、メイン入り口(?)とは別の入り口でした。 ※こちらは移動時点で中を見ることができるお部屋で、元々テーブル準備は整っているように見えていたお席でした。最終的にランチを終えて退店まで通して考えると、別室は都度見回らないといけない分、別部屋に通してのオーダーが面倒だったのかなとまで感じました。 別室(?)に通されてからも、食器準備では耳に残るほどの音を立てての準備をはじめ、視線、目の前に無遠慮に腕を通しての給仕、別室(?)で仕方ない部分はあるとは言え、早足移動で細かく監視に来るようなふるまいなど、くつろぎとは程遠く、「早く帰るように」言外に伝えられているような印象が強く、料理を楽しむことも、同伴者との会話を楽しむことも難しい時間でした。 お会計にしても、こちらから声をかけるでもなく、最後のコーヒー・デザートをいただいている途中で、「会計はテーブルでみなさま分まとめてお願いします」と、同伴者にも金額が見えるような形で不躾に置いていかれました。 今回、若い同伴者込みでの利用でしたが、私たち以外、他にお客さまも見受けられなかったので見かけなどから対応に差があったのかなどを知ることはできませんが、同伴者含めて、追い立てられるような食事の時間となりました。 ビジネスランチという銘の元ではあることを見ても、お店の雰囲気と今回の接客の大きなアンマッチから、ディナーでの利用や、今後の利用をと考えるには至らない結果で残念でした。 コロナ禍などもあり、少人数対応になっている点や、もしかしたら経験ある方が離れてしまっているなど、たまたまが重なって悪い印象が強かっただけなのかもしれません。 さまざま背景はあることと思いますが、もしランチ時間外での訪問やラストオーダーに近い時間でのご訪問となってしまっていたなどがあれば、その旨をお伝えいただいて、入店をお断りいただく方がありがたかったです。 コメントを記載しながら、営業時間の確認を怠ってしまっており、営業時間に余裕を持った入店としていなかった反省を込めて、星2評価といたします。
It was a business lunch. I think that there is no problem if you visit it as a family restaurant. This time, including the meeting, probably two female staff members were available. In today's visit, I felt uncomfortable from the timing when I looked into the shop (?), So I could not wipe it to the end and I wrote a comment. The first feeling of strangeness was that the visit was a little after lunch time, and while it seemed that there were no other customers, he was told to wait outside the store quickly. Since I had a plan behind me, I was thinking of going to another shop if there was a waiting time, but I was told to wait in a chair after being handed the menu without pretending to ask a question from here. After that, when I checked the waiting time, I was told that "as soon as I put it away", but it was a different entrance from the main entrance (?) That I had to wait for about 5-10 minutes. * This is a room where you can see the inside at the time of moving, and it was originally a seat that seemed to be ready for the table. When I finally finished lunch and went through the store until I left the store, I felt that it was troublesome to order through another room because I had to look around the separate room each time. Even after being passed through the separate room (?), The tableware preparation begins with making a memorable noise, the line of sight, the waiter through the arm in front of you, and the part that can not be helped in the separate room (?) However, it is far from relaxing, such as the behavior of moving fast and coming to watch closely, and there is a strong impression that it is told "to go home early", and you can enjoy cooking with your companion. It was also a difficult time to enjoy the conversation. Even if you make a payment, instead of calling out from here, while you are having the last coffee dessert, you can see the amount of money to your companion, saying, "Please collect all the payments at the table." It was left unscrupulous in the form. This time, it was used with a young companion, but since there were no other customers other than us, it is not possible to know if there was a difference in response from the appearance etc., but including the companion, It was time for a meal that could be driven away. Even if you see that it is the origin of the business lunch, it was disappointing that the atmosphere of the restaurant and the big unmatched customer service this time made it difficult to think about using it for dinner or in the future. It may have been a bad impression because it happened to overlap, such as the fact that it is compatible with a small number of people due to the corona sickness, and maybe the experienced people are separated. I think there are various backgrounds, but if you have visited outside lunch time or at a time close to the last order, please let us know and refuse to enter the store. I was grateful for that. While writing comments, I neglected to confirm the business hours, and I will give it a 2 star rating, including the reflection that I did not enter the store with plenty of business hours.
mana-blu on Google

先日初めてお伺いし、お料理とその内容に合わせて考えられた4種類のワインをいただきました。 コロナ感染が危ぶまれるなか、外でのお食事はとても久しぶりでしたので私にとっては貴重な1回でしたが、ゆったりと広めのスペースを用意していただき、安心の空間の中、ゆっくり寛げる雰囲気でのお食事会となり、とても満足でした。 オーナーソムリエから本日のお食事の説明に加えて、本日のワインについても飲み合わせ方などなど、非常に詳しく教えていただき感動いたしました。 何時間も煮込んだお料理に愛情を感じながら味わわせていただき、感謝です! ありがとうございました。 ぜひまた利用させていただきます。
I visited for the first time the other day and had four kinds of wine that were thought out according to the food and its contents. It was a precious time for me because it was a long time since I had eaten outside while the corona infection was in danger, but I asked for a spacious and spacious space so that I could relax in a relaxed atmosphere. It was a dinner party and I was very satisfied. In addition to explaining today's meal from the owner sommelier, I was impressed by the fact that he taught me in great detail about today's wine and how to drink it. Thank you for enjoying the dishes that have been simmered for hours with love! Thank you very much. I will definitely use it again.
mamo on Google

