Haraedo Shrine - Sakurai

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Haraedo Shrine

住所 :

Miwa, Sakurai, Nara 633-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 633-0001
Webサイト : http://oomiwa.or.jp/keidaimap/

Miwa, Sakurai, Nara 633-0001, Japan
kavi 3129 on Google

It's not easy to know, but it seems that the original order of worship is to visit here before you go to Ojin Shrine.
畑津吉則 on Google

家内の提案で大神神社を参拝。 日々の夫婦円満と互いの健康祈願をしに来ました。とても清々しい場所でした。
Visit Ojin Shrine at home with suggestions. I came here to pray for my husband and wife and the good health of each other. It was a very clean place.
苺十六夜 on Google

(18/05/29) 参拝しました。 御祭神 瀬織津姫神(せおりつひめのかみ) 速秋津姫神(はやあきつひめのかみ) 気吹戸主神(いぶきどぬしのかみ) 速佐須良姫神(はやさすらひめのかみ) 諸々の罪・穢れを祓う神様ですので最初に参拝し心身を清めます。
(18/05/29) I worshiped. Deity Seoritsu Himegami Hayaakitsu Himegami (Hayaaki Himekami no Kami) Ibukidunoshinokami Hirasashi Hayasura (Hayasura Himekami) Since he is a god who worships all kinds of sins and apologies, he worships first and purifies the mind and body.
H. Nishikawa on Google

It is your company for visiting to purify yourself before you visit.
n fairy on Google

知らず知らずに犯した罪を悔い改めて祈る神社です。本社のお参りの前に行く社です。 他の神社でも見かけます。
It is a shrine that repents and prays for sins committed without knowing it. It is a company that goes before visiting the head office. You can also see it at other shrines.
Take O on Google

知人が言うには祝詞に出てくる神様だぁ~とテンション上がっておりました。 私も初めてお参りする神社で、東海地方ではほとんどありません。
My acquaintance said that he was the god who appears in the congratulatory words. This is the first shrine I visit, and it is rare in the Tokai region.
じゃがいもカレー on Google

若い可愛い女の子達二人もお祓いしていた 私は間違いなくお祓いしないと‥ 次回来たときは、先に手を合わせたい
Two young pretty girls were also purifying. I must definitely purify. The next time I come, I want to join hands.
夕加里yukari on Google

Immediately after entering Oomiwa Shrine, Seoritsuhime is enshrined.

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