Kamionzaki Shrine - Sakurai

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kamionzaki Shrine

住所 :

558 Chihara, Sakurai, Nara 633-0073, Japan

Postal code : 633-0073

558 Chihara, Sakurai, Nara 633-0073, Japan
和田光司 on Google

折り紙 on Google

It's quite far from Oomiwa Shrine, but it's also in such a place. ..
kavi 3129 on Google

御祭神 / 倭迹迹日百襲姫命(やまとととひももそひめのみこと) 大神神社の境内末社で、後ろに見えるのが三輪山。住宅街にポツリとある神社でした。
Festival God / Hatsuhito Hyakumei Himezomi Miwayama is behind the shrine at Ogami Shrine. It was a shrine with a pot in a residential area.
k kiriise on Google

In fact, it may be the space where you can feel the love at Ogami Shrine
You Sierra on Google

住宅に囲まれた小さなお社ですが、三輪山が綺麗に望めます。 御祭神は三輪山の神様、大物主の奥さんになるはずだった百襲姫。 三輪の神様が巳さんと呼ばれる由来の神話に登場する方です。
Although it is a small company surrounded by houses, you can see Mt. Miwa beautifully. The god of ritual is the god of Mt. Miwa, the princess who was supposed to be the wife of the big lord. The god of Miwa is a person who appears in the myth of origin called Mr. Min.
カツ一植田 on Google

町並みの中にポツンとありました。 お社の後ろの山並みが、見渡せて印象的でした。場所的に名の如く「神の御前」なのかな。家庭円満。諸願成就。町並み散策と合わせてお詣りください。
There was a pop in the streets. The mountains behind the shrine were impressive overlooking. I wonder if it is "in front of God" as the name suggests. Home is happy. Fulfillment of various wishes. Please take a walk along with the townscape.
Chan NU on Google

神御前神社 御祭神:やまとととももひめのそみこと 御由緒 :ご祭神は第七代孝霊天皇の皇女で大物主大神の神託を受けられる巫女として崇神天皇のまつりごとを助けられました。後に大物主大神の妃となられ 三輪山上婚説話によるこの神社の西方に位置する箸墓に鎮まるとされています。また 鎮座地の茅原は崇神天皇が百官を率いて八百万神 を祀った「神浅茅原」の地とも言われ 三輪山を拝む 好適地です 毎年元旦に執り行われる本社の繞道祭 (御神火祭)が八社めぐりとして行われた江戸時代 にはこの社に御幣を奉り祭儀が納められました。 明治十年には大神神社の摂社に指定され 家庭円満 諸願成就の信仰が篤い社であります。
Kamionzaki Shrine Saijin: Yamato and Momohime no Somikoto History: The god of worship was the princess of the 7th Emperor Korei and was saved by the Emperor Sujin as a shrine maiden who received the oracle of the great lord Oomiwa. Later, he became the princess of Omononushi, and is said to be settled in the chopstick grave located to the west of this shrine according to the tale of Miwa Yamagami. In addition, Kayahara, the enshrined place, is said to be the place of "Kamiasa Kayahara" where Emperor Sujin led a hundred officials and worshiped Mt. Miwa. During the Edo period, when the Shinki Festival was held as a tour of eight shrines, a ritual was paid to this shrine. In the 10th year of the Meiji era, it was designated as a shrine of Oomiwa Shrine, and it is a company with a strong belief in fulfilling various wishes for a healthy family.
雲外蒼天123 on Google

神御前神社(かみのごぜんじんじゃ) 御祭神 倭迹迹日百襲姫命(やまとととひももそひめのみこと) 社の向こうに三輪山が見えます。姫はこちらで三輪山の神を拝んでいたのでしょう。
Kamionzaki Shrine Saijin Yamatotohimomosohime no Mikoto You can see Mt. Miwa over the company. The princess would have worshiped the god of Miwayama here.

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