飛騨 大井屋

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 飛騨 大井屋

住所 :

Kamisannomachi, Takayama, 〒506-0846 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://hida-ooiya.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–5PM
街 : Gifu

Kamisannomachi, Takayama, 〒506-0846 Gifu,Japan
Lin Catherine on Google

In a lively street, a good place to relax and rest comfortably, the ice is delicious, full of layers, and 100% spiritual replenishment.
i fuj on Google

イチゴ大福、朴葉味噌まんじゅう、お抹茶をいただきました。 特にイチゴ大福は、大きくてジューシーなイチゴを使っていて、誰もが笑顔になれる味だと思います。オススメです。
I had strawberry daifuku, Hoba miso manju, and matcha. In particular, Strawberry Daifuku uses large and juicy strawberries, and I think it has a taste that makes everyone smile. I recommend it.
ぐっちあやこ on Google

It's the best time to see the autumn leaves. Immerse yourself in a relaxing time with retro buildings, interiors, furniture, etc. Needless to say, the bath is good hot water, and you will take it many times.
Take Ishimoto on Google

2020年11月3日訪問。 栗を使ったスイーツのお店。 栗きんとんと栗粉ソフトがオススメ。 現在コロナの影響で入店制限をしており、店内で食べるには1人1品以上買わないといけません。
Visited on November 3, 2020. A sweets shop using chestnuts. Kuri-kinton and chestnut flour soft are recommended. Currently, the store is restricted due to the influence of corona, and each person must buy one or more items to eat in the store.
みさ on Google

黒豆大福など持ち帰りで購入しました。 お餅が柔らかく黒豆も大粒で、とっても美味しかったです。 また高山に行ったら是非購入したいです。 併設のカフェも居心地良さそうでした。 店員さんの女性も感じが良かったです。
I bought black soybeans such as Daifuku as a takeaway. The mochi was soft and the black beans were large, and it was very delicious. If you go to Takayama again, I definitely want to buy it. The cafe on the premises also looked cozy. The female clerk also felt good.
sweet bread on Google

看板が出ていたので、あぶらえ餅だけ買いました。 162円(税込)しか買ってないのに、女性スタッフさんが丁寧に対応してくださいました。 チアシードみたいなプチプチ食感で面白い!
There was a signboard, so I bought only the oil mochi. Even though I bought only 162 yen (tax included), the female staff responded politely. Interesting with a bubble wrap texture like chia seeds!
Grace T on Google

Authentic Jap sweets
Miffy Hiddleston on Google

Tastes so delicious, a great place to have a good dessert and resting?

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