記念日にはおすすめできません。 2021年のクリスマスコースでお伺いしました。お料理、接客ともに少し残念でした。 まず接客は、クリスマスの忙しい時期だからでしょうか、バイトなのかな?と思わしきたどたどしいスタッフが数名。入店時案内してくれたのは若い学生のような方で、入店時にコートを預かるのも忘れ、席の前でコートを受け取ってくれました。このくらいの少したどたどしいくらいは微笑ましく思っていましたが、お店の雰囲気には不釣り合いで、スタッフご本人というよりはお店の教育をもう少ししても良いのではないかと思いました。 なにより不満だったのは、少し年上の女性のスタッフの話し方が全体的に馴れ馴れしく、席につくやいなやドリンクのメニューの説明も一切ないままに、ワインのセットメニューがおすすめで、みなさんこれを頼まれていますとゴリ押し。そのセットの内容も、他のメニューもわからないまま、ものすごい圧に押されて頼みましたが、隣の紳士淑女のお客様もそのおすすめには圧倒されていたようです。ここはファミレスでしょうか? 私達は20代の若いカップルでしたので、バカにされていたのか、ワインを注ぐ量が隣の席よりも少なく、なおかつ、2杯目のワインが来た際に1杯目のワインがほんの少し残っていたことに対して「2杯目おつぎしますね、まだ残ってますけど(笑)」みたいなことを言われたのはほんの少し不愉快でした。確かに紳士淑女と言えるような客層ではないのかもしれませんが、この日はコースは1種類でお支払している額は他の席と同じで、特段迷惑をかけるようなマナー違反はしていないのに、扱いの差をうけるのは非常に不愉快でした。私達若者がどのように見えていたのかはともかくとしても、客によって態度を変えるようなお店は良い店ではないと思います。 ただ、おすすめのゴリ押しをされていたのは隣の紳士淑女も同様で、コースの途中にワインを飲み干してしまったことに対して、おかわりいかかですが?とほとんど注ぐポーズをとりながら、かつ笑いながらおすすめしていました。その方々も戸惑った雰囲気で顔を見合わせながらとりあえず頼んでいましたが、、、そのワインが追加料金なのかサービスなのか説明もなく、追加料金なら説明なく注いだことが不適切でしょうし、サービスなら同じ料金を払った私達との差が納得できません。 お料理は大変美しく、全体的に美味しく頂けましたが、特別美味しいと感じるものではありませんでした。クセのあるお味が多く、好みもあるかもしません。クリスマスコースは安かったのもあるので、正直なんとも言えませんが。 接客は上記のようにファミレスレベルでした。お料理はお値段に比してまぁまぁでした。店内の雰囲気は素敵なので、ご友人とラフに行かれるなら良いかと思いますが、上記の理由と隣の席との距離も近いということから、大切な日に行くのはやや博打なのではないかと思います。
Not recommended for anniversaries. I visited you at the 2021 Christmas course. I was a little disappointed with the food and customer service. First of all, is it because the customer service is a busy time of Christmas, or is it a part-time job? There are a few terrifying staff who have thought. The person who guided me when I entered the store was like a young student, and he forgot to keep the coat when he entered the store and received the coat in front of his seat. I thought it was a little terrifying, but it was disproportionate to the atmosphere of the store, and I thought it would be better to educate the store a little more than the staff themselves. What I was most dissatisfied with was that the female staff, who were a little older, were generally familiar with the way they spoke, and as soon as I got to my seat, I recommended the wine set menu without any explanation of the drink menu. If you do, push it. Without knowing the contents of the set or other menus, I was pushed by tremendous pressure and asked, but it seems that the gentlemen and ladies next door were also overwhelmed by the recommendation. Is this a family restaurant? We were a young couple in their twenties, so maybe they were ridiculed, they poured less wine than the seat next to them, and when the second glass came, the first glass was just It was a little unpleasant to be told something like "I'm going to give you a second cup, but I still have it (laughs)" for what was left a little. It may not be a customer base that can be said to be a gentleman or a lady, but on this day the amount paid for one type of course is the same as the other seats, and there is no etiquette violation that causes special inconvenience. It was very unpleasant to be treated differently even though I didn't. Regardless of what we young people looked like, I don't think a store that changes attitudes depending on the customer is a good store. However, the same thing was done for the ladies and gentlemen next door, who had been pushed the recommended way, and I wonder if it would be a refill for having drank wine in the middle of the course. I recommended it while taking a pose that almost poured and laughing. They also asked for it while looking at each other in a confused atmosphere, but there was no explanation as to whether the wine was an additional charge or a service, and if it was an additional charge, it would be inappropriate to pour it without explanation, and the service. Then I can't understand the difference with us who paid the same fee. The food was very beautiful and overall delicious, but I didn't find it particularly delicious. There are many quirky tastes, and you may have a taste. The Christmas course was cheap, so I can't say honestly. The customer service was at the family restaurant level as mentioned above. The food was ok compared to the price. The atmosphere inside the store is nice, so I think it would be nice if I could go rough with my friends, but because of the above reasons and the distance to the seat next to me, I think it's a bit of a gambling to go on an important day. think.
yusuke .m on Google

テイクアウト専用の、「フレンチ鍋」を頂きました。 調理も簡単で、家で本格フレンチが楽しめます! 種類もたくさんあるので、今度は違うフレンチ鍋を 食べたいと思います!^_^
I received a "French hot pot" exclusively for takeout. Cooking is easy and you can enjoy authentic French at home! There are many types, so this time I will try a different French pot. I want to eat! ^ _ ^
Yoshiko Sakano on Google


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