
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 馬刺しもつ鍋のつね

住所 :

Kamishizu, Sakura, 〒285-0846 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kamishizu, Sakura, 〒285-0846 Chiba,Japan
吉野弘子 on Google

7月26日3人で初めての来店(^-^) ご年配の方が注文と聞いてくれてその後お孫さんかな? 商品を運んでくれて.. その後 アジア系の店員が交代になりクーポン券を利用 そして会計 結果 サービスクーポン券の利用までもが代金に入っていて支払う 翌日気がつき連絡 サービス利用分のみ支払うので来店してください。と言われた クーポン券は746円分だったので来ないだろうと思われたのか? 又は酔っぱらいには会計してもわからないだろう と思われたのか クーポン券利用分のみ代金貰いに店に行ったが謝るだけで わざわざお越しくださってとかコメントなし 災厄な店だった 酒も食事も高いし美味しくないし会計がズサン二度と行かない
July 26, the first visit by three people (^-^) Elderly people asked me to order, and then maybe my grandchildren? Carry me the goods .. afterwards Asian clerk takes turns and uses coupons And accounting result Even the use of service coupons is included in the price and paid I noticed the next day and contacted Please come to the store as you only pay for the service usage. Was told Did you think that the coupon was 746 yen and wouldn't come? Or you won't know if you're drunk Did you think I went to the store to get the price only for the coupon ticket usage, but just apologize No comment or come all the way It was a miserable store Alcohol and food are expensive and not delicious, and accounting will never go again
JUN W on Google

この組み合わせ、最強です。 仕事帰りに一杯。 ツマミは「アレ下さい」でこれが出てきます! ご馳走様でした〜( ´Д`)=3 追伸 wi-fi入るそうです。
This combination is the strongest. A drink on the way home from work. The knob will come out with "Please do it"! It was a treat ~ (´Д `) = 3 PS It seems to enter wi-fi.
アサキム_今はアリリコ on Google

大将1人の時が多いから、注文から提供まで時間がかかるのが玉に瑕。でも出てくる料理はどれもこれもが超1級で、メチャクチャ美味い。とにかく美味い。胃袋が小さい事が悔やまれる。 値段は相応にするけれど、それでも行ってしまう。大好きです。
Since there are many times when there is only one general, it takes time from ordering to serving. However, all the dishes that come out are super first grade, and they are delicious. Anyway, it's delicious. I regret that my stomach is small. The price is reasonable, but it still goes. I love it.
ジョンソン on Google

馬肉専門かと思いきや、焼き鳥なども豊富にあり、勿論、馬刺しや馬肉の各部位の串焼きも最高! お店の雰囲気や店長の人柄も良くてとっても良かったです! また行きたいと思います!
I think that it is specialized in horse meat, there are plenty of yakitori, and of course, horse sashimi and skewers of each part of horse meat are also the best! The atmosphere of the store and the personality of the store manager were also very good! I think I want to go again!
月ちゃん on Google

3500円の馬刺し盛り合わせをテイクアウトしました。 色々な部位が入っており、綺麗な盛り付けでした。部位の名前が書いてあるシールを蓋にはっていて下さいました。 嬉しかったです。 マスター、感じの良い方でした。 今度はお店で食べたいです。 ご馳走さまでした。
I took out a horse sashimi platter for 3500 yen. It contained various parts and was a beautiful presentation. He put a sticker with the name of the part on the lid. I was happy. Master, he was a nice person. I want to eat at the store this time. It was a feast.
saiyan army 29号 on Google

Corona measures are taken properly. This is the first time a store has been given a mask case (keeping the mask you put on). The audience seats are partitioned by vinyl, and I'm impressed that the private stores are so thorough. Even after the customer returns, the shopkeeper keeps his seats wiped with alcohol. You're good at horse sashimi!
Heyah on Google

刺しが毎回解凍されずに出てきます 色も悪く、翌日お腹を壊しました 馬刺し好きなだけに残念です ソフトドリンクも1杯300円という破格設定。
The sashimi comes out without being thawed every time The color was bad and I broke my stomach the next day. I'm sorry because I like horse sashimi Soft drinks are also exceptionally set at 300 yen per cup.
貝瀬章史 on Google

馬肉をメインとした居酒屋さん。 馬刺しを中心に様々な馬肉を楽しむことができます。 馬肉の串盛りは珍しいですが、お肉にクセがなくサッパリしていました。 若干お酒が高いかな?という気がしましたが、料理は美味しく、普通に飲むには悪くなかったです。 カウンターと、4人席3つ?ぐらいだったと思うので、大人数向きではないかもしれません。
Tavern with a main focus on horse meat. You can enjoy various horse meat mainly on horse stabbing. Horse meat platter is unusual, but the meat was crispy without any peculiarities. Is it slightly expensive? I felt like that, but the food was delicious and not bad for normal drinking. Counter and 3 seats per 4 people? I think it was about, so it may not be suitable for a large number of people.

